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HAS design and research:曼谷InJoy白雪酒店(InJoy Snow Hotel Bangkok)有着美丽的背景,业主是一位拥有泰国和法国的跨文化背景人士,在巴黎居住多年。她喜爱法国的气候和地理环境,并期待在曼谷建造一家酒店,通过使用可持续性的理念,最大限度地恢复建筑中的自然元素,让来者感觉自己置身于法国的雪景中。Hung And Songkittipakdee(HAS)延续了泰法业主对自然的期望,设计以独特的“泰国雪”理念,串连起整个建筑空间与景观场域,并结合场地的微气候特点,塑造一处脱离繁杂城市的心灵安养之所。

HAS design and research : InJoy Snow Hotel Bangkok comes from a beautiful background. The owner is a Thai-French who has lived in Paris for many years. She loves the climate and geography of France and looks forward to building a hotel in Bangkok that feels like being in a French snow scene by using the idea of sustainability to maximize the restoration of natural elements in architecture. Hung And Songkittipakdee (HAS) carries on the Thai-French owner’s expectations of nature. The design uses the unique approach “Thai Snow” to connect the entire architectural space and landscape field, and combines the microclimate characteristics of the site to create a place that is free from the cluttered city and a sanctuary for the soul.


▽折叠穿孔铝板创造了独特的通透空间 The folding perforated aluminum panels create a unique transparency space

©Panoramic Studio

▽半透明屏幕隔绝了外界的嘈杂环境 The screen isolated the externally noisy environment

©Panoramic Studio



When visitors approach the architecture, the design features continuous folding perforated aluminum panels that cleverly isolate the external cluttered environment while maximizing the opening numbers of perforated panels, visually presenting a hazy architectural beauty reminiscent of natural morning fog. Hundreds of undulating perforated aluminum panels not only add human scale to Bangkok’s street level, but also filter excess sunlight and introduce local monsoons, creating a refreshing and pleasant atmosphere for the interior space.


▽设计概念 Concept diagram

©HAS design and research

▽设计草图 First sketch

©HAS design and research

▽爆炸轴测图 Exploded axonometric diagram

©HAS design and research

▽穿孔铝板的透明度研究 The transparency study of perforated aluminum panels

©HAS design and research

▽透明的屏幕为环境的适应性再利用提供了一种新的可能性 The transparency screen gives adaptive reuse a new possibility with the surroundings

©Panoramic Studio

▽建筑物漂浮在穿孔铝板之上 The building was floating above the perforated aluminum panels

©Panoramic Studio

▽各种锯齿状穿孔铝板的灵感来自城市屋顶 The variety of serrated perforated aluminum panels inspired by urban roofs

©Panoramic Studio



The continuous folding perforated aluminum panels on the facade are transformed into soft and swaying threads in the foyer, cleverly transitioning between inside and outside spaces, and visually creating a perception reminiscent of natural snowflakes. Nearly a thousand undulating threads not only connect the upper and lower floors in the vertical direction, but also separate and link various spaces in the horizontal direction. The effects of the rich and uncertain threads become a highlight of the experience.


▽屏幕不仅创造了一种新的视觉效果,还将自然风引入室内 The screen not only creates a new visual effect but also guides the wind into the interior space for a biosystem 

©Panoramic Studio

▽可移动的穿孔铝板创造了无边界和趣味空间 The moveable perforated aluminum panels create a borderless and lively space

©Panoramic Studio

▽内部线条巧妙地连接和翻转外部屏幕,形成自然而然的过渡 The internal living hub artfully connects and flips the external screen

©Panoramic Studio

▽轻柔的白色线条连接了上层和下层空间 The living hub links the upper and lower floors

©Panoramic Studio

▽令人印象深刻的起伏线连接着开放的空间 The impressive undulating threads connect the open-to-below space

©Panoramic Studio

▽设计使用独特的泰国雪来连接整个空间 The design uses the unique Thai Snow to connect the entire space

©Panoramic Studio

▽营造开敞通透的空间氛围 The living hub shows transparency and brightness

©HAS design and research

▽起伏的线条模糊了室内外空间的界限 Undulating threads blur the boundary between interior and exterior space

©Panoramic Studio


在每个房间单元,HAS Design and Research建筑事务所采用多种织物密度,以实现不同程度的视觉渗透,响应自然光线。为了最大限度地实现“季节性空间”的概念,可移动的织物不仅分隔了静态和动态空间,而且可以根据天气情况进行打开和关闭。当地的石头和植物创造了独特的景观体验,在竹林的尽头,一个雾气SPA隐藏在可移动的透光织物中。

In each guest room, HAS Design and Research employs a variety of fabric densities to achieve varying visual permeability in response to natural sunlight.  To maximize the “Seasonal Room” concept, the moveable fabric not only separates static and dynamic spaces, but also opens and closes based on weather. The local stone and plants create a unique landscape experience, and a mist SPA is hidden in the moveable light-transmitting fabrics at the end of the bamboo forest.


▽织物密度达到不同的视觉渗透性,以响应自然阳光 The fabric densities to achieve varying visual permeability in response to natural sunlight

©Panoramic Studio

▽独特的客房提供难忘的居住体验 The unique guest room provides an unforgettable living experience

©Panoramic Studio

▽户外雾浴空间入口 The approach to the outdoor mist spa

©HAS design and research

▽被竹林和薄雾包围的洗浴空间 The mist spa was embraced by a bamboo forest

©Panoramic Studio



InJoy Snow Hotel Bangkok takes sustainability as its philosophy, and the result is a distinctive new vernacular architecture. The perforated aluminum panels, which can introduce natural wind convection from the outside. The threads, which can block the western sun while maintaining visual transparency, and the movable fabric allows for a variety of guest room layouts. The building not only provides a respite from Bangkok’s dense urban environment, but its snow-ness concept contrasts with the surrounding environment, bringing visitors spiritual tranquility and ritual.


▽酒店模型 Physical study model

©HAS design and research

▽总平面图 Site plan

©HAS design and research

▽首层平面图 First floor plan

©HAS design and research

▽屋顶平面 Roof plan

©HAS design and research

▽南立面 South elevation

©HAS design and research

▽剖面图 Section

©HAS design and research




建筑公司:HAS design and research建筑事务所
设计团队:洪人杰(Jenchieh Hung)、Kulthida Songkittipakdee、Jiaqi Han、Tapanee Laddahom
照明设计:Jenna Tsailin Liu、LUNDI
摄影版权:Panoramic Studio

Project name: InJoy Snow Hotel Bangkok
Completion year: 2023
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Architecture firm: HAS design and research
Website: www.hasdesignandresearch.com
Contact email: hascontact@yahoo.com
Design team: Jenchieh Hung, Kulthida Songkittipakdee, Jiaqi Han, Tapanee Laddahom
Lighting design: Jenna Tsailin Liu, LUNDI
Lighting product: Philips, Lumencraft, L&E
Façade constructor: Alufence
Site area: 200 sq.m.
Gross built area: 150 sq.m.
Photo credit: Panoramic Studio




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