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上景设计: LONG街是一场城市生态可持续的实践,将低效能的道路重新评估,转化成市民能参与的公共绿地。也是让这个片区注入更多城市活力的实践,用弹性开放的空间拥抱未来更多的多样性。一条感性的红线给城市带来温暖的色彩。未来它不仅是为回龙观片区提供了更积极的城市开放空间,也服务于整个北京的城市及公园商业复合的公共场景。

TOPSCAPE: LONG Street is an urban ecologically sustainable practice that reevaluates inefficient roads and transforms them into public green Spaces that citizens can participate in. It is also a practice to inject more urban vitality into this area and embrace more diversity in the future with flexible and open space. A sensual red line brings warm colors to the city. In the future, it will not only provide a more active urban open space for Huilongguan District, but also serve the public scene of the city and park business complex in the whole Beijing


▽更新后的城市街景 The updated urban street scene


LONG街城市更新项目作为北京市昌平区“回天计划”的样板示范段,对于回龙观、天通苑地区承载着重要的城市复兴助燃剂的作用。道路现状为双向四车道+非机动车道的市政道路,在对交通规划经过多轮尝试和论证后,最终明确了“化道路为公园” 的整体设计策略。

LONG Street urban renewal project, as a demonstration section of the “Sky Recovery Plan” in Changing District of Beijing, plays an important role as an accelerant for urban rejuvenation in Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan areas. The current situation of the road is bidirectional four-lane + non-motorized lane of the municipal road, after many rounds of traffic planning attempts and demonstration, the overall design strategy of “turning the road into a park” was finally clarified.


▽原建筑为廉租公寓,由数座四层建筑组成街区,一条城市道路穿过地块 The original building was a low-rent apartment, consisting of several four-story buildings forming a block, with a city road running through the plot

▽平面布局分析 Plane layout analysis




LONG Street aims to create an open space that integrates with commercial offices, transportation facilities, and the surrounding community to allow people to meet freely and promote the vitality and diversity of the community space. An engaging experience can be enjoyed at any time of the year.

As expected, LONG Street received 210,000 visitors on the opening day. We are delighted with people’s love for LONG Street, and because of the city’s love for LONG Street, LONG Street won the honor of “the most beautiful Street in Beijing and was shortlisted for the Best Practice of Urban Renewal in Beijing. It is the affirmation of this urban practice, and it also makes us have a deeper understanding and reflection on the impact of commercial space mapping urban renewal. The presentation of design is often just the guide of space, and the feedback of visitors’ activities can deeply reflect the real urban value of landscape.


▽昭示性形象LOGO Declarative image LOGO


城市开放空间对人活动的影响 The influence of urban open space on people’s activities


A road is the memory of a city, and commercial blocks, as the bearing center of regional cultural connotation, can directly reflect the appearance of urban life and cultural prosperity. LONG Street, with a total length of about 650 meters, is composed of three parts: commercial, office and central shared garden. The design hopes that LONG Street will continue its ecological background while taking into account commercial vitality, creating a regional landmark with multi-level experience for Huitian District.


▽场地空间分析 Site space analysis


▽南北设立两个(3100㎡)广场空间,可容纳千人的城市活动,这里成为社区活力的源泉,全天候的运营活动吸引着人们在此停留、驻足 Two (3100㎡) square Spaces will be set up in the north and south to accommodate urban events of 1,000 people, which will become a source of community vitality and attract people to stay and stay in the area with round-the-clock operation activities

▽针对年轻客群的消费活动 Cconsuming activities targeted at young customer

▽为空间注入烟火气 Inject fireworks into the space



The south zone is the core area of vitality, and the entrance is both a display interface and an open activity square. The 50-meter street width opens up the possibility to inject more landscape functions. The aim here is to create a strong center of activity. The landscape provides an opening Open square space, intimate interaction with water and suitable seating areas. The stage for socializing is then returned to the visitors so that wonderful stories can occur naturally.


▽开放的活动广场空间 Open event square space



There are several open squares interspersed between the central commercial street, so that visitors can not only get close to the natural environment experience in the whole play environment, but also participate in a wealth of urban activities.


▽蓝色系的半开放式活力运动场 Semi-open dynamic sports field in blue



On and under the bridge, a number of miniature landscape Spaces are built, such as stands, sculptures of Internet celebrities, miniature science popularization areas, natural rest areas, etc., linking and supplementing the functions of the ground space, while building it into a bearing place for enjoying the urban three-dimensional space, forming a continuous and flexible shared space.


▽丰富的高差构成多个飞行空间 The rich height derrefence constitutes multiple filight area

▽立体的城市景观空间 Three-dimension urban landscape area

▽既是通行空间也是赏景休憩的平台 It is not only a pedestrian space but also a platform to enjoy the scenery

▽变身低幼宝宝的爬行空间 It turns to a crawling space for toddlers

▽桥下可以衍生许多灵活的共享空间 Many flexible shared spaces can be created under the bridge



The north office area as a whole creates an ecological and natural texture. When LONG Street opens, the office area has not yet been completed. We expect that the visitors in the North District will not be as many as those in the South District.


▽原本为了生态设置的可排水生态栈道成了休息纳凉的地方 Originally set for the ecology of the drainage ecological boardwalk has become a place to rest and cool

▽生态草甸成了孩子们跑跳的场地 The ecological meadow became a playground for children
to run and jump

▽访客自发的形成活动场所的使用导则,使空间更加生动有趣 Visitors spontaneously form the guidelines for the use of the activity place, making the space more lively and interesting


立体漫行系统改变人的通行习惯 The three-dimensional walking system changes people’s habits


More than 1 million people can be reached within a 25-minute drive of the LONG Street project. When planting commercial blocks in areas with high population density, the most important thing is to sort out the needs of the surrounding traffic network. The road system in the Huitian area is relatively perfect, and the closure of the road section in this case will not create a burden on the regional traffic network. Therefore, the landscape tries to re-imagine a more public and open space on the basis of the original planning, which is convenient to reach from the outside and swim in the inside.


▽场地动线分析 Site dynamic line analysis



Set up a multi-level three-dimensional walking system, visitors’ space experience on the ground, On the bridge, in the air, in the corridor, so that leisure viewing and shopping sightseeing can be In an organic combination.


▽相较于快速便捷的自动扶梯,访客更倾向于自由多样的漫行景观桥Compared with the fast and convenient escalators, visitors are more inclined to the free and diverse walking landscape bridge



The bridge that passes horizontally between buildings and the bridge that walks lengthwise through the landscape interlace each other, stitching the architectural and landscape places. The extensive pedestrian system links rich scenes such as commerce, activity fields, car lanes and green islands, establishes three-dimensional and microscopic spatial structures, and constantly promotes the opening, sharing and integration of landscape Spaces to create more vitality.


▽是桥梁也是城市风景最佳观赏点 It a bridge but also the best viewing point of the landscape of the city

▽桥下的休闲共享空间 Leisure shared space under the bridge



The conceptual elements of “dragon” are extracted to strengthen the site memory points and topicality, and extend them into the functional space of the site to form continuous scene memory points.


▽设计元素的提取与演绎 Extraction and deduction of design elements

▽元素的运用 Application of elements

▽亮起的龙鳞 The shining scales of the dragon

▽回龙观片区在地文化的回应 The response of Huilongguan film area to local culture


生态的土地质感 Ecological land texture


Modern urban commercial green space is not only a single greening, but also a continuation of life without isolation. We hope that the urban green space of LONG Street can be a place that can carry the texture of its land. Because of the different land properties in the southern district and the northern district, the ways of presenting green plants are also different.


▽植物设计 Plant design



Plants in the southern area are the main props and background colors of the scene, which are dominated by hedges and shrubs, and the fluctuation and change of interface levels, and also construct different settlement scenes. Under the guidance of the characteristic red paving, the intersection and evacuation of the block roads lead visitors to explore various interesting experiences


▽不同形式的植物有不同功能:围合(绿篱)、安全(花箱)、展示(花境)Different forms of plants have different functions: enclosure (hedge), security (flower box), display (flower border)



The North District is expected to present an ecological social environment because of its office attributes and landscape. Rainwater filtering gardens are built between blocks, a green space of 4500m is designed with an average depth of 300mm, and an ecological retention area is set on one side of the driveway. The sustainable drainage system can purify the pollution caused by vehicle emissions to the water body, and the changes created by plants will bring a more intimate space atmosphere to the city.


▽生态结构 Ecological structure


▽生态栈道 Ecological Trestle Road



The characteristic plank road combined with grass blanket creates a green leisure core in the north district. The interesting undulating grass blanket is both a vivid landscape and a space for visitors to interact with nature.




The walkway adopts permeable red metal mesh, which not only makes the space more transparent and ecological, but also adds a strong artistic texture.




A series of elastic fields, multi-scene Spaces, as the future is known and chosen by more people, new activity needs will continue to emerge, and many behaviors should be spontaneous rather than set. It is also these behaviors that make us have greater confidence and expectations for the future of The Dragon Street. The Dragon Street is an urban experiment to inject commercial vitality in an ecologically sustainable field. We hope that it will continue to bring natural nutrients and fresh urban memories to the land.




项目地点:北京市 昌平区
设计团队:芦冰 刘洋 王譞 王林 李敏娜 王楠楠 乔丽平 肖天艳 苏鑫月 付会娟 李宁 郑丽娜 李根
合作方: (建筑单位、施工单位等)正象设计
摄影师: 须然建筑摄影 邬涛

Project Name: Beijing SHOKAI LONG Street Urban Renewal Project
Completion year: 2023
Project area: 62700 square meters
Project location: Changping District, Beijing
Design company: TOPSCAPE (Beijing) Landscape Planning and Design Co., Ltd
Company website: www.topscape.com.cn
Contact email: business@topscape.com.cn
Lead designer: Lu Yuan
Design team: Lu Bing, Liu Yang, Wang Yan, Wang Lin, Li Minna, Wang Nannan, Qiao Liping, Xiao Tianyan, Su Xinyue, Fu Huijuan, Li Ning, Zheng Lina, Li Gen
Customer: Beijing Capital Development Co., Ltd
Collaborator: (construction unit, construction unit, etc.) ZEN design
Photographer: XURAN Architectural Photography Wu Tao




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