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Thanks Studio Seilern Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Studio Seilern Architects.
Studio Seilern Architects:该别墅位于希腊的帕罗斯岛屿上,是一座结合传统设计与现代表现手法的私人住宅。项目中,泳池以及精心设计的户外空间赋予了建筑纯净、优雅的视觉感受。
Studio Seilern Architects:The Paros Residence is a stunning private home located on one of Greece’s exclusive islands. With it’s traditional design blended with a contemporary approach, the house also features a swimming pool and crafted outdoor space.
Rising above an olive grove on the serene west side of Paros, this private residence is centred on the setting of the August sun. The solar axis is described by a linear path that terminates at a negative-edge pool cantilevering into the Aegean blue. This linearity is mirrored by the adjacent pergola – a gently undulating wave of bamboo punctured by a single oculus that brings light onto a chiselled marble poolside lounge.
Around this end of the pool, the built volumes touch gently upon the earth on overlapping terrazzo slabs, which ‘float’ above the soil. The airy sensation culminates around the pool. Clad in rustic mirrors, the inset base reflects the Mediterranean landscape and transforms the pool into yet another floating slab.
Just as the built elements are placed gently on the site, the material richness of the building is derived subtly by means of texture. Beyond the traditional white and stone walls, the materiality is augmented by Greek marble and terrazzo. The simplicity of these raw materials is the key to the intricacy of the project.
The size of the stone aggregate displays calculated variation between different terrazzo surfaces, creating a subtle but vital gradation. The windows are framed by a densely hammered Aliveri marble, inspired by the decorative stone surround that marks the entrance of Parian churches, while counters and benches feature sandblasted and chiselled stone. These careful adjustments provide complexity without overloading the site, allowing the magic of the landscape to imbue the house with the unique energy for which we build by the seaside.
▽首层平面图 First Floor Plan
▽平面图 Ground Plan
▽低层平面图 Lower Ground Plan
▽屋顶平面图 Roof Plan
▽剖面图 Section
项目名称:Paros Residence
项目地点:希腊 帕罗斯市Makria Myti
建筑事务所:Studio Seilern Architects
首席建筑师:Christina Seilern
设计团队:Aris Minaretzis、Tasos Theodorakakis、Thomi Steliou
合作者:ParosTec(总承包商)、KYMA(结构工程)、TEKEM(机械工程)、E Landscape(景观设计)、IFI Group(照明顾问)
图片来源:Louisa Nikolaidou
Project Name: Paros Residence
Completion Year: 2021
Scale: Private Residence
Project Location: Makria Myti, Paros, Greece
Architecture Firm: Studio Seilern Architects
Website: studioseilern.com
Contact e-mail: ssa@camronglobal.com
Lead Architects: Christina Seilern
Design Team: Aris Minaretzis, Tasos Theodorakakis, Thomi Steliou
Collaborators: ParosTec (General Contractor), KYMA (Structural Engineer), TEKEM (Mechanical Engineer), E Landscape (Landscape Architect), IFI Group (Lighting Consultant)
Photo Credits: Louisa Nikolaidou
Photographer’s Website: louisanikolaidou.com
“ 一座结合传统设计与现代表现手法的海岛私人别墅。”
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