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本色营造区域定位升级带来城市公共空间革新  PROJECT BACKGROUND


Instinct Fabrication:Songshan Lake is famous for 5400-acre natural landscape with meandering lakes and topography. Since HUAWEI set up its headquarter here in 2013, the area has become a largecampus for high-tech companies, laboratories, and colleges, like Silicon Valley. The most of original development only incorporated streets, parking and vegetation.The lack of occupiable quality space and its damaged ecology mismatched the growingcommunity as more residents and workers settled in around the lake in recent years.In 2020 the client-Songshan Lake Management Committee decided to redevelop the public realm of the area, by revitalizing a 86.5-acre site on the northeast corner of the lake.The site includes a dense population, office buildings, residential towers, retail shops, outdated infrastructures, messy vegetation, and segmented water bodies.





The design intervention prioritized the restoration of ecology while subtly integrating amenities such as playgrounds, greenways, and social spaces, with minimal interference to theexisting uses and the original site conditions.



构建多样丰富的公共空间体系 Build a diverse and rich public space system


The second phase of Songshan Lake Public Realm takes both sides of Qinyuan Road as the east-west axis, runs through the central urban area, and forms a space framework crossing with Libin Road. The east-west corridor is closely connected to the city, where the land use attributes and living distribution along the line are more diversified. From sports and entertainment, to scientific research and office, to residential vacation, it is the urban corridor with the most dense and interlaced pedestrian flow.


▽改造前空间原貌 Photos Prior to

▽改造后城市空间体系框架 New Framework of Public Realm



The promotion focuses on the overall improvement of the public space on both sides of Qinyuan Road, the functional renewal between the groups, and the ecological and accessibility reshaping of the waterfront boundary.


▽多元韧性公共空间体系原型 Diverse Public Space Types

▽改造后空间效果 After the Renovation


活力水岸 | 让水岸重回人的视线和生活 Reintroduce the Lakefront with accessibility and views


The lakeside revetment on the east side of the project, but this area was not accessible by fences for a long time before renovation. It is almost impossible to sense the existence of the lake from sidewalks. The reconstructed lakefront creates depth of view to the lake with a few shaded platform by the lake . The existing trees and rocks on the bank are preserved. The water quality of the lake is also purified by planting more aquatic and photoremediated species on the lake edge.




The lakeside revetment on the east side of the project, but this area was not accessible by fences for a long time before renovation. It is almost impossible to sense the existence of the lake from sidewalks. The reconstructed lakefront creates depth of view to the lake with a few shaded platform by the lake . The existing trees and rocks on the bank are preserved. The water quality of the lake is also purified by planting more aquatic and photoremediated species on the lake edge.




The lakeside revetment on the east side of the project, but this area was not accessible by fences for a long time before renovation. It is almost impossible to sense the existence of the lake from sidewalks. The reconstructed lakefront creates depth of view to the lake with a few shaded platform by the lake . The existing trees and rocks on the bank are preserved. The water quality of the lake is also purified by planting more aquatic and photoremediated species on the lake edge.



街心公园 | 连接聚合的弹性空间  Reconfigured space for recreation and leisure



The lakefront on the south and east section of the site is redesigned with a series of occupiable places. The pocket spaces are intertwined and provide engaging experiencesincluding interactive fountains, playable streams, kids’ playgrounds, and comfortable seating, which allow a diverse group of users to interact. The new lakefront grand lawn hasbecome a hub to gather, access nature, and host community events.



围绕场地的原有大树,塑造趣味且简洁的休息空间,原本作为车行道行道树的四颗大树转换角色成为场地的主角,温润的水磨石座凳将会成为假日景区入口的社交汇合点(meeting point)。

The lakefront on the south and east section of the site is redesigned with a series of occupiable places. The pocket spaces are intertwined and provide engaging experiencesincluding interactive fountains, playable streams, kids’ playgrounds, and comfortable seating, which allow a diverse group of users to interact. The new lakefront grand lawn hasbecome a hub to gather, access nature, and host community events.




One end of the central lawn rises slightly to form a curved drop, which can touch the water feature to provide new vitality and viscosity to the site, while spatially breaking up and diverting the often dense pedestrian flow.



涟漪花园 | 层层过度的口袋空间 Garden of Ripples | layers of excessive pocket space


The undulating terrain guides the flow of people from the bus station into the visitor center area, which is surrounded by a delicate garden that has been transformed into a visitor service center and parking lot on the north shore of Songshan Lake, but has been abandoned as a negative space for no one to use.




The terrain and vegetation provide sufficient greenery for the vehicles, and also block the noise for the tourists who rest inside. Along the direction of walking, the vegetation and the rest platform are scattered at different levels, and the clear orientation is convenient for people to reach the destination as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the garden becomes a space for the people waiting for rest to choose to stop and play



亲子乐园 | 家门口的儿童友好 Kids friendly at | Child friendly at the door



A vacant lot adjacent to the residential area and commercial center has been renovated as a community playground. With increasing family vibes in Songshan Lake Community, the playground also helps create revenue opportunities and growth points, emphasizing social equality and equal public attention for both low-income and high-income people.

The playground is fully covered by the trees, rich terrain and natural atmosphere of the space, to meet the nature of children of different ages, as well as the needs of parents to care for social.



慢行绿廊 | 低碳舒适的漫游体验 Integrated Greenway System


The original circulation within the site mixed vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic, causing conflicts dominated by high-speed traffic. The new permeable greenway consists of jogging path and bike lane, which not only separates bicycles and pedestrians from vehicular lanes, but it also allows full use of the natural landscape while accommodating increased parking space.



让生态重回松山湖 Re-establish Ecosystem around the Lake


The previous fragmented water bodies resulted in putrid conditions and small flooding events. The strategy is to reconnect and restore these water bodies for water sustainability. A 12-acre water system including wetlands, retention ponds, and swales was aimed to remediate water quality while mitigating seasonal flooding. The system channels runoff from buildings and impervious surfaces to the lakeshore. These efforts also make animals like fish, lizards, frogs, and birds re-appear around the site.





After this project, several other initiatives have been identified and planned to connect scattered urban fabrics. Besides adopting the successful experience and strategies, the restoration efforts will focus on affordable housing opportunities for 36,200 low-income families, and an additional 75-mile greenway to connect communities around the lake. Once completed, the area will become 1335 acres of a fully nature-integrated urban district with regional connectivity, inclusive communities, and ecological sensitivity.




业 主 方:东莞市松山湖高新技术产业园区管理委员会
代 建 方:华润置地深圳大区东莞片区公司
景观设计:Instinct Fabrication 本色营造
景观摄影: 三棱镜建筑景观摄影

Project Name:Songshan Lake Public Realm Renovation
Project Location:North Shore of the Songshan Lake, Dongguan, Guangdong
Project Scope:86.5 Acres
Client:Songshan Lake Hi-Tech Industrial Park Management Committee
Project Operation:CRLand Dongguan
Landscape Design:Instinct Fabrication, Inc
Construction Documents:Dongda, Shenzhen
Construction Contractor:Shenzhen Guoyi
Photograhy: Prisma Photography




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