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Thanks BDSD Boundless Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by BDSD Boundless Design.



BDSD Boundless Design: The Wildness Promenade is located in Zone C of the Wild Island Cultural & Life Community. The predecessor of the community was the Dongjiang Wine Factory built in 1951. On the basis of retaining the original 18 building groups and the landscape texture, it has gradually become the most vibrant cultural community in Huizhou since the renovation started in 2019. The story of BDSD Boundless Design and Wild Island began in 2021. We created a bookstore, Ueno Bookstore. In 2022, we once again completed the renewal of the public garden of Wild Island, and in 2024, we carried out the renovation of the Zone C of Wild Island.


▽“保留”是对历史建筑改造最好的设计表达,在对老建筑进行保护性修复的同时,用新旧交错的方式延续场地精神和氛围 ©林绿

▽项目区位图 ©BDSD吾界设计

▽三次改造项目分布图 ©BDSD吾界设计

▽项目改造前 ©BDSD吾界设计





Take “Wildness Promenade” as the theme of this renovation, we continue the spirit and atmosphere of the site in a way that interweaves the old with the new, and creates brand-new memory points with new structures, allowing people to experience the collision and integration of the new and the old as they walk through. It links landscapes, promenades, squares and buildings in the three dimensions of points, lines and surfaces, creating open spaces of different scales and realizing rich horizontal and vertical layers .


▽野岛所处的桥东半岛,正是旧城区和新城区共存之地 ©林绿

▽持续的、微小的、碎片式的更新可以让整个工业遗存逐渐焕发生机,从中看到场域的生长性 ©林绿

▽人们在穿行中感受新与旧的碰撞与融合 ©林绿



Corridors: Construct Smooth Circulation Lines



The old factory buildings from over 70 years ago are rugged and imposing. The remaining structures stand independently, lacking a systematic layout. To integrate the architecture with commercial spaces and create a sense of enjoyment in wandering, it’s essential to bridge the fragmented feel of the existing site. On one hand, we must consider the original architectural conditions; on the other, we need to bridge the gap between the old buildings and new application scenarios.

Preservation is the best design expression for the renovation of historical buildings. To avoid unnecessary demolition and modification, we have reorganized the circulation lines, connecting the spaces with lightweight skybridges and stairs, bringing a smooth overall experience. It expands the single wandering function on the circulation lines, optimizes the accessibility of the second-floor, and combines the protection and innovation of the old buildings.


▽在新与旧之间构建起流畅的动线 ©林绿



Steps: Delicate Remodeling on a Micro Scale


Before the renovation, the side of Zone C close to the park’s exit was unattractive, and few visitors would enter the entire park through it. BDSD Boundless Design hopes that through the renovation of the exit, the buildings can be integrated with the pedestrian paths, and be connected in series. This will not only enrich the park visiting experience but also attract visitors to come and take pictures. The open function serves as both a passageway and a stepped plaza, meeting the needs of celebrations during holidays. When stepping onto the steps, the open roads among the buildings are connected with the iconic old chimney on the axis.


▽改造后的入口,与标志性的老烟囱相连接 ©林绿

▽将几栋建筑串联在一起,让建筑与行人通道一体化,丰富游园体验 ©林绿



Wildness: The Ruggedness of Nature


The designer hopes to present the charm of nature invisibly. By preserving the original tall plants and creating a wild garden where plants can grow freely, the disorder of nature collides with the exquisite geometry of human craftsmanship, enhancing the ambience of the old buildings. The time frozen in the industrial style is interwoven with the natural cycle of growth and withering in the four seasons, and the present and the future are gradually merging.


▽空间是一个容器,它可以承载历史与新的活力 ©林绿

▽设计师希望于无形中呈现自然的魅力,自然的无序与人工的精巧几何相碰撞,加强了老建筑的氛围感 ©林绿



“A growing living block” is the principle that BDSD Boundless Design has continuously adhered to during the four-year-long renewal of Wild Island. Space is like a container that can hold people’s joys, excitements and melancholy, and can endow history and old buildings with new vitality. Each renovation is just a starting point, and only by leaving room for growth can the space truly be returned to people.


▽活动节现场 ©林绿

▽森野长廊,一个生长中的生活街区 ©林绿


▽项目设计图 ©BDSD吾界设计

▽设计草图 ©BDSD吾界设计



完成年份: 2024
联系邮箱: bdsd_wj@163.com
主创设计师: 林文科、孙征远
设计团队: 潘美嘉、何海权、邬锐康、徐朝阳、苏日贤
摄影师: 林绿



审稿编辑: junjun

更多 Read more about: BDSD吾界设计