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Rockwell Group:Vidanta Los Cabos是墨西哥下加利福尼亚州南部一个现有的豪华海滨度假胜地。这个宁静的度假胜地坐落在一个俯瞰太平洋的原始海滩上。Rockwell Group的设计任务是恢复和更新舒适空间,改善流通、通道和景观,同时将度假胜地的吸引力转向年轻人群。
Rockwell Group:Vidanta Los Cabos is an existing luxurious beachside resort in Mexico’s Baja California Sur state. The peaceful resort sits on a pristine beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Rockwell Group was tasked with refreshing and updating the amenity spaces, improving circulation, access, and views, while also pivoting the resort’s appeal to a younger demographic.

这个包含多个泳池的U型度假胜地面朝海滩,为了打破现有规划的统一性和对称性,Rockwell Group将高架泳池提高了2米,以便游客能更好地欣赏海滩景色,在这个过程中还移除了一半的游泳池,让保留下来的泳池可以创造更多的能量。我们用绳索、墨西哥瓷砖和木头等地方材料重新打造了舒适空间,并添加了年轻化的元素,比如用于供应玉米饼的翻新Airstream拖车和70年代的酒吧游戏。Rockwell Group同时也更新了度假村的外观,包括一个新景观和场地规划,以及一个新建的门廊和前门。
The U-shaped resort faces the beach and embraces several swimming pools. To break up the uniformity and symmetry of the existing plan, Rockwell Group raised the elevated pools by 2 meters for better beach views, removing half of the swimming pools in the process to create more energy within the remaining pools. We grounded the amenity spaces with regional materials such as rope, Mexican tile, and wood, and added youthful twists like a renovated Airstream trailer for serving tacos, and 70s bar games. Rockwell Group also updated the exterior of the resort, including a new landscaping and site plan, a newly constructed porte cochere, and front entrance.

入口和大堂 Entrance and Lobby
We reconceived the entry experience to the resort with a new, porte cochere. Columns are concealed with totem-like, geometric, slatted wood screens. As guests enter the lobby, a sky bridge now provides views and circulation directly out to the beach by way of grand, bleacher-like stairs.

海滨酒吧 SHORE bar
海滨酒吧就设置在酒店原有雨棚的倒影池上,是一个大型的露天休闲亭,全天供应食物和饮料。Rockwell Group在引人注目的弯曲茅草屋顶上增加了一个桁架结构,并调整了结构方向,这样它就能看到大海。木质躺椅和桌子上挂着一簇簇吊灯,点缀着精致的工业细节、蓝色地毯和室内装潢。我们还增加了一些经典的棋盘游戏,比如沙狐球和桌上足球,以及一个配有秋千的后花园。同样也翻新了一辆经典的Airstream拖车,为后部空间创造了一个可操作小厨房。
Sitting under existing canopies and directly on the reflecting pool, the SHOREbar is a large, casual, open-air pavilion serving food and drinks (all day). Rockwell Group added a truss structure to a dramatic, curved thatch roof and reoriented the bar so that it has views of the ocean. Clusters of pendant lights hang over wood lounges and tables, with subtle industrial details and blue-hued rugs and upholstery. We added classic board games such as shuffleboard and foosball and a back garden outfitted with swings. We also renovated a classic Airstream trailer, creating a small operable kitchen inside, for the back of the space.

日间俱乐部 OMNIA Dayclub
The exclusive dayclub is elevated from the beach for privacy and surrounded by a trellis made of wood to support live greenery. The trellis peaks up at the entrance to the club. The club includes a central pool as well as two private infinity plunge pools with two-story VIP cabanas (three additional VIP plunge pools). Twig cabanas are juxtaposed with lush, rich curtains.

酒廊 Casa Calavera
This bar and lounge doubles as a club with a custom built credenza serving as the DJ booth. Authentic furniture pieces and lighting nod to the local culture. An array of architectural finishes, from Mexican tiles to pebbles, stacked stone, and Mexican altar shadowboxes set into niches add texture and color. A long corridor with special reveals creates a dramatic and welcoming private entry to the lounge at night. Half-moon banquettes face the beach on a private deck. The open-air pavilion is mostly covered and surrounded by geometric wood screen walls and shutters.

餐厅 Herringbone Restaurant
Brian Malarkey主厨的餐厅Herringbone,就像一个通风的墨西哥海滨别墅,坐落在一系列能看到海景的度假村层叠式水池上。其移动式的玻璃幕墙可使空间真正向周围的建筑敞开,模糊室内外之间的界限,郁郁葱葱的树木和花园,以及餐厅强调的在烹饪中使用最新鲜的海鲜、肉类和季节性产品的宗旨,也加强了这一空间概念。餐厅中的定制工业配件为人们带来了一种正宗墨西哥可口可乐的感觉,绳索装饰和工业固定装置——是对加利福尼亚和拉斯维加斯现有人字纹位置的一种认可——已经以一种让人感觉新鲜但熟悉的方式进行了重新诠释,比如像土坯一样的洗手间手工空间。餐厅旨在创造一个可提供平静和惊喜的时刻的轻松环境氛围。
The Los Cabos location of Chef Brian Malarkey’s restaurant Herringbone has been imagined as an airy Mexican beach house that sits on a series of the resort’s cascading reflecting pools with views of the ocean. Operable glazing along the facades allows the space to literally open to the surrounding property, blurring the line between indoors and outdoors. Lush trees and gardens are brought within the space to reinforce this concept, as well as Herringbone’s emphasis on using the freshest seafood, meat, and seasonal produce in their cuisine. Custom industrial accessories provide the feel of an authentic Mexican cocina with views from the dining room. Rope accents and industrial fixtures—a nod to existing Herringbone locations in California and Las Vegas— have been reinterpreted in a way that feels fresh but familiar, such as the adobe-like, handmade space for the restrooms. The restaurant aims to create a relaxing environment that simultaneously provides moments of calm and surprise.

项目名称:Vidanta Los Cabos
项目地点:墨西哥 圣何塞-德尔卡沃
建筑设计:Rockwell Group
照片:Nikolas Koenig
主管合伙人:Shawn Sullivan, Partner and Studio Leader, Rockwell Group
Project: Vidanta Los Cabos
Category: Hotels
Location: San José del Cabo, Mexico
Project year: 2018
Architect: Rockwell Group
Photo: Nikolas Koenig
Client: Vidanta
Operator: Hakkasan
Partner-in-charge: Shawn Sullivan, Partner and Studio Leader, Rockwell Group
Opening Dates: February 2018
SHOREbar—58 seats (indoor); 9 seats (outdoor); 350 square meters
OMNIA Dayclub—1,900 square meters (front of house)
Casa Calavera—150 seats; 575 square meters (front of house); 450 square meters (back of house, shared with OMNIA) Herringbone—180 seats; 650 square meters
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