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Thanks Block722 for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Block722.
Block722:从远处看,Viglostasi 别墅就像一个传统的海岛居民点,位于地中海上方的岩石斜坡上。然而,这只是一座单独的私人度假别墅,坐落在锡罗斯岛(Cycladic Island of Syros)僻静的自然环境中。来自雅典的建筑工作室 Block722 作为项目设计方,巧妙地借鉴了爱琴海小村庄的传统建筑类型:体量低矮且简约的建筑群(它们通常分布在山坡上,面向大海),赋予了这栋别墅独特的个性。
Block722: From a distance, residence Viglostasi appears like a traditional island settlement, perched on rocky slopes above the Mediterranean Sea. Yet, this is a single, private holiday home, nestled in its secluded, natural site of the Cycladic Island of Syros. Its creator, Athens based architecture studio Block722, crafted the house’s distinctive character by cleverly drawing on the typology of small Aegean villages – minimalist constellations of low volumes, often found sprawled on hillsides, looking out towards the sea.

项目委托方是一个四口之家,他们在考察了不同的岛屿后,深受 Block722 过去在锡罗斯岛设计的锡罗斯岛 I 号和锡罗斯岛 II 号住宅项目的启发,并一直希望在那里建造他们梦想中的度假胜地。
根据客户的要求,这栋建筑的设计灵感来源于希腊岛屿的简约风格。这与 Block722 标志性的低调、温和的建筑风格、简约形式、天然材料和中性色彩完美吻合。客户家庭还希望有一个宽敞、适度和安静的空间用来住宿、接待和娱乐,充分利用岛上慢节奏的室内/室外生活方式。
The project was a commission by a family of four, who had been looking to build their dream retreat there, after exploring different islands and inspired by Block722’s past works on Syros -the residential scheme Syros I and Syros II.
The client’s brief outlined a home inspired by the simple forms of the Greek island vernacular. This chimed in perfectly with Block722’s signature blend of low key, gentle architecture, minimalist forms, natural materials and neutral colours. The family was also after a generous, yet modest and calming space to stay, host and entertain, making the most of the island’s slow, indoor/outdoor lifestyle.

设计最终形成了一个 500 平方米的低矮、正交体量的建筑群,围绕着一个连接封闭空间和各种露台、花园和庭院的路径网络。
The result is a 500 sq m complex of low, orthogonal volumes, arranged around a network of pathways that connect both enclosed spaces and the various terraces, gardens, and patios on site.

主屋包括一间主套房和第二间卧室,以及一个流畅的开放式起居空间。两间客房提供额外的睡眠空间,并通过共享设施和景观与主宅相连。一个中央室外“广场”将所有设施汇集在一起,成为整个建筑的中心,通向 25 米长的无边际泳池和位于地块下端的休息露台。从这里可以一览无余地俯瞰地平线,而泳池下方则是一个家庭健身房和瑜伽露台,为锻炼和冥想提供了私密空间。
The main house contains a principal suite and a second bedroom, as well as a flowing, open plan living space. Two guest suites provide additional sleeping quarters, remaining connected to the primary residence through shared facilities and vistas. A central outdoor ‘plaza’ brings everything together and acts as a circulation heart to the whole, leading towards the 25m long infinity pool and lounge terrace to the lower end of the plot. It offers uninterrupted views towards the horizon, while underneath it, a home gym and yoga terrace are tucked away, allowing privacy for exercising and meditation.

设计将住宅分布在不同的楼层,可以顺应地块的陡峭坡度。这也使得几乎所有地方都能看到远处的景色。同时,适度的石材、木材和石膏体量的间隔布置,使建筑群在希腊的荒凉地貌中显得恰到好处。淡雅、自然的色调、水磨石 palladiano 地板、传统百叶窗和凉棚、本地植物花园和绿色屋顶,进一步突出了这种感觉。
Spreading the home on different levels manages the site’s steep incline. It also permits long views from almost everywhere. Meanwhile, the modest stone, wood and plaster volumes’ spaced-out placement makes the complex appear at home within the arrant, Greek landscape. Light, nature inspired colour tones, terrazzo palladiano floors, traditional shutters and pergolas, a garden of native species, and a green roof, further accentuate this feeling.

At the same time, a sense of gentle luxury prevails. This is achieved not only by generosity of space throughout, but also through bespoke details (such as the joinery), and the materials used, which include Olympus marble, travertine stone, bamboo, and oak wood. It all perfectly fits the client’s vision for a home that feels like a family of traditional Aegean structures, offering different views, feels and qualities of space to play with and enjoy.

It makes the most of the site’s substantial size and connects seamlessly indoors and outdoors, creating spatial narratives and framing views along the way; eventually leading down to the clients’ own cove, used for private swimming and yacht mooring.

▽总平面图 General plan

▽主楼平面图 Floor plan-Main building

▽主楼一层平面图 First Floor plan-Main building

▽南侧客房一层平面图 First Floor plan-South guesthouse

▽北侧客房平面图 Floor plan-North Guesthouse

▽主楼南立面 South elevation-Main Building

▽剖面图 Section

位置:希腊 锡罗斯
景观:Outside Landscape Architecture
照明研究:Skia lighting
施工经理:Block722, Michael Gryllakis
施工/现场工程师:Isidoros Rossolatos
结构工程:Isidoros Rossolatos
MEP:Leonardos Roussos
电气工程师:Maximos Rossolatos
暖通空调顾问:Regeon PC Kapetanakis K. & M.
房地产开发和咨询:Kyanon Development
陶瓷:Anna Karountzou ceramics、Lava toy ceramic
摄影师:Ana Santl
图片编辑:Ana Santl、Maria Siorba
航空摄影师和摄像师:George Pappas
Project name: Viglostasi
Type: Residence Architecture
Total Surface area: 500m2
Predominantly materials: Stone, plaster, wood, terrazzo, marble
Position: Syros, Greece
Year of start: 2023
Year of completion: 2023
Landscape: Outside Landscape Architecture
Masterplanning&Architecture: Block722
Creative Direction: Block722
Interior Design: Block722
Lighting Study: Skia lighting
Construction manager: Block722, Michael Gryllakis
Construction/Site Engineer: Isidoros Rossolatos
Structural Eng: Isidoros Rossolatos
MEP: Leonardos Roussos
Εlectrical Eng: Maximos Rossolatos
Architectural Supervision: Block722
HVAC consultant: Regeon PC Kapetanakis K. & M.
Property Development and consulting: Kyanon Development
Ceramics: Anna Karountzou ceramics, Lava toy ceramic
Photographer: Ana Santl
Image editor: Ana Santl、Maria Siorba
Aerial photographer & videographer: George Pappas
“ 通过真实和永恒的体验提升所有感官。”
审稿编辑: SIM
更多 Read more about: Block722