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Thanks Greco Design for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Greco Design.
Greco Design:Greco设计事务所认为这条奇特的路径为行走其中的人带来了独特的体验。地板和两侧镂空墙(cobogós)里都有由非洲桃花心木制成的木材,展示着象征奥利萨 (Orishas)的图形符号。奥利萨是代表自然能量的神,非洲祖先将这些符号带到了巴西。这个空间是对旅程、沉思和接受洗礼的讲述,并被命名为ṣiré (Xirê),意为奥利萨人的圆圈图腾或舞蹈语言。
Greco Design:Signed by Greco, this singular pathway allows for particular experiences in those who pass through it. Wood is in the floor and in the cobogós (hollow brick wall) that flank it. Made of African mahogany, they display symbols that represent the Orixás (Orishas), deities that represent the energies of nature and were brought to Brazil by ancestors from Africa. The space speaks of journey, of contemplation and was baptized ṣiré (Xirê), a word that means circle or dance of the Orixás.
▼场地入口 Entrance

▼内部空间 The internal space

▼镂空木墙 Hollow wooden walls

▼镂空木墙细部 The details of hollow brick wall

▼设计手稿 The sketch

▼平面图纸 The plan

▼镂空木墙设计细部 The details

项目名称:ṣiré (Xirê)
景观/建筑公司:Greco Design
创意总监:Gustavo Greco
设计师:Tidé Soares
设计团队:Eric Cabussu, Helder da Rocha e Saulo Coelho
客户:Fundação Mário Leal Ferreira – FMLF
景观:Horto dos Buritis and Nãna Guimarães
顾问:Dalila Varogh e Marcio Eustáquio
合作者:Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Mogno Africano, Conceito Digital, Galva Minas, Grupo Armind, Santa Cecília Marcenaria e Sebrae
图片来源:Rafael Motta @rafaelmottafoto
Project name: ṣiré (Xirê)
Completion Year: 2021
Size: 68.6m²
Project location: (Palácio das Mangabeiras) Praça Efigênio de Sales, 1111 – Mangabeiras, Belo Horizonte – MG, 30210-240 Brazil
Design Firm: Greco Design
Website: grecodesign.com.br
Contact e-mail: contato@grecodesign.com.br
Creative Director: Gustavo Greco
Designer: Tidé Soares
Design Team: Alexandre Fonseca, Gustavo Greco, João Corsino, Tainá Evaristo, Tidé Soares and Victor Fernandes
Client: CasaCor Minas / casacor.abril.com.br/mostras/minas-gerais
Landscaping: Horto dos Buritis and Nãna Guimarães
Consultants: Dalila Varogh e Marcio Eustáquio
Collaborators: Associação Brasileira dos Produtores de Mogno Africano, Conceito Digital, Galva Minas, Grupo Armind, Santa Cecília Marcenaria e Sebrae
Photo credits: Rafael Motta @rafaelmottafoto
Photographer’s website: http://rafaelmotta.squarespace.com/
“ 嵌满图腾符号的镂空木墙,围合形成一处林中秘境,为行走其间的人带来了神秘而独特的体验。”
审稿编辑: Simin
更多 Read more about: Greco Design