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Thanks Estudi Nao for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Estudi Nao.
Estudi Nao:占据街区中心的建筑物被拆除,这给巴塞罗那扩建区新内院的恢复带来了机会,再加上这个场地有现代主义建筑——马卡娅之家的存在,我们设计的新庭院将是独一无二的。同时由于内院的性质向公共空间转变,其内部环境也得以向公众展示。
Estudi Nao: The demolition of the building occupying the center of the block becomes an oppor-tunity to recover a new inner courtyard of the Barcelona Eixample, unique in this case due to the presence of the modernist Macaya Palace. The conversion to public space allows the interior façade to be shown.

▼设计分析 Analysis

The connection from Roger de Flor Street is structured from the central axis in relation to the façade of the Palace. Different extensions on both sides configure different resting areas. The central space, dominated by the Macaya Palace, is let free of visual obstacles. The vegetation is located on the sides of the courtyard, where platforms have been generated at different level to achieve enough height of soil over the underground parking lot.

The brick has been used in a clear allusion to modernist architecture. The purpose is the MATERIAL UNITY of the whole. The Macaya Palace appears bright and luminous in contrast to the surroundings, framed in the new public space that becomes a SOUND-ING BOARD for the modernist building.
▼砖块的使用 Use of bricks

▼鸟瞰图 Aerial view

▼夜景 Night view

▼场地位置 Site

▼平面图 Plan

▼剖面图 Section

项目名称:Agustí Centelles 花园
面积:1941,94 平方米
景观/建筑事务所: Estudi Nao
主创:Anna Fumadó、Francesc Puig
设计团队:Pau Padullés, Hector Payà
摄影:Jordi Surroca
Project name: Agustí Centelles gardens
Completion Year: 2020
Size: 1941,94 m2
Project location: Barcelona
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Estudi Nao
Website: www.estudinao.com
Contact e-mail: estudinao@estudinao.com
Lead Architects: Anna Fumadó, Francesc Puig
Design Team: Pau Padullés, Hector Payà
Clients: BIMSA, Barcelona council
Photo credits: Jordi Surroca
Photographer’s website: http://www.jordisurroca.com/www/i_projectes.html
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