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Thanks TERREMOTO for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by TERREMOTO.
TERREMOTO: A client that said YES to everything and a site that seemed to want to be a garden, exploding with life the second it was planted.

We started with as blank slate a site as it gets, just a few scraggly trees and cacti baking in the dirt and a very simple request from the client: in the full swing of the pandemic the client’s two little girls needed space to hide, swing, explore, roll around in the grass and just get outside.
▽花园建设前的场地 The site before the garden construction
▽建成后的花园 The completed garden

We saw immediately that with a rich, wild, native palette, with enough sycamores and Lyamnothamnus and toyon and sages, we could have the site bursting with bugs, birds and bees in less than a year.

Structurally the site needed some clarification, so the gentle, messy slope of the backyard becomes 3 clean but subtly divided levels created from a few landscape ties for retaining walls and steps.
▽花园平面图 Plan

The first terrace is for dining under a deeply shaded pergola and for kids to hang inside a “power circle” of grey-water-irrigated fruit trees, then a terrace for a humble, low-water-use mini-lawn and veggie beds, and, finally, a level for play with a simple playhouse, swings and sandbox.

Between these three levels we planted densely with drifts of native buckwheats, sages and grasses and threw in a few fast-growing crazy boys like Sambucus mexicana to soak up any excess grey water.

Within a few months it was clear the garden was picking up steam, the native morning glory had already made its way up and over the pergola and everything seemed to be bigger by the day. A year out and it’s an explosion, a habitat for kids and birds and bees to co-exist, a place for a family that is now always-outdoors.

No over thinking here, just a few simple moves and now a happy garden.

TERREMOTO团队:Lauren Hamer、Dawn Wang、Tim Switzer、Adrian Tenney、Dani VonLehe、Lauren
景观施工:Barranca Landscape
照片:Caitlin Atkinson(过程图片由TERREMOTO拍摄)
Project Name: ARGUS
Location: United States of America
Design Firm: TERREMOTO
Website: https://terremoto.la/
TERREMOTO Team: Lauren Hamer, Dawn Wang,Tim Switzer, Adrian Tenney, Dani VonLehe, Lauren
Client: Kyle and Claire
Landscape Construction: Barranca Landscape
Photo: CAITLIN ATKINSON (Process shots by TERREMOTO)
Photographer’s website: http://caitlinatkinson.com/
“ 花园的设计并不需要复杂的设计,当场地种上植物开始,它就已经开始了蜕变,只需要等待时间的发酵,繁花和生灵都将会到来。”
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