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Na Laan Studio:Astera Pride是一个住宅区翻新项目。ASTERA PRDIE @RAMA2的主要景观设计理念是根据星座线和空间,来思考形状和形式、空间、层次以及色调的形成,并将代表星星亮度的白色,作为从主入口到花园的整个项目的主色调。该项目共包括4个主要景观区域,以其超现代的奢华感设计,体现该住宅居民的优雅生活方式。
Na Laan Studio:Astera Pride is a renovate housing estates project ( 42 units-single house ). The main concept behind the landscape design at ASTERA PRDIE @RAMA2 is Zodiac Line & Space by reflecting on formation of shape & form, space, levels as well as the colour tone. The white colour tone, representing brightness of stars, is used as the principal colour from the main entrance to the gardens. There are 4 main landscape areas which are designed with a super modern luxury touch representing classy lifestyle of the residents.

主入口区 Main Entrance Area
At the main entrance, apart from white colour, natural tone like wood is also incorporated as a complement to the surrounding landscape elements. Cascading white waterfall, fish sculpture and big trees animate the entrance while adding another dimension of water sound. The main development gate is relatively narrow due to site constrain; hence the entry portal is stretched out to embrace the residents through their homecoming experience. This extended portal is, at the same time, landed as a backdrop of the swimming pool. Dynamic lines on the white portal are intentionally placed to draw attention into the development.
▼主入口区 Main Entrance Area


泳池区 Swimming Pool Area
Located at the second floor of the clubhouse, the swimming pool is re-designed to accommodate more functions, for example, seating, soaking, as well as jacuzzi. Big trees and the entry portal backdrop are used to form privacy of each space.
Multi-level water feature and shrub planting generate the focal point for swimming pool as well as the 3rd-storey fitness area. Moreover, the swimming pool is coherently transformed into white colour tone.
▼泳池平面图 Detail Plan-Swimming pool

▼泳池区 Swimming Pool Area

袖珍花园 Pocket Garden
Pocket garden by the clubhouse is divided into three resting spaces. Black pyramid water feature is introduced to generate soothing sound. White colour is used on the walls and planters to elevate the space, in contrast, grey and black are used at the raised platforms. Cushion top & net top are provided at these elevated platforms offering a different experience to the residents. The garden is covered by the 3 gigantic trees and varieties of shrubs.
▼袖珍花园 Pocket Garden

主公园 Main Park
The zodiac lines are introduced at the Main park forming 4 different spaces. An open space at the left with elevated platforms with a cascading black waterfall backdrop – This is multifunctional area which can be used for chilling or even holding an event. The central area – This area is divided into two cozy spaces. Residents can sit and relax under big trees planted in different levels of elevated planters. A vast open area approximately 50 sqm. located at the right side of the main park – It is designed to be a semi-outdoor space with resting area under a pavilion. This offers an experience of being in an outdoor living room surrounded by garden. These 4 spaces are linked by the circulation lines. Material selection is focused on natural tone, for instant, engineered wood which is used from the main gate to the back of the development. This brings coherent of the colour and texture throughout the development. Furthermore, variety of trees and shrubs are planted around the development to create lush landscape.
▼主公园平面图 Detail Plan-Main park

▼主公园 Main Park

▼细节 Detail
▼项目平面图 Master Plan

客户:V.M.P.C. CO., LTD.
设计公司:Na Laan Studio
主创设计师:Gullyawat Lertpeerakorn and Team Na Laan studio
图片:Panoramic Studio
Project name: ASTERA PRIDE
Design year: 2017
Completion Year: 2018
Project location: RAMA II, Bangkok, Thailand
Landscape Area: 2000 s.q.m.
Client: V.M.P.C. CO., LTD.
Design Company: Na Laan Studio co.,ltd.
Leader designer: Gullyawat Lertpeerakorn and Team Na Laan studio
Photo credits: Panoramic Studio
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