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Turenscape : In the bustling urban heart of Bangkok, our team has transformed the site of a former tobacco factory into a low-maintenance regenerative system that intercepts and reduces the destructive force of storm water, filters contaminated water and provides much-needed wildlife habitat. In addition, Benjakitti Forest Park now provides the largest public recreational space for residents of downtown Bangkok and its environs, and has become a new cultural symbol for the world-renowned vibrancy of Thailand’s capital city. The project, completed at low cost on a compressed timeframe of just 18 months, offers a replicable modular approach to urban engineering that can transform lifeless, concrete-paved ground into a resilient living ecosystem that provides a full range of ecosystem services.

场地现状与挑战 Site and challenges
曼谷位于湄南河三角洲,是一座人口超1 050万的发达城市。市区地势平坦且低洼,平均海拔在1.5m以下;属热带季风气候,旱雨两季分明,年平均降水量约为1 500mm。曼谷的大部分地区原为沼泽地,后因运河的开挖、地下水的大量抽取,以及粗放的农业灌溉而逐渐干涸;同时,地下水的过度抽取也造成了严重的地面沉降,加之全球气候变暖及城市排水基础设施不足等原因,导致当地市政排水系统无法应对瞬时暴雨产生的城市径流,进而增加了城市洪涝风险。此外,曼谷全市仅有三处城市公园面向公众开放,且城市绿地分散零碎,使用率不高。在复杂的城市生态、文化环境中,设计团队面临着多项挑战。
Located in the Chao Phraya River Delta, Bangkok is a densely populated city with more than 10.5 million residents. The urban area is flat and low-lying, with an average elevation of just 1.5 metres (4 ft. 11 in.) or less. Most of the area was originally swampland, which was gradually drained with canals and extensive groundwater pumping and irrigated for agriculture. The region experiences a monsoon climate with an average precipitation of about 1500 mm (59 in) per year. Extensive groundwater pumping has caused severe subsidence; that, coupled with the effects of global warming, has resulted in increased flood risk due to Bangkok’s low elevation and inadequate drainage infrastructure. Heavy downpours cause urban runoff to overwhelming the drainage systems, which in turn leads to severe flooding that affects much of the city.
▽场地现状鸟瞰分析 Aerial view analysis of the current situation of the site

The project is located in central Bangkok’s Khonti District, with an area of about 102 acres. The site was formerly a tobacco factory, densely occupied with single-story warehouses with a number of canopy trees scattered in between. The site is surrounded by Phaisingto Canal to the north, which was contaminated with urban runoff and sewage; Duang Phithak Urban Expressway to the west, which cut the site off from the adjacent community; an artificial lake to the east; and a hospital, hotel and the Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre to the south.
▽改造前场地原始照片 Original photo of the site before the renovation

场地中共有乔木有91个品种、865株,以垂叶榕(Ficus benjamina)、菩提树(Ficus religiosa)、盾柱木(Peltophorum pterocarpum)、腊肠树(Cassia fistula)、酸豆(Tamarindus indica)、杧果(Mangifera indica)为主;胸径1m以上的乔木有49株。除场地东部及单层厂房间散布的一些林荫大树外,这些乔木主要分布于道路两侧,其中榕树发达的根系已经和部分道路融为一体。因此,如何保护这些树木并使其与场地未来功能规划相契合,就成了摆在设计团队面前的一道难题。
In addition to the challenges of the site itself, the budget for this project was limited (ultimately, it was capped at 20 US Dollars per square meter), and the project was expected to be completed just 18 months. An additional challenge was that the project was overseen by the army, which did not have extensive experience managing landscape projects. In addition to a high potential for flooding, the canal on the northern edge of the site is heavily contaminated. Except for the creation of a small museum for the tobacco factory and a sports center, there were no programmatic requirements for the site. Our team’s design was selected through an international competition.
▽设计方案过程与场地演绎 Design process and site interpretation

设计目标和策略 Design objectives and strategies
为了应对场地面临的多重挑战,项目被构想为一个能够为这座高密度城市提供全面生态系统服务的中央公园:公园需提供生态调节服务,适应旱雨交替的热带季风气候,设计的面积共计187 500m3的雨洪调蓄空间能够保障10年一遇降雨不外排;提供供给服务,将受污染的劣Ⅴ类水净化为Ⅲ类;提供支持服务,创造林-草-湿地生态系统,为本地野生动物提供多种栖息地;提供文化服务,为城市居民与游客的游憩活动提供亟需的多种休闲设施和大型公共空间。为了实现这些目标,设计团队制定了以下设计策略。
In addressing the multiple challenges of the site and its dense urban surroundings, the project was envisioned as a central park capable of providing holistic ecosystem services to the city, including storm water regulation to adapt to the changing monsoon climate, as a demonstration of a nature-based solution for filtering polluted urban runoff and providing life support for native species, as well as providing badly needed public space for daily recreational activities and other cultural services. Three strategies guided our work to meet these objectives.
▽公园整体鸟瞰 Aerial view

1.1 营造模式化的多孔海绵湿地 Reuse and recycle
All existing trees on site were preserved and integrated into the park design. To keep the budget low, all existing main roads were to be preserved. Existing factory buildings were repurposed to house the sports center and museum, which are fully integrated into the landscape. The demolished concrete materials were recycled for the earthwork foundation and paving.
▽多孔海绵湿地鸟瞰 Aerial view

First, cut-and-fill techniques were used to create wetlands dotted with islets. Without importing or exporting earthen fill, three constructed wetlands scattered with hundreds of mini-islands were created by simple cut and fill procedures to transform the impermeable, concrete-paved ground into a spongy and porous landscape, which is expected to retain up to 200,000M3 (23 million US gal) of storm water from the surrounding area during the monsoon season. This tilled landscape also transformed the otherwise hard clay surface soil into wet and spongy habitat, allowing a rich native plant community to establish itself with minimal irrigation or maintenance needed during the dry season. This modular landscape can be easily executed with a single excavator and minimizes dependence on skilled labor.
▽大小不一的小岛自由散布 Small islands of all sizes spread freely

湖区的梯级浅水带与沿公园北部和西部边缘修建的L型线性净化湿地相连,运河河水被引入湿地中并得到净化,每日净化水量可达8 152m3。净化后的水体流经梯级浅水带汇入布满小岛的湖区中,依据“边缘效应”,这里的水质净化效率更高,并可促进这一水陆生境交错带物种多样性和种群密度的提升,包括促进钳嘴鹳(Anastomus oscitans)、小䴙䴘(Tachybaptus ruficollis)、大白鹭(Ardea alba)等重要湿地物种的活动强度和生产力。
The foundation and foot of each individual islet was consolidated using recycled concrete materials. While pre-existing trees remain at the center of individual islands, young canopy tree seedlings were also planted on each of the newly constructed mounds at minimal cost.
Each of the three major wetlands is designed to have two depths: a shallow, terraced shoreline and a deeper core area. The terraced shoreline is connected to a linear water-quality remediating wetland built along the north and west edge of the park that filters contaminated water from the canal, and can improve the quality of 8,152m3 (2 Million US gal)of water from the poorest grade V to grade III each day. The amount of filtered water is sufficient to nourish the wetlands throughout the dry season and turn the shallow shoreline into a life-supporting ecotone that allows for establishment of a lush vegetative community.
▽公园湿地营造了丰富的生物多样性 The park’s wetlands create a rich biodiversity

Third, for the sports center and museum that make use of existing buildings, the principle of porosity was also applied to transform the factory buildings by daylighting portions of the roofs and allowing the living landscape to penetrate through the buildings’ concrete shells.
▽更新后的厂房充满自然与生机 The updated plant is full of nature and vitality

3.2 营造低预算、低维护的“野性自然” Fostering a low-maintenance “Messy Nature”
In order to meet the design requirements of low budget and short cycle, the existing resources of the site were reclaimed and reused, and integrated into the landscape system design of the park. The main roads of the site will be preserved to form a new parkway system on this basis; Minimize intervention, preserve the existing trees and understory space to the maximum extent possible, and recycle the concrete material after the demolition of the plant for the construction of the island’s earthwork foundation and slope reinforcement, as well as for the park’s paving material. This patterned landscape can be filled in place and stacked into an island with only one excavator, thus minimizing construction costs.
The modulated landform with diverse micro-environments was sown with seeds and planted with tree seedlings, creating a foundation for the subsequent evolution of a semi-natural plant community. The result is a low-maintenance mosaic of vegetation that will be continually and spontaneously enriched with native species. A symbiotic ecological interrelationship between fauna and flora is developing, and the “messiness” of the constructed wetland is creating a new, highly dynamic and diverse aesthetic that sharply contrasts with the surrounding urban landscape.
▽感受公园的野性自然之美 Experience the wild natural beauty of the park

3.3 提高可达性,创造沉浸式的游憩空间 Creating immersive places for people
Multiple boardwalks were designed along the edge of the shallow wetlands that allow visitors to have immersive experience of urban nature. A skywalk runs through the tree canopies. That ties together the entire park, which for decades was sliced through by major roads, and creates a unique immersive experience amidst the tropical foliage.
▽链接社区与公园绿地的空中步道,让步行漫游空间增加更多使用的可能性 A skywalk linking the community to the park’s green space increases the possibility of using the space on foot

Inside the park, while retaining and repurposing the main road, bicycle paths are separated from footpaths by permeable bio-retention ponds and flower beds, giving the wide road originally designed for heavy trucks a more pleasant dimension. The addition of multiple interwoven walkways along the edge of the shallow wetland creates a leisurely leisure experience, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the natural landscape of the constructed wetland. In the core area of the park, the large lawn and outdoor theater, the rice field next to the museum, and a large number of Spaces under the forest are designed to create an urban paradise of diverse activities, providing a stage for various types of public life for Bangkok citizens and visitors.
▽公园内部休闲步道 Recreational trails within the park

▽树木的保留,为林下空间创造了多样活动的都市乐园 The understory Spaces created by the preserved trees create an urban paradise of diverse activities

建成效果与讨论 Performance
Despite having been built on an extremely compressed timeframe, Benjakitti Forest Park has proven a great success. While much of Bangkok flooded last summer, the park and its immediate vicinity did not. The water-quality remediating wetland is performing well and produces enough water to keep the wetland alive through the dry season. A rich variety of birds and other wildlife has taken up residence in the park. The most striking achievement is that this naturally regenerative system is now the largest park in densely populated central Bangkok and attracts tens of thousands of visitors daily, who use it for a wide variety of activities, including jogging and cycling, family gatherings, school commencements, picnics, dates and wedding photographs. It has been celebrated extensively on social media as a new symbol of Thailand’s capital city.
▽总平面图 Plan

▽姊妹湖1-剖面图 Section

▽姊妹湖3-剖面图 Section

▽姊妹湖4-剖面图 Section

▽博物馆和都市农业剖面图 Section

▽露天剧场剖面图 Section

▽L型湿地净化带剖面图 Section

▽L型湿地净化带瀑水墙剖面 Section

项目地址:泰国 曼谷市孔堤区-
合作方:Arsomsilp Landscape Studio
Project name: Benjakitti Forest Park, Bangkok, Thailand
Design company: Turenscape
The company’s web site: https://www.turenscape.com/home/index.html
Contact email: info@turenscape.com
Year of completion: 2022
Building area: 52.7 hectares
Project address: Kongti District, Bangkok, Thailand
Principal Architect: Yu Kongjian
Chief Architect Email: info@turenscape.com
Partner: Arsomsilp Landscape Studio
“ 以低维护,模式化的设计介入,将前烟草工厂转变为一个充满活力与生态的城市森林公园,为城市居民与游客的游憩活动提供亟需的多种休闲设施和大型公共空间的同时,更为本地野生动物提供多种栖息地。”
审稿编辑 Maggie
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