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Thanks Vente Diezz Arquitectos for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Vente Diezz Arquitectos.


Vente Diezz Arquitectos:项目(Casa Lohr)位于尤卡坦半岛梅里达的标志性历史中心,距离“大广场”和“圣胡安公园”几个街区的地方,坐落在一座建于19世纪末的废弃殖民住宅的废墟上。Casa Lohr充分运用现有的材料元素,探索了传统与现代之间的关系。

Vente Diezz Arquitectos: A few blocks from the “Plaza Grande” and “Parque de San Juan” in the iconic historic center of Merida, Yucatan, is located this architectural restoration that lies on the ruins of an abandoned colonial house, dated to the end of the 19th century. Casa Lohr explores the relationship between the traditional and the contemporary, taking advantage of pre- existing elements that demand the use of raw materials.


▽项目概况 Project overview

© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.


In order to meet the space requirements, it was necessary to lay down the architectural program according to the current conditions of the house.


▽建筑结构改造过程示意 Transformation process 

© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos



Upon entering, the guiding axis of the project becomes perceptible and allows the visualization of the different historical stages of the property, through a series of vains that frame each space.


▽建筑入口 The entrance

© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.



The original halls hold the main lobby, secondary bedroom and open area with the living room, dining room and kitchen.


© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.


▽次卧 Secondary bedroom

© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.



The roofed terrace houses the heart of the project: a wall in ruins that articulates its visuals towards the central patio with a pool and a terrace, suggesting that time does the task of evolving a space and exposing its passage, regardless of the conditions to which it exposes the elements.


© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.



The main room is located to the back with semicircular arches on its façade, which refer to the existing arches on the original bays. A contained patio and an outdoor Jacuzzi crown the end of the property and invites to the practice of meditation and contact with nature within its different uses.


▽主卧 The main room

© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.



The crudeness in the materiality is shown through fine patchwork, burnished white cement, stone walls extracted from the site, pasta tile floors and a ceiling based on apparent joists and voussoirs that expose the construction method, while accompanying each other in various spaces of the project.


© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.
© Manolo R. Solis.


Casa Lohr是建筑在经过一段不确定的废弃期后再经修复的完美范例,它重新定义了“时间的概念”,演绎了其对现有元素的影响,并颂扬过去那些将建筑呈现出来的人们 。

Casa Lohr is the perfect example of architectural recovery after an undefined period of abandonment, redefining the “concept of time” to deduce its impact on existing elements and to exalt those who have come to become the statement.


▽设计图纸 Design drawings

© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos
© Vente Diezz Arquitectos




项目名称:Casa Lohr
项目地点:墨西哥 尤卡坦 梅里达
景观/建筑公司:Vente Diezz Arquitectos
首席建筑师:JoséLuis Irizzont Manzanero
设计团队:AndréAlexander de la Garza Martínez
室内设计:Artesano Estudio de arquitectura e interiores
客户:Ana Gabriela Lohr Trueba
图片来源:Manolo R. Solis.

Project Name: Casa Lohr
Completion Year: 2022
Scale: 203.99 sq
Project Location: Mérida, Yucatán.
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Veinte Diezz Arquitectos
Website: https://www.veintediezz.com/
Contact e-mail: jl@veintediezz.com
Lead Architects: José Luis Irizzont Manzanero
Design Team: André Alexander de la Garza Martínez
Interior Design: Artesano Estudio de arquitectura e interiores
Clients: Ana Gabriela Lohr Trueba
Photo Credits: Manolo R. Solis.



审稿编辑: SIM

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