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Thanks Landscape Tectonix Limited for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Landscape Tectonix Limited.
Landscape Tectonix:日前Tectonix受到业主委托,负责曼谷湄南河沿岸Chapter住宅项目售楼处的景观设计。该项目售楼处的景观设计主要分为三个部分:花园、落客区和滨水区。
Landscape Tectonix: Tectonix was appointed by the owner to design the sales gallery located at the riverfront of Chao Phraya River. This waterfront sale gallery’s landscape design features three major components; the garden, the drop-off and the waterfront.

The garden aesthetically leads the customer from the parking to the main building by using the long meandering path. Having the lush greenery along the passageway, the contemplative ambience intentionally slows down the pace and intimates the senses of the customers as the beginning of the experience.

The drop-off Immediately opens up to the larger space of the drop-off, this welcome courtyard is subtly composed by the conceptual composition between architecture and landscape framed the larger scale courtyard. The main building stands in the higher level connecting by the grand staircase with the grass meadow on both sides. The water element, with its fine curvilinear craft, strategically positions in the center creating the sense of auditory around the area people always pass by.

▼前场水景细节 Waterscape details

The waterfront Nothing is important than the interpretation of this space to be the visual space. Mainly covered by the volume of water, the waterfront landscape allows only two connections with functional spaces from the interior; 1.the reception area to the floating terrace and 2.the coffee café to the sunken seat. The rest is the shallow pond creating the stunning reflecting effect to the river. The cluster of tree is needed around the show unit to create the soft touch and the foreground to the river.
▼接待区水面平台 The floating terrace

▼下沉座位区 The sunken seat

▼样板房通道夜景 The show unit access

项目名称:Chapter Chareonnakorn Riverside
项目业主:Pruksa Real Estate Public Company Limited
景观设计:Landscape Tectonix Limited
照片:Depth of Field
Project name: Chapter Chareonnakorn Riverside
Location: Bangkok, Thailand
Project owner: Pruksa Real Estate Public Company Limited
Landscape Design: Landscape Tectonix Limited
Photo: Depth of Field
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