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纬图设计机构: 宁波日报报业大厦位于宁波最核心区三江口之上,原为报业集团办公使用,万科通过与报业集团合作,将此项目从办公改为商用。目标是针对不同年龄段的各类培训业态,打造一个全品类多业态的城市学习综合体,并结合音乐厅打造宁波最具影响力的素质教育培训集成平台。

WISTO:Ningbo daily newspaper building is located above sanjiangkou, the core area of Ningbo. it was originally used by the newspaper group. Vanke changed the project from office to business through cooperation with the newspaper group. The goal is to build a comprehensive multi-format urban learning complex for different types of training formats of different age groups, and to build the most influential quality education and training integrated platform in Ningbo in combination with concert halls.


总平面图   Master Plan


项目命名为“芝士公园”(Cheese Park),以英文“芝士”谐音中文“知识”,意欲以知识的力量撬动宁波这座知识城市。

The project is named as cheese park, which is homophonic Chinese ” knowledge” with English ” cheese”. It is intended to use the power of knowledge to influence Ningbo city.
The old reform projects were all about dancing with shackles, while the office transfor to business requires to have more flexibility in order to find freedom in the restrictions.








A series of contrast images have witnessed that every point after reconstruction has completed her magnificent turn.





The degree of identification of a site will determine its memory and spread in the crowd. Distinctive personality and easy dissemination are the characteristics of the deep field we are going to mold. Therefore, under various circumstances, we try to inject its uniqueness into the place. The project name is defined as “cheese park”, for which we created an image spokesperson “cheese cat”.

We have constructed this cheese cat in the form of space, a large structure made up of steel pipes and steel mesh with angular blocks and faces. It has the cat’s triangular pointed ears and big eyes. The two big eyes just form the exit of the slide and the entrance of rope climbing – it is itself an amusement park.





With valuable and personality. If there is also a connotation, why not fall in love with it? So we want cheese cats to be cute and cool, but also to be able to spread knowledge.





Interesting gravity park

An apple fell from the tree. some saw an apple, others saw autumn, and Newton saw gravity. We saw the same thing as Newton between the two top plates left intact and the three tops of the south pool. So we found out the connotation that is knowledge for cheese cats, then we created fun gravity paradise and water gravity paradise.





Water gravity park

Using the waterscape preserved in the original park, we have extended various kinds of water gravity games here, such as water pressure games, water playing valves, pressure water pans, universe water ring, gravity water play and so on, so that children have more understanding of water gravity and more experience of water gravity during the play.




In addition to this theme park with ” gravity” as its fulcrum, and in combination with the bridgehead space of the city’s waterfront interface, we have also analyzed the various behaviors that between the citizens living activity and this land. We hope that the new design will not cut off their relationship with the original life style, but will strengthen their daily behavior experience and give them more rich and complete memories.






From the Ningbo daily building to the cheese park, after a series of dissection, combing and reconstruction, we finally let the land in the center of the city shine with bright light and infinite vitality again.


业主方设计团队:杨耀阳 史亚雷 汪江萍 王晓田 楼汪乾
设计团队:李卉 郭妮 唐志杨 李理 范玮 张晓 沈梦茹 赵冬舸 郭燕 赵娟 余中元 王玥 赖小玲 蓝德泉 杨根 董瑜 胡晓梅
摄影:看见摄影 — 鲁冰

Client: Ningbo Vanke
Client’s design team: Yang yaoyang, Shi yalei, Wang jiangping, Wang xiaotian, Lou wangqian
Landscape design: WISTO
Design team: Li hui, Guo ni, Tang zhiyang, Li li, Fan wei, Zhang xiao, Shen mengru, Zhao dongge, Guo yan, Zhao Juan, Yu zhongyuan, Wang yue, Lai Xiaoling, Lan dequan, Yang gen, Dong yu, Hu xiaomei
Photography: Seeing photography – Lu bing




        1. 首先这不是我做的,先学会分析现状小朋友,其次我只是从它的现状照片看出,顶板荷载应该是满足不了绿化覆土负荷,根本做不了绿化,但是能做绿化的地方,人家也是全做了,从总平看绿化率应该达标了,只是没拍出来。最后继续回复1楼的,停车场全改在下面,别看都没看明白就在这里装最懂,键盘侠。作为改造项目,制约的因素就会很多,能把一个荒凉的停车场改成人流聚集地,重塑功能属性,个人看来,做得很成功了。

  1. 大多数项目的限制因素和场地条件都是旁观者所不知道的,能呈现出来的一定是经过设计方和开发商多重思考过的,学习别人的项目不能过于理想化,总之做的不错