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Instinct FabricationThe project is a renovation and redevelopment of old stadiums facilities and their adjacent spaces. Banan District, where the project is located, is one of the core nine districts in south of Chongqing Metropolitan. The site covers an area of about 300000 square meters, neighboring the Yudong Yangtze River Bridge in the north and connecting the Yudong Station, the transfer hub between Subway Line 2 and Line 3 in the south. Contradictorily, high living density occupies the surrounding while scarce qualitied urban realm were available to them, for a long time.



从老旧体育场馆,到潮流运动商业场域  Abandoned sports facilities to new urban vibe

场地中两座保留下来的大型公共设施 – 巴南体育场和巴南篮球馆,始建于八九十年代,曾经是重庆市南郊的重要地标之一,后几经闲置,接近于遗弃状态,导致体育场以及周边公共空间品质的衰败。该项目翻新重建的初衷,就是结合新型商业内容和生活方式,通过城市更新空间重塑的手段,让体育场馆,周边公共空间以及居民生活重焕活力,重塑城市地标。

Banan Coliseum and Banan Basketball Stadium, the two large-scale public facilities preserved in the site, were built in the 80s and 90s and were once one of the landmarks in the southern suburbs of Chongqing. After years they became nothing but just abandoned aged buildings with inaccessible and unpleasant public space around. The goal of this project is to reactivate vivid lifestyles and recreate more vibing destinations for residents around, by peacing fragmental space  and integrating refreshness from new commercial establishment and recreational programs.


▼项目区位 The project location

▼场地旧貌 Site before renovation




The first step of the renovation scheme is creating a promenade to connect the north and south ends. One side is next to a large residential area, and the other is directly connected to the exit of Yudong subway station. In a way, the promenade automatically brings in people  more conveniently and effectively, forming a central pedestrian corridor about 30 meters wide and 500 meters long.

The new-built second-floor subway plaza has transformed the south portion of the site into a multi-level space for residents’ daily sports and leisure activities, while the introduction of a new basketball stadium with a capacity of 20, 000 seats in the east and the staggered commercial complex -‘Hi-Up’ on the north side, are able to establish an anticipated one-stop shopping experience and a place for large events.


▼功能布局 Function layout



The project is featured in sports and recreation activities, comprised of BLOOMAGE Stadium(new built), M-Zone, Hi-Park Street Basketball courts(refurbished from Banan Stadium), Hi-Zone(refurbished from Banan Coliseum) and Hi-Up Commercial Complex. The combination is able to hold NBA games, hockey games, concerts and other large events.


▼平面图 Plan

▼项目鸟瞰 Aerial view


“老重庆”的底色与质感 Integrate Chongqing Vernacular


Different from typical new-built urban projects, our landscape planning and design intends to maintain the original and authentic characteristics of Banan in Chongqing, and the choice of site texture focuses on reflecting the colorness, solidness and topography of the mountainous city and the old town. Meanwhile, the heat and passion in sports activities are injected into the site with visible colorful landscape elements.


▼巴南丰盛古镇色彩对比 The historical town in Banan District

▼山城步道的浑厚感 The trail on mountain

▼长江索道及渝中半岛的轻工质感 The cableway across Yangtze River



With that context, we prefer to have coarser and more monolithic materials to cover most of the site. Eventually, the exposed aggregate concrete with ceramic decorations were chosen as the main hardscape materials. The new stadium facade was renovated with the artistic-pattern steel frame, which works well with the rails of cable tram, as they share and express a solid + subtle industrial style.


▼地面小火车轨道 Ground train tracks

▼地面彩色露骨料 Ground color explicit material


▼山城步道般的二层平台楼梯 Mountain city walkway like second floor landing stairs


体育文化生活的传承延续 Reinforce Sports Tradition


Not only we considered the oversized space for large commercial/sports events, but also it is our stronger intention to inherit the sports traditions and offer more of free and open sports space for people to participate in outdoor activities, in addition to the original facilities. The site makes full use of the lower space under the upper plaza connecting the subway station,  which sets up a flexible space for the skateboard field and the rock climbing wall. Across the space, a HI-PARK street basketball court is embraced by the old Banan Basketball Hall and the subway platform, allowing great audience views from space along the perimeters above.


▼自由开放的运动空间 Free and open exercise space

▼室外二层看台 Outdoor two-storey stand



The lower space under the upper plaza connecting the subway station sets up a flexible space for the skateboard field, pingpong and the rock climbing wall.


▼平台下的灰空间成为极限活动场地 Skate park under the subway platform

▼翻新后的室外网球场 Refurbished tennis courts 


潮玩活力的融合绽放 Addition of New Urban Dynamics


If the soul of the original site is sports, the new commercial establishment on north side is like a catalyst to fuse retail experience and recreational sports together. And the commercial vibe here is not only a trading scene interiorly, but also an extension to the landscape outdoor space. The design conceived of several plazas that can hold more than 5000 people at the same time, and the newly added catering space at the perimeter of the original coliseum. By doing that, the experiences are able to extend outward from the Hi-Up commercial complex in the north and connect with the transition to the sports space in the south.




Due to the size of the site, we hope to give people clear and hinted guidance and convenience in circulation. On the ground, the four-color stripe of Bloomage brand is used as the ground guide, running through most spaces. At the same time, a cable train is running in a loop outside the new stadium on the east. It can stop and go as people could be picked up and get off anywhere along the loop. It becomes the most popular feature in the site and the icon of this redevelopment.


▼观光小火车是独具特色的项目标签 Sightseeing train is a unique project label


结语 Sports in Urban Renovation

如今,城市更新不再是简单的空间再塑,重组,它更是一种生活内容与现实资源的再优化整合。老旧空间需要强有力的新资源来唤醒,新的产业形成也需要原始场地传统和文化的支撑。实体商业从单一的交易买卖属性,逐渐转化为更多元的精神职能,通过社交空间、公共活动空间的塑造,承载着更广泛的生活属性。随着国人愈发重视健康运动,越来越多的购物中心将健康生活与体育体验业态引进到商业内。而大型的体育基础设施和空间具有先天优势基因,能更从容且自然地激活城市老旧片区的活力。 “文体+商业+健康生活”也许成为城市更新发展中的一股特殊力量。

Nowadays, urban renovation is no longer a simple space reconfiguration, but also an adaption and integration of new lifestyles based on available resources. The left-over space needs executable resources to be reactivated, and the generation of new industries also requires respect to the tradition and culture of the original site. Physical commerce and retails have gradually transformed from a single trading attribute to a more diverse psychological function, which carries a wider range of life expectations through series of recreated spaces for social and public activity. As people in the nation spend more time on health and  sports, increasing shopping malls introduce healthy living and sports experience into their business. On the other hand, large-scale sports infrastructure and space have congenital advantage genes, which can activate the vitality of old urban areas more naturally. “sports + retail + healthy life” probably become a special trend in urban renovation and redevelopment.



景观设计:Instinct Fabrication 本色营造
联系邮箱: wei.zhao@instinctfabrication.com

Project name: Chongqing  BLOOMAGE LIVE· Yudong
Year completed: 2019
Project area: 163,000 square meters
Location: Banan District, Chongqing
Landscape design: Instinct Fabrication
Company website: http://www.instinctfabrication.com/
Contact email: wei.zhao@instinctfabrication.com
Client/developer: BLOOMAGE
Architectural design (facade reconstruction outside the stadium) : UrbanTect
Landscape construction drawing design: Chongqing BOA
Concrete: Orange stone
Photography: Prism



审稿编辑:任廷会 Ashley Jen

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