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Grey space Architects :Public spaces such as parks, squares and streets are often shaped by more spontaneous civic activities in central urban areas. However, in the developing suburban blocks, these spaces have lost urban vitality due to the lack of daily gathering. Faced with such situation, how can we guide the possibility of stimulating activities through design interventions? How can we respond to the topic of relationship between art and urban space in “Urban Space Art Season”?
▽项目概览 Project Overview
▽座椅与休憩 Seat & Rest
▽家具、休憩与行人 Furniture, rest and pedestrians
困境:城郊与广场 Dilemma:Suburb and Square
Exhibition area of Dishui Lake Metro Station is the guide area for the 2021 Shanghai Urban Space Art Season – “Future Community” sample exhibition in Lingang Special Area. It is located at the intersection of metro station exit, the city bus terminal and the exit of underground commercial space to be developed. The site is a large expanse of hard pavement, while the public activity space becomes space for passing through in a hurry. Design optimizes the activity attributes of the site through the placement of urban art furniture.
▽ “未来生活态”设计师沙龙 “Future Lifestyle” Designer Salon

重组:路径 Reconstitution:Route
Design doesn’t avoid the negative factors of square itself. We’ve extracted the pedestrian lines of the plaza and set back the routes for passersby to pass quickly between the metro stations, bus stops and urban streets, while placing a system of three semi-enclosed steel poles among these routes.
▽路径流向轴测 Route flow axonometric
▽广场鸟瞰 Aerial view of the square
These rods have formed the boundary for the positioning of urban furniture and enclose a centripetal aggregation space, while reducing the original huge square scale feeling. The orange color of steel components further increases the sense of gathering in the square and attracts the public to stay.
▽ 座椅与钢构件近景 Close-up view of seat and steel components
At the same time, the steel structure system activates various interactions between the public and it through three different heights (450mm,1200mm,2000mm), such as: sitting, relying, lying down, hanging, etc.
▽ 不同高度的钢构件体系 Steel component system of different heights
▽ 行人与钢构件的互动 Interaction between pedestrians and steel components
A set of enclosing rods rising high at the top adopts a combination of steel cables and membranes to form retractable sheltered space, creating more possibilities for staying in the originally empty and shadeless square space.
▽ 鸟瞰下的钢索与膜 Aerial view of the steel cable and membrane
单元模块:Blue Cube Unit Module:Blue Cube
The seating unit module is composed of 17 prefabricated concrete cubes of 660*660*660mm, which are cut according to the scale of human sitting height of different ages, which form a semi-arc-shaped seating space in three dimensions. These units are fliped to form different forms of rest.
▽ 单元模块 Unit Module
▽ 座椅模块近景 Close-up view of seat cube
The partial seating surface uses blue coloring technology, echoing the starry sky theme of Dishui Lake, while adding to the interest of seats.
▽蓝色座椅 Blue seat
场景激发:趣味的互动 Scenes Stimulation:Interesting Interaction
Design creates a combination of seating rest space with rich variations in height and width through the flip and collage of cubes.
▽单元模块组合形式 Unit cube combination form
Meanwhile, the concrete unit combination and metal rod system together form a more diverse and interesting space scene.
▽多元场景变化 Diverse scene changes
These combined relationships create a series of non-daily interactions in which people can discover and stimulate interseting scenes that meet and map the close relationship between people, children and pets in urban life.
▽座椅与钢构件休憩场景 Resting scene of seats and steel components
Project name: Concrete·Geometry, Urban Furniture in Dishui Lake Metro Station
Project type: Art installation
Location: Shanghai Lingang Dishui Lake Metro Station
Office Name: Greyspace Architects
Lead architects: Liu Moyan, Su Peng
Design team: Ju Anqi, Liu Zichen
Completion Status: Completed
Design time: October 2021
Construction time: November 2021
Area: 150㎡
Structure consultant: Yang Xiaotian (iStructure)
Construction: Shanghai Huangbang Metal Decoration Co., Ltd.
Material: Glass fiber reinforced cement (GRC), steel
Photography: Ke Jianbo
“ 设计通过简约几何砼形座椅家具的介入来激发场地,使城市空间充满更多活动的可能性。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
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