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Thanks BAM for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BAM.
BAM: Unlike most parks, Daxing Park touches the doorstep of the surrounding buildings. It is not severed from the city, nor isolated by a perimeter road. It does not sit as an island but extends as a park territory directly from the material of the architecture.

The parking garage, subway station, restaurants, homes, and commercial spaces all plug directly into the fabric of the park. In this context, the design of the park does not call for the broadly planted zones or grand spaces of the larger world parks. Rather it calls for a scattering of outdoor rooms, a sequence of intensely programmed and useable park spaces that fill this territory between the architecture.

The green interstitial spaces play an important role in providing tree canopies for shade, absorbing water run-off from paths and architecture, storing and treating stormwater for park irrigation, and all of the other benefits ornamental landscapes provide. But it is very clear that these functions are secondary to providing much needed human environments for cultural engagement.

▼树影下的阶梯座椅 Step chairs under the shadow of trees

The Daxing Park prompts questions of the park typology in an era where private developers are keen to edge out competition by partnering with public interests. Can these zones become truly public parks, or will they become neighborhood territories dominated by the lucky residents surrounding them? The case of Daxing Park points to a wide user base promoting a more public approach.

▼公园夜景 Night at the park

Residents of the houses opening onto the park play chess and Ping-Pong alongside those who have travelled by bike from the surrounding developments. It remains to be seen as the park matures if the subway and park and ride facilities will pull in an even broader public to enjoy the park.
▼公园内活动空间 Activity space in the park

摄影:Nathaniel McMahon, Shu He, Amey Kandalgaonkar
Location: Beijing, China
Site Area: 13.9 ha
Client: Vanke Beijing 北京万科
Construction: 2016-2019
Photographer: Nathaniel McMahon, Shu He, Amey Kandalgaonkar
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