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Thanks Associates Architecture for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Associates Architecture.


Associates Architecture:项目位于一个天然石制露天剧场的中心,该剧场曾是多塞纳市附近山顶上的一个采矿区。

Associates Architecture:The project site is in the center of a natural stone amphitheater, a former mining area, situated on the top of the mountains surrounding the municipality of Dossena.


© Atelier XYZ



The earliest settlements in the area date back to the Bronze Age when iron, calamine, and galena mines were discovered. These mines led to the establishment of a stable community around the extraction sites, making Dossena the first settlement in the valley.


▽山顶的纪念碑凝聚成一个具有象征意义的符号 The monument at the top of the hill coalesces into a symbolic symbol

© Atelier XYZ
© Atelier XYZ

▽ 项目现场 Project site



The monument ECHO OF THE MOUNTAIN celebrates the memory of all the people who worked in the now dismissed mining sites of Dossena.


▽纪念碑与山岩融为一体 The monument blends in with the rock

© Atelier XYZ
© Atelier XYZ


​该项目包括一个圆形围墙,它让人联想到当地的木栅栏,围墙内有一块由艺术家 Francesco Paterlini 雕刻的大石头,围墙将其与周围景观隔开,赋予了其象征性与沉思性。

The project consists of a circular enclosure, reminiscent of local wooden fences, embracing a large stone, sculpted by the artist Francesco Paterlini, and isolating it from the surrounding landscape, giving it a symbolic and contemplative nature.


▽圆形围墙将一座大岩石围绕其中 The large stone is surrounded by a circular enclosure

© Atelier XYZ


▽当地木栅栏意向图 References

Courtesy of Associates Architecture


▽入口 The entrances

© Atelier XYZ
© Atelier XYZ
© Atelier XYZ


▽ 艺术家 Francesco Paterlini 正在雕刻石像 Francesco Paterlini carving a stone statue.

Courtesy of Associates Architecture


▽岩石中凿刻的石像壁龛 Niches of stone statues carved into the rock

© Atelier XYZ



The enclosure consists of a concrete base that extrudes halfway around its circumference, becoming a long seat for community celebrations, and a pyramid-shaped burnt wooden structure that grafts onto the concrete base along its entire length.


▽混凝底座向外伸出变成了座椅 Concrete base extends outwards into a seat

© Atelier XYZ
© Atelier XYZ
© Atelier XYZ
© Atelier XYZ


▽施工过程 Construction process


▽模型 The model

© Associates Architecture


▽平面图  Plan

© Associates Architecture
© Associates Architecture


▽轴侧爆炸图 Exploded axonometric

© Associates Architecture


▽立面图 Elevation

© Associates Architecture


▽剖面图 Section

© Associates Architecture


▽设计细节 Detail

© Associates Architecture




项目地点:意大利 多塞纳
建筑设计:Associates Architecture
设计团队:Nicolò Galeazzi, Martina Salvaneschi, Mariachiara Cocchiararo, Claudia Crotti, Paola Federici, Nicole Tombini
结构设计:Opera Mista
艺术干预:Francesco Paterlini
平面设计:Giulia De Benedetto, TassinariVetta
合作伙伴:Comune di Dossena, Politecnico di Torino-DAD
供应商:Impresa edile Astori, Green Ger
摄影:Atelier XYZ

Name: Echo Of The Mountain
Type: Monument
Location: Dossena, IT
Year: 2023-2024
Sqm: 490
Commissioner: Associazione Cultura Dossena
Architecture: Associates Architecture
Team: Nicolò Galeazzi, Martina Salvaneschi, Mariachiara Cocchiararo, Claudia Crotti, Paola Federici, Nicole Tombini
Structure: Opera Mista
Artistic intervention: Francesco Paterlini
Graphic design: Giulia De Benedetto, TassinariVetta
Partners: Comune di Dossena, Politecnico di Torino-DAD
Cultural partner: Direzione Generale Creatività Contemporanea – Ministero della Cultura
Suppliers: Impresa edile Astori, Green Ger
Photography: Atelier XYZ




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