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Thanks Estudio MMX for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Estudio MMX.


Estudio MMX:El ECO公司每年都会组织一次设计竞赛,即在由艺术家Matthias Goeritz1953年设计的建筑的中央庭院中建造一个实验展馆。

Estudio MMX:The experimental museum: El ECO organizes a yearly competition to design and build a pavilion in the central patio of the building, designed by artist Matthias Goeritz in 1953.


© Yoshihiro Koitani


2011年,Studio MMX的获奖方案是对该建筑已经具备的惊喜和品质空间的一种意料之外的补充。它是一场特定该庭院背景的与Goeritz建筑的干预对话,一个没有预先规划程序的、可支持人们灵活使用的、多样化的空间配置和读取方式的自由空间。

2011 winning proposal presented by Studio MMX is a spatial addition to the surprise and unexpected qualities that the building already has. The intervention dialogues with Goeritz’s experiment, it is specific on the context of the patio, and formalizes a democratic space without a preconceived program, where the options of spatiality only suggest and allow for flexibility of use, diverse spatial configurations, and readings.


© Yoshihiro Koitani
© Yoshihiro Koitani



The piece is shaped trough a system of two planes generated with rope, in response to a system in which directions, flows and perspective points of the space are modified in a subtle but constant way. The new generated physical and visual directions in the space are possible due to the insertion of the rope planes, with a varying density that guides the spectator gaze and body through the transition between the museum interior and the patio.


© Yoshihiro Koitani
© Yoshihiro Koitani
© Yoshihiro Koitani



Shadowplay creates a contained space where activities of static nature can be held, furthermore it changes the perception, as the day passes by and the shadows move and travel in the space. The spatial experience of the pavilion is produced by both, its physical qualities and the perception of a moving spectator.


© Yoshihiro Koitani
© Yoshihiro Koitani


▼装置模型 Model

© Estudio MMX

▼装置平面图 Plan

© Estudio MMX

▼装置示意 Diagram

© Estudio MMX



项目名称:ECO Pavilion
建筑设计:Estudio MMX
地点:墨西哥 墨西哥城
合作伙伴:Cecilia Pardo, Federico Pepe
摄影:Yoshihiro Koitani

Project Name: ECO Pavilion
Architectural Design: Estudio MMX
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Collaborators: Cecilia Pardo, Federico Pepe
Photography: Yoshihiro Koitani
Year: 2011


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