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Thanks L&M for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by L&M.
L&M: There are many “blue giants” living in the city of Guangzhou, They are very shy, and quietly provide energy for everyone, However, their neighbors were afraid of them.
Let’s get together, Get to know and help “blue giants”! They are gentle giants, and also reliable and interesting friends.
“Big Blue” Profile:
Name: Big Blue
Specialty: Energizer
Personality: shy
Occupation: Substation
Wish: have many good friends
长长-广州市白云区长红变电站 Changchang-Changhong Substation, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Blue Giant Changchang lives, in the shopping mall area, Shy Changchang hide in the corner, He hopes all passers-by don’t see him.
With the help of the children, He raised the electric car charging tower, Effectively supplement the surrounding parking space, It also meets the demand of more and more electric vehicles.
The neighbors are well-dressed shopping malls, Wearing gray work clothes of the Changchang originally also some inferiority, With everyone’s encouragement, Changchang bravely changed the working clothes, revealing strong muscle lines.
You just found out, The original strong Changchang, has a completely different mechanical beauty. He is full of courage and strength, Support and protect all the people around.
Even the snoring that scared everyone, It’s not because Changchang is sleeping, It’s the gasp and heartbeat of his hard work.
▽支持和守护着身边的所有人 Support and protect everyone around you
Dear friends, When you come to Baiyun District of Guangzhou, Don’t forget to visit the Blue Giant Changchang, He not only holds the “Moonlight treasure box” to serve everyone, It also lights up the “lights of every family”.
▽ 他不仅举着服务大家的“月光宝盒” He not only holds the “Moonlight Treasure Box” that serves everyone
▽ 也为这里点亮了“万家灯火” It also lit up “the lights of thousands of homes” here
洋洋 -广州市中新知识城洋田变电站 Yangyang – Guangzhou Sino-Singapore Knowledge City Yangtian Substation
Giant Yangyang is a greedy baby, His home is in the suburb of Guangzhou, Not only beautiful landscape, There are also many fruits and vegetables in the land.
Yangyang has few neighbors, and few friends.
有一天,洋洋正在啊呜一口咬一粒虾饺,突然一群小朋友们发现了他,他们对洋洋大声喊,“蓝巨人”洋洋 不要再吃东西啦 快点和我们一起玩吧。
One day, Yangyang was chewing a shrimp dumpling, Suddenly a group of children found him, They yelled at Yangyang, Yangyang, stop eating. Come and play with us.
The children climbed onto the shrimp dumplings, It turns out that this is a good playground.
Shrimp dumpling skin become a rich space for activities.
More and more people come to find Yangyang, Purchase vegetables and fruits under the skin of shrimp dumplings.
It becomes, China Singapore knowledge city, The liveliest farmer’s market, Attract people who love food and life.
Yangyang may be the most greedy Giant, Children, Come and play with Yangyang, Let’s take a bite together.
东东 -广州市金融城东变电站 Dongdong – Guangzhou Financial City East Substation
Giant Dongdong’s home is on the edge of the Pearl River, It’s also a very expensive bridgehead area, Dongdong lives with two brothers:the pump station and the garbage station, They were asked to wear camouflage suits and hide in the trees.
Dongdong is aggrieved, and sad, He wants to have friends to play with, Also want to attract more young people for Guangzhou.
Dongdong and his friends hold hands, Held up a crystal knowledge center.
It has no threshold, no boundary, It is the most special city landmark along the Pearl River.
The knowledge center is, The combination of classroom, laboratory, library, theater, exhibition, playground and youth housing.
It is a vertical unbounded school, Knowledge for all in the city, People can learn from nature, books, teachers and sports.
Not only the “blue giant” Dongdong, Choose to turn yourself into a lighthouse, He is the brightest star in the sky.
Keep young heartbeats for Guangzhou, Light up the edge of knowledge for the Pearl River.
Welcome to Guangzhou, You will meet a group of gentle “blue giants”.
Our office is located in Zhongshan Park in Shanghai, which is a very lively business district, but there is a substation next to the subway station entrance. We pass by it every day, but it is rarely noticed, and it even constitutes a negative part of the environment. After receiving this competition task, we actually made a lot of ideas for the substation near this company, and felt that this familiar little one could also incorporate many interesting functions.
The transformation of substations can provide a lot of interesting space for the city, which is a very valuable practice to revitalize idle resources, and is also closely related to national policies such as “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality”. When citizens use these spaces, they can more subtly change their inherent impression of substations, which is a long-term but very meaningful process.
It is very meaningful and far-sighted to hold an international competition for substation landscape and function in Guangzhou. It is worth learning from many cities. I believe this competition is just the beginning, and more and more negative spaces in cities can be better utilized in the future.
▽ 月光宝盒——广州市白云区长红变电站 Moonlight Treasure Box – Changhong Substation, Baiyun District, Guangzhou

▽贪吃的洋洋——广州市中新知识城洋田变电站 Greedy Yangyang——Yangtian Substation in Sino-Singapore Knowledge City, Guangzhou

▽珠江灯塔——广州市金融城东变电站 Pearl River Lighthouse – East Substation of Guangzhou Financial City

Dear friends, which “Big Blue” do you prefer?
Design: L&M
Project Manager: Guo Lan
Design in charge: Liu Jinrui, Zou Mingxi
Design Team: Feng Qiong, Li Jiayan, Guan Haoting, Pang Siyin, Li Weihui
Model Photography: Yang Pengcheng
Rendering: HOM
Design Consultant: Shen Peng
“ 打破变电站在人们脑海里的固有印象,变成充满趣味的公共空间。”
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