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Grant Associates:沃特曼湾景观以新月形悬挑的滨水步道为特色,旨在方便市民无限接近并享受水景,在城市前滨区创造出一个全新的公共空间。该完全开放的圆形剧场式木栈道,向水面延伸形成了一个新的公共码头,巨大的砂岩石块则在一旁提供了非正式的座位区,其间种植的当地树种也为开阔的滨岸补充了阴凉的背景空间。
Grant Associates:Watermans Cove features a crescent shaped cantilevered waterfront walkway to allow people to get close to, and enjoy, the water, creating an entirely new public space on the city’s foreshore. The fully-accessible, amphitheatre-style boardwalk extends out to create a new public pier. Huge sandstone blocks provide informal seating areas and native species trees create a shady backdrop to the open waterfront. A feature Fig tree has been planted on part of the original dockside structure.

Watermans Cove是Grant Associates在南巴兰加鲁(Barangaroo South)两公顷公共区域内设计的一个关键项目,它作为其7.5公顷的多功能项目的一部分,由全球城市更新专家Lendlease开发和交付。该方案旨在将悉尼前滩的中心部分(以前是集装箱码头),更新为世界级的、充满活力的滨水区域。其公共区域也为引人注目的皇冠度假休闲综合体提供了滨水环境,该综合体出自著名建筑公司Wilkinson Eyre Architects。
Watermans Cove is a key feature of Grant Associates’ designs for two hectares of public realm at Barangaroo South – a 7.5 hectare, mixed-use scheme being developed and delivered by global urban regeneration specialist Lendlease. The scheme aims to revitalise this central part of Sydney’s foreshore, formerly a terminal for containers, into a world-class, vibrant waterfront precinct. The public realm also provides the waterfront setting to the dramatic Crown Resorts leisure complex designed by Wilkinson Eyre Architects.
The walkway at Watermans Cove represents a significant step forward of a plan led by the Government of New South Wales to create a continuous walk around Sydney’s harbour foreshore. This section of waterfront has been inaccessible to the public for over 100 years because of its industrial use.

Grant Associates为Barangaroo South设计的另一个关键元素是一个占地一公顷的名为Hickson公园的公共公园,该公园将于2020年12月开放。这个公园将以绿色重新连接悉尼中央商务区、Barangaroo零售和餐饮区中心,及其附近由著名建筑师伦佐·皮亚诺设计的细长的新住宅大厦。
Another key element of Grant Associates’ designs for Barangaroo South is a one-hectare public park called Hickson Park, which is due to open in December 2020. This park will provide a green link from Sydney’s Central Business District into the heart of Barangaroo’s retail and dining precinct, which is adjacent to the slender new residential towers designed by the acclaimed architect Renzo Piano.

Grant Associates董事安德鲁·格兰特评论道:“我们的目标是充分利用其美丽的悉尼港的背景,创造一个令人难忘的和独特的新的滨水岸公共空间。我们希望人们能够享受木栈道以及与水的亲密接触,品味其美景,尤其是日落。在封闭这么多年之后,把这个独特的空间还给人们,是一个非常奇妙的过程。”
Andrew Grant, director at Grant Associates, commented: “Our aim for Watermans Cove was to create a memorable and distinctive new public space right on the water’s edge that took full advantage of its beautiful Sydney Harbour backdrop. We hope people will enjoy the boardwalk’s closeness to the water, and savour its views, especially to watch the sunset. It has been a wonderful process to return this unique space back to people after being out of bounds for so many years.”

新南威尔士州州长格拉迪斯·贝雷吉利(Gladys Berejiklian)在评论沃特曼湾(Waterman‘s Cove)新前滨开幕时说:“沃特曼湾是一个全新的公共空间,向水上扩展后,它变成了一个令人惊叹之地,人们来这儿可以好好放松一下,欣赏我们美丽的城市景色。”
Commenting on the opening of the new foreshore at Waterman’s Cove, Premier of New South Wales Gladys Berejiklian said: “Watermans Cove is a completely new public space and with steps down towards the water, it’s an incredible place for residents, workers and tourists to relax and take in the sights of our beautiful city.”

Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes said: “What was once a foreboding industrial wasteland is now a picture-perfect postcard celebrating great design, great architecture and great open spaces.”
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