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CAN Design:合肥万象城全新餐饮空间及屋顶花园 Foodie Sky 是全新的微度假潮流圣地,重新定义社交餐饮,构建自然主义的新美学。
CAN Design: CAN’s latest project, Foodie Sky in Hefei, China, is a brand-new rooftop dining and garden space at Hefei MixC. This project aims to create a trendy micro-vacation destination, redefining social dining with a fresh, natural aesthetic.
华丽蜕变 都市云端绿洲 An Urban Oasis Set Above the Clouds
Hefei MixC is currently undergoing a phased renovation plan, aiming to become Anhui’s premier commercial complex. The Foodie Sky on the 6th floor is an exciting addition to Hefei MixC, CAN has transformed the rooftop into functional, attractive urban spaces where visitors can relax, socialize, and enjoy the ambiance.
▽屋顶花园鸟瞰 Aerial view
The design intertwines the interior and the exterior, creating a genuine connection with the interior environment while crafting a memorable scenic experience with its unique architectural design. The rooftop garden skilfully uses curved elements and elegant lines to create a sense of spatial fluidity, adding layers of visual interest and fun, and crafting a continuous spatial experience.
▽自然的景观空间与流动的建筑语言呼应融合 The natural landscape space echoes and integrates with the flowing architectural language
Stepping into the expansive atrium garden, the open garden space exudes a subtly luxurious style, with dozens of selected green plants building a luxuriously wild atmosphere, creating a dynamic, transformative, and layered three-dimensional space that allows natural art to proliferate and coexist within the area.
全新社交新聚场 A New Social Hub
走进广阔的中庭花园,开阔花园场景尽显隐奢风格,多样的植物和花卉共同营造出一座非凡的艺术花园。四座巨大的“蘑菇” 形构筑物,优雅地穿插于绿意盎然的草坪之上。这些设计流畅、层次分明的结构不仅是视觉上的焦点,也是整个空间的灵魂。这灵活的开放空间不仅是举行秀场、发布会和展演的活力舞台,更是市民放松娱乐、漫步畅想的的理想场所,提供了一个既能欣赏美景也能参与互动的休闲空间。夜幕降临时,花园更是展现出迷人的光影效果。灯光柔和地点亮了整个花园, 使其变成了一个梦幻的光影世界,勾勒出极致的夜游体验。
Four enormous mushroom-shaped structures elegantly interspersed across the verdant lawn are not only visual focal points but also the soul of the entire space. This flexible open area serves as a vibrant stage for lives events, shows, or performances, as well as an ideal place for city dwellers to dine, play and enjoy the natural beauty, providing a leisure space that allows for both scenic enjoyment and interactive experiences.
▽中庭花园 Atrium garden

打造城市微度假新空间 Creating a New Urban Micro-Vacation Space
The semi-open design ensures that the areas of the rooftop garden are interconnected. The centralized dining area is directly connected to the indoor pathways on the sixth floor, integrating vertical circulation and strengthening the connection between the rooftop and the podium building, forming a circular flow on the sixth floor. In the bustling city, this space offers visitors a serene green sanctuary. The close integration of green landscapes and commercial spaces creates a new dining, entertainment, and leisure hotspot, allowing customers to rediscover the beauty of the city skyline and attract them to the upper floors for a unique spatial experience.
▽相互贯通的区域空间 Interconnecting regional Spaces
生态 x 活力 x 美食 Ecology x Vitality x Gastronomy
Foodie Sky 全餐饮楼层利用屋顶户外空间,结合室内外设计,筛选首入合肥的优质餐饮品牌,打造安徽省时尚、品质餐饮至高地,为访客提供了一个放松与享受美食的理想空间,完美融合了自然美景与休闲生活。通过打造屋顶绿化区,设立大草坪和观景庭院,形成多样化的消费场景,吸引不同消费群体,极大提升了餐饮消费的吸引力。
The rooftop restaurant experience is taken to yet another level at Foodie Sky, offering dine-in experiences with the top culinary outlets in the city. The rooftop, filled with various fusion restaurants, perfectly merges natural beauty with leisure living. The rooftop garden exemplifies CAN’s commitment to integrating landscape into architecture to foster a connection with nature. The sculptural concrete canopies, with their flowing lines, rise gently above the landscape, offering shade and shelter while echoing the organic forms found in nature. This design not only prioritizes aesthetic appeal but also focuses on environmental sustainability. Each element is thoughtfully placed to ensure visitors can immerse themselves in a multisensory green retreat, a serene escape in the heart of the city.
▽多元化的空间场景营造 Diversified space scene construction
Foodie Sky 的全新餐饮空间和屋顶花园已经悠然启幕,标志着合肥万象城迈进一个全新时代。设计充分体现了CAN致力将景观融入建筑、促进人与自然联系。Foodie Sky为城市微度假和社交餐饮提供独特的体验,展现出自然主义的新美学。屋顶花园中的每一个元素都经过精心打造,确保访客能够沉浸在多感官的绿色静谧之地,在城市中心找到宁静的避风港。
The newly opened Foodie Sky dining space and rooftop garden mark a new era for Hefei MixC. CAN Design is dedicated to creating unique experiences for urban micro-vacations and social dining by seamlessly combining innovative architectural design with natural landscapes, showcasing a new natural aesthetic.
▽屋顶花园夜景 Night view of roof garden
项目名称:合肥万象城 Foodie Sky
建筑设计:CAN Design
景观设计 : FLO 景观设计事务所
结构设计: 天华
Project Name: Hefei MixC Foodie Sky
Completion: 2024
Project Size: 8,600sqm
Project Location: Hefei, China
Architectural Design: CAN Design
Company website: www.can.hk
Company Email: marketing@can.hk
Client: China Resources Land
Landscape Design: FLO
Structural Design:天华
Lighting: ULDA
Photographer: Shenzhen Yimuchuan Cultural Media Co., Ltd
“ 将闲置的屋顶空间打造成为充满自然气息的全新城市空间及休闲社交场。”
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