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Thanks Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd. for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.



Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd: The rapid development of real estate has led to frequent landscape iterations make the landscape industry present a normalization of a hundred schools of thought. We seem to be used to the visual feast of the moment. We started to imagine, is there such a physical life display area that can use space to describe all the beauty of design? Here, emotions fluctuate with the change of space, and the site can tell people all the warmth related to love; no matter it is landscape and architecture or human communication and behavior, they are not restricted by boundaries. This is the original idea of this case.


▼项目鸟瞰 Aerial view


策略:与建筑“牵手” Strategy: “Hand in hand” with architecture

边界的模糊 Blurring of boundaries


The circular building in the center of the site plays a leading role in the space, so the landscape needs to be perfectly connected with the building. In the early stage of the design, the landscape and the building have undergone multiple rounds of collisions, and finally decided to connect several different levels of space with a penetrating artistic line to increase the multi-dimensionality and richness of the experience; the blanking boundary makes the building and the The landscape establishes a closer connection. Ultimately stimulate the vitality of the multidimensional experience of the space.


▼总体空间分析图 Overall spatial analysis diagram


▼局部空间 Localspace



Integrate architectural spaces of different levels into the dynamic lines of landscape experience, and emotions produce ups and downs in the switching of spaces. The roof and the sunken atrium create more spatial dimensions for the landscape.


▼场地总体剖面图 Site section


情境的统一 Unified situation


The diamond ring symbolizes the firmness and eternity of love, and is the spiritual sustenance of loyalty. The shape of the building is derived from the diamond ring, which has an obvious theme. The landscape architect did not blindly emphasize the language of the diamond. Instead, we hope to extend the ideological connotation of the diamond ring and give space to more spiritual narratives.


▼建筑与景观的统一性 Unity between architecture and landscape



Eternity should be the warmth that can be seen everywhere. This time, we use space to describe the warmth related to love…


▼桥成为连接的纽带 The bridge becomes the link of connection


CHAPTER01 纯净的边界


Smell the winding and fragrant greenery in the white and warm landscape.


▼设计手稿 Sketch


The main entrance is a pure white display interface with a length of more than 40 meters. It does not have a complicated sense of form, but is still full of insight. The thin columns on both sides add the right lightness to the facade. As the beginning of the story, the pure border at the entrance symbolizes the whiteness in the memory, clean but with weight. He is not magnificent, but carries the heavy memory of his first acquaintance.


▼入口区空间分析图 Entrance space analysis diagram

▼纯净的边界是空间叙述的起点,干净却充满分量感 Pure boundary is the starting point of narration, which is clean but full of sense of weight.



The dramatic entrance transition space conveys a sense of domain, and under the cover of asymmetrical walls on both sides, you can see the surprise presentation of the building. It’s like an accidental encounter, it always happens at an inadvertent corner.


▼转换空间,有光,便有了戏剧性 Transforming space–where there is light, there is a dramatic atmosphere.

▼视线在墙体间进行巧妙压缩,让建筑的呈现多一分惊喜 The wall compresses the line of sight, and the organization of the line of sight makes the appearance of the building more pleasant.

▼进入后的回望 Look back


CHAPTER02 流动的银河


In the flow of the constructed space, I see the dreamy silence.


▼设计手稿 Sketch


The volumetric building in the front court is like a brilliant diamond ring. The landscape architect did not paint too much, we echoed the architectural form with the purest waterscape. The light from the facade is like the surrounding Milky Way, and the reflection of the waterscape adds a flowing beauty to the building. And the stars scattered randomly in the water interpret the tranquility of space. The atmosphere of deja vu is like the night when they promised each other.


▼钻戒形态的圆形建筑 Diamond ring-like circular building.

▼建筑表皮的光,在水面的映衬下,仿佛是流动的银河 The light from the facade is like the surrounding Milky Way.

▼水面随意洒落的光,让空间多一份静谧的美感 The random light on the water surface adds a sense of tranquility to the space.


CHAPTER03 灵动的浪漫


In the swaying of the gurgling light and shadow, I hear the moving heartstrings.


▼设计手稿 Sketch


The sunken atrium is the core of this space, and we hope to give it a romantic atmosphere. A water flow device connected with the cantilevered swimming pool is set in the center of the line of sight, and the device will sprinkle mottled dynamic light and shadow under the flow of wind. The floating stage, the smart steps, the revolving stairs and even the jacaranda under the stairs convey the agile romance in the space. The atmosphere of the space makes people think about the romance of dancing on the wedding dance floor.


▼下沉中庭空间分析图 Space analysis diagram of sunken atrium.

▼不同维度的曲线增加下沉空间的层次感,传递灵动的浪漫 Curves of different dimensions increase the sense of hierarchy in the space and convey agile romance.

▼对景处的流水装置,呈现出斑驳的动态光影 The flowing water device at the opposite scene shows a mottled dynamic light and shadow.

▼旋转楼梯裹挟下的蓝花楹,成为关于中庭的温暖记忆点,人们在等待她的绽放 The jacaranda under the spiral staircase has become a warm memory point about the atrium, and people are looking forward to her blooming.

▼围绕着圆形中庭,在不同的维度和视角下面有不同的观景感受 The circular atrium can bring different viewing experience under different dimensions and perspectives.


CHAPTER04 空中的粉色花园


Running in the red garden, I touch the blue sky close at hand.


▼设计手稿 Sketch


We hope that the roof can continue the romantic sentiment, and use artistic lines to outline the texture of the flower pond to add an uncertain beauty to the hanging garden. In the garden, there are Hairawn Muhly . The pink “flower field” links the blue sky, as if it can be easily touched by raising a hand. All we have to do is run on it and enjoy the time.


▼屋顶花园空间分析图 Space analysis diagram of roof garden

▼空中的花园成为整个观赏动线上重要的一个环节 The hanging garden has become an important part of the entire tour line.

▼花园的每一根微小的线条都经过反复的推敲打磨 Every tiny line in the garden has been repeatedly polished.

▼关于空间的融合,空中的花园与下沉中庭形成默契的关系 Under the integration of space, the sky garden and the sunken atrium form a tacit relationship.


第二乐园 Second paradise


The garden in the sky and the children’s activity space in the forest are linked by the trestle bridge in the forest. We hope that the roof garden can become the second paradise for children to play. Their smiling faces merge with the sea of flowers and become a landscape in the sky.


▼孩子在空中的花园奔跑 The children run freely in the hanging garden.

▼花园里泡泡机就可以让他们开心一下午,童年的快乐很简单 The bubble machine in the garden can make them happy all day long. The joy of childhood is very simple.


CHAPTER05 无界的风情感


In the bounds of the sparkling water, I enjoy the unbounded tropical style.


▼设计手稿 Sketch


Huizhou is a city full of holiday style. We create a holiday experience without leaving home through the infinite artistic swimming pool, and even the birdcage-shaped structures convey the holiday atmosphere here. We hope that this kind of emotional transmission can wipe away fatigue. Meeting each other to swim downstairs is like a vacation trip for two people, looking for a long-lost state of relaxation, and returning to the relaxation and sweetness of love.


▼度假泳池空间分析图 Space analysis diagram of resort swimming pool

▼度假感是天蓝色的纯粹清爽 The sense of vacation is pure and refreshing in sky blue.

▼度假感是银海枣树下的斑驳光影 The sense of vacation is the dappled light and shadow under the silver date palm.

▼阳光褪去,灯光给夜晚的泳池更添一份宁静的风情感 The light adds a tranquil feeling to the pool at night.


CHAPTER06 树梢上的童年


In my innocent childhood, I admire the trees and chase dreams.


▼设计手稿 Sketch


The children’s space is not only the end of the story, but also the core highlight of this design. The sublimation of love finally returns to the company of the next generation. We hope that children should not only be accompanied by colorful floor mats and large children’s equipment. Accompanying should be to perceive the world with the child. You will find the sounds of nature and the smell of the earth everywhere. The best thing is to have a ” tree of memory” that accompanies children to grow up. We can watch the little guy running on the top of this big tree and hope that he can grow up slowly.


▼儿童活动区空间分析图 Space analysis diagram of children’s activity area

▼用一条空中的飞桥串联起不同的儿童活动空间 A fly bridge in the sky connects different children’s activity spaces in series, which is the link of space.

▼整个儿童活动空间的核心是森林里的树屋 The tree house surrounded by dense forest is the core of the children’s activity space.

▼陪伴儿童成长的“记忆大树”穿过了树屋 The ” tree of memory” that can accompany the growth of children passed through the tree house.

▼不同的岛状空间,孩子们的活动被绿岛包围着 Different island-shaped spaces make children’s activities surrounded by green islands.

▼儿童的滑梯与爬网形成上下空间的纽带 Children’s slides and crawling nets form a link connecting the upper and lower spaces.

▼桥的存在,让行进动线多了一种可能性 The existence of the bridge makes the line of movement one more possibility.

▼这个空间是属于孩子们的,他们在树梢上的奔跑是最美丽的风景 This space belongs to the children, their figure running on the treetops is the most beautiful scenery.



委托业主:华发股份 旭辉集团深圳区域
设计团队:主创-哈艺 团队人员-宁红林 黄海源 刘漳义 陈文华 王博 邓乃祥 彭跃东 钟一丰 武孟玮 郑士吟  张庆波  陈成 李梦颖 况紫莹 朱寅卓 银柳 骆艳丹 陈寒梅 程恩强
图片来源:上海峥荣摄影服务有限公司,山水比德品牌战略中心 黄安

Project name: HUAFA CIFI·Platinum Diamond
Client: Huafa Group, CIFI Group
Landscape design: Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.
Design team: Chief designer-Ha Yi; Teammate: Ning Honglin, Huang Haiyuan, Liu Zhangyi, Chen Wenhua, Wang Bo, Deng Naixiang, Peng Yuedong, Zhong Yifeng, Wu Mengwei, Zhen Shiyin, Zhang Qingbo, Chen Cheng, Li Mengying, Kuang Ziying, Zhu Yinzhuo, Yin Liu, Luo Yandan, Chen Hanmei, Cheng Enqiang
Landscape construction: Xiamen Yijing Landscaping Engineering Co., Ltd
Architectural design: LWK + PARTNERS
Location: Ma’an, Huizhou, Guangdong province, China
Design time: April 2020
Completion: August 2020
Photo credit: Shanghai Zhengrong Photography, Huang’an (Brand Centre of S.P.I Design Co., Ltd.)


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