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Thanks loop lab for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by loop lab.
loop lab:“在一片沼泽地里面打造出环保的洞穴场所,充满未来感的建筑体掩在被层层绿色植物包裹着的非常具有体验感的花园中。丰富的植物环境和建筑的融合让人感觉奇妙异世界风情,保护一条流经酒店花园的小溪,就如同我们用更环保的方式建造酒店。而用更低碳的方式搭建低物流系统,合理利用太阳能补充能源消耗,不断探索穴居生活的自然方式,是设计深度结合场地的体现。”
loop lab: “We created an environmentally friendly cave place in a swamp, and futuristic architectureares are hidden in a very experiential garden wrapped in layers of green plants. The combination of rich plant environment and architecture makes people feel a wonderfully exotic.Protecting a brook flowing through the hotel garden, just resembles building a hotel in a more environmentally friendly way. Building a low logistics system in a lower-carbon way, rationally using solar energy to compensate for the energy consumption, and constantly exploring the natural way of cave life are the embodiment of the deep combination of design sites.”
▽建筑藏于地下被地表植物覆盖, building underground restore the cover of surface vegetation
项目概览 Project overview
The initial concept of the loop village comes from curiosity and cherishment of the natural environment. In the formulation of development goals, the The Loop Village Resort Hotel has always adhered to the two core principles of using design and planning to balance constructive destruction during the construction period and using technological advantages to create a more sustainable resort operation system during the operation period.
▽总平面图 Master plan

构建一个隐秘而轻松的度假地 Build a Covert and Stress-free Vacation Land
野界度假酒店项目坐落于吴兴区妙西镇妙山村的竹林山谷中。建筑面积约2000平米, 主要以覆土建筑为主,结合坡地溪谷景观形成一个占地35亩,拥有13间超大套房的小型度假村。酒店本身所拥抱的户外生活方式,不是荒野求生的户外极限,它更多的是一种轻松的周末的户外生活,是一种初心者对大自然的向往起点,或者说是一种城市青年所需要的场景转换。
The Loop Village Resort Hotel project is located in the bamboo forest valley of Miaoshan Village, Miaoxi Town, Wuxing District. The construction area is about 2,000 square meters, mainly composed of earth-covered buildings, combined with the slope valley landscape to form a small resort with an area of 35 acres and 13 super large suites. The outdoor lifestyle embraced by the loop village project is not the outdoor extreme sport of survival in the wilderness. It is more inclined to be a relaxed weekend outdoor life, the starting point of the novice’s yearning for nature, or a kind of scene conversion needed by urban youth.
▽度假村酒店全景鸟瞰 overall view of the retreats hotel

项目场地状况 Project site condition
原有的场地是一片依托竹山的下陷坑地, 最底层谷地沼泽种植了一些杉树幼苗。北向通过三个陡坎形成了两条带状台地毛竹种植区。这种村落与靠近自然的边界的状态,在江浙的乡村很常见。
The original site was a sinking pit relying on Bamboo Mountain, and some Metasequoia seedlings were planted in the bottom valley swamp. Two striped platform bamboo planting areas were formed in the north through three steep slopes. This kind of village, and the state of being close to the boundary of nature is very common in the villages of Jiangsu and Zhejiang.
▽竹山&茶海&溪流Bamboo Mountain&Tea field&Stream
Use the solid clay model to deduce, reshape the terrain, and understand the scale relationship, spatial sense and terrain changes of the site in more detail, so that we can make a more reasonable design judgment.
▽泥模塑模型推演过程 ,The deduction process of mud molding model

▽建造期的记录,Records of the construction period

▽建造过程演变 ,Evolution of construction process

用设计去平衡建设的破坏 Design to balance the destruction of construction
建筑基础直接建于北向台地之上,景观通过覆土部分平衡了原来因为水土冲刷而造成的陡坎,将建筑藏于地下可以从根本上恢复地表植物覆盖。建造前和建造后可以达到一致甚至更好的植物环境。通过覆土建筑这一独特的建筑形式,景观不仅达到了全面恢复场地植被的既定目标, 更让整个场地产生了更加连绵可探索的地形,更加可控的水文条件和更丰富的植物环境,创造了多层的景观体验。
The foundation of the building is directly built on the north-facing platform. The landscape equilibrates the steep slope originally caused by soil and water washing through the overburden part, If we hide the building underground, we can fundamentally restore the vegetation cover on the surface. We can achieve the same or even better plant environment before and after construction. Through this unique architectural form, we can achieve the landscape’s stated goal, which is to fully restore the vegetation of the site. In addition, the whole site can produce a more continuous and explorable terrain, more controlled hydrological conditions and a richer plant environment, thus creating a multi-layered landscape experience.
▽连绵的屋顶空间,continuous roof topography

▽夜空下的建筑屋顶 Building rooftops under the night sky

▽客房区域的鸟瞰 overall view of room area

场地水系 Site water system
而设计形成的池塘景观在整个 à LOOP花园的浇灌系统上起到了极大的作用,花园的浇灌依靠自然降水和池塘水源的补充,达到一种微妙的平衡。这需要对项目地的自然条件有细致的记录和观察,积累大量的数据并且能做出正确的预判。
The project is located at the bottom of the valley between two mountains. The tributaries of the Xiamou Mountain water system flow through the site, so the water flow is very fast. and the middle section of the river flowing through the site is sharply curved due to terrain reasons. Drawing on traditional practices, we greatly reduce the speed of water flow here by folding water many times upstream and stabilize the boundary of the river with local stone barges. The lower reaches of the stream strengthen and strengthen the path of the stream according to the flood season’s water volume and garden conception, greatly reducing soil and soil erosion and creating abundance. We have solved the flood disaster perfectly through continuous observation and correction。
The designed pond landscape plays a great role in the irrigation system of the whole à LOOP garden. The irrigation of the garden relies on the supplement of natural rainfall and pond water sources ,so as to achieve a delicate balance. There for,this requires careful recording and observation of the natural conditions of the project site, accumulating a great number of data and making correct predictions.
▽黑池的层层叠水,Layer upon layer of water in the black pool

▽杉林秘境的生态步道,The Ecological Trail of Cunninghamia lanceolata

▽弯月溪的orange bridge,Orange bridge of Wanyue Creek

▽涌泉小池Yongquan Koike

After construction, the wetland swamp system in the secret land of the fir forest was retained and observed. Only a few water-tolerant plants were cleaned up and patched at the nodes, and the seeds in the native soil gradually germinated and grew. Under the operational needs of the hotel, we use the ecological trail welded by spiral diners. In this smaller way of intervention, tourists can deeply explore the internal environment of the wetland and walk along with the brook, which provides the customers with a safer route to enter and get close to nature.
▽杉林秘境溪流,Cedar Forest Secret streams

▽杉林恢复的原生植物群落,Native plant community restored by Chinese fir forest

▽溪流穿行的杉林,A fir forest through a stream

自然群落的多样性 The diversity of natural communities
植物场景设计从一开始所设想是在一片竹山茶海间打造的荒野花园,是一片未被扰动的荒野景观,隐秘而和谐.那么在经过漫长的建设之后, 我们希望不仅仅达到复绿荒野的效果,更要有超出原有自然环境的改进,让人工植物群落在外形和功能上更贴近自然群落:更可控更多样,并且在低维护的同时有着更多的视觉和谐感。
From the beginning, the plant scene design envisaged a wilderness garden created between a sea of bamboo and tea . It is an undisturbed wilderness landscape, which is secret and harmonious. Well, after a long construction, we hope that we should not only achieve the effect of turning the wilderness into a green land, but also make changes beyond the original natural environment, so that the artificial plant community is closer to the natural community in appearance and function: for example it is more controllable and diverse, and has more visual harmony at the same time with low maintenance.
▽湿地沼泽与竹林, wetland marsh plant and the bamboo forest

▽丰富的植物群落,rich plant communities

▽人工植物群落的效果 Plant diversity

▽植物细节 Plant details

全面恢复场地植被 Fully restore the vegetation of the site
为了保持花园的稳定状态,在建造的前期loop lab做了大量的前期调研工作。
原有场地上的植被分成两个系统, 一个是湿地沼泽植物群落,一个是花园竹林群落。
à LOOP 花园竹林群落所需要的山野植物,在工程苗圃不那么容易找到。经过多方寻找和调研观察最后在有限的范围内找到这些植物: 比如在原场地竹林边缘移植了鳞盖蕨,针毛蕨,紫萁等阴生植物,山鸡椒,掌叶覆盆子,山莓等浆果植物, 从苗圃里面找到与原生植物科属接近的醉鱼草,紫珠, 万寿竹,洛石等,同时搭建小型温室,培育一些耐寒季节性草花, 当然风有时也会送来种子, 如春飞蓬,救荒野豌豆,紫花地丁,卷耳等,我们觉得山野植物和乡土植物是可以在人工植物群落的花园里面占有很重位置的。必须合理安排野生植物群落才能有丰富的层次和强力的场所感。
In order to maintain the stability of the garden, loop lab did a lot of preliminary research work in the early stage of the construction.
The vegetation on the original site is classified into two systems, one is the wetland swamp plant community, and the other is the garden bamboo forest community.
The wild plants needed by the bamboo forest community in the à LOOP garden are not easy to find in engineering nurseries. After many searches and surveys, these plants were finally found in a limited range: For example, Shade-requiring plant such as (vocabulary and exressions in Latin)Dryopteridaceae , Macrothelypteris oligophlebia , Osmunda japonica, berry plants such as Litsea cubeba, Rubus chingii and were transplanted on the edge of the bamboo forest, Buddleja lindleyana and Callicarpa bodinieri close to the genus of native plants were found from the nursery. Disporum cantoniense, Trachelospermum. At the same time, small greenhouses are built to cultivate some cold-tolerant seasonal grass flowers. Of course, the wind sometimes also blows seeds, such as Erigeron philadelphicus, Vicia sativa , Viola philippica. We think that mountain plants and local plants can occupy a very important position in the gardens of artificial plant communities. Wild plant communities must be reasonably arranged to have a rich level and a strong sense of place.
▽原生植物调研,Investigation of native plants

▽原生植物调研,Investigation of native plants

▽市场选苗,Market selection of seedlings

▽温室自播草花,Self-sowing grass and flowers in greenhouse

项目在设计上做许多次的选择和实践研究来验证花园和建筑的是共生的。这种独特风格, 基于à LOOP 花园的设计都是特定于场地的。不是绝对的固定的风格,保持场地的背景关联,努力发掘项项目特质,以免重复不合适的模式化设计语言,场地的万物都是生长的。
The project has made many design choices and practical studies to verify that gardens and buildings are symbiotic. This unique style, based on the à LOOP garden, is site-specific. It is not an absolute fixed style, so we have to maintain the background connection of the site and strive to explore the characteristics of the project in casr of repeating inappropriate patterned design language. Everything in the site grows.
▽种植手稿,Planting manuscript

将野生植物群落引入场地,而不是简单地把它想成一个“林缘生境”,当然我们把这种自然野性的群落带入空间场景的同时,也会划分明确的边界,将培育植物和当地的原生植物混合种植来模糊场地边缘或界面,场地边界顺势将野生植物群落融入新种植生境中,从来达到退晕的效果。而在趋近建筑体的位置,允许老鹳草,紫花地丁,碎米荠,紫萁等这类原生植物群落和人工植物群落和谐共生并且形成多轮演化,创造了属于à LOOP 花园的植物组合。
Introducing the wild plant community into the site, instead of simply thinking of it as a “forest habitat”. Of course, while we bring this natural wild community into the space scene, we will also draw clear boundaries and blur the edge or interface of the site by mixing cultivated plants with local native plants , and the site boundary will follow the trend. Wild plant communities are integrated into newly planted habitats and have never achieved the effect of fading halo. In the proximity of the building, native plant communities such as Geranium wilfordii, Viola philippica,Cardamine occulta and Osmunda japonica are allowed to coexist harmoniously and form multiple rounds of evolution, creating a plant combination belonging to the à LOOP Garden.
▽特定区域的自然植物群落,Natural plant communities in specific areas

▽精心设计的人工植物群落,A carefully designed artificial plant community

▽模糊的边界植物群落关系,Fuzzy boundary plant community relationship

对于 à LOOP花园来说,设计是永远不会结束的,通过每个季节的呈现效果、施工细节和已建成的元素不断完善花园的空间,野生植物群落和人工植物群落随着时间的推移共同生长并且不断的演替,变化从未停止。
For the à LOOP garden, the design will never terminate. Through the presentation effect of each season, construction details and built elements, the continuous improvement of the space of the garden ,Wild plant communities and plant communities grow together over time and continue to succeed, and the changes never end.
▽植物材料质感拼图,Plant material texture jigsaw puzzle

▽2020-2021庆典草坪花园四季变化的美景 ,2020-2021 Celebration Lawn Garden Beauty of the four Seasons

▽冬季野界酒店实景效果,Real-life effect of the resort hotel

▽香草小径的春天,Spring on the Vanilla Trail

▽初夏的庭院,The courtyard in early summer

在地化材料的应用 The application of geochemical materials
à LOOP花园希望营造一种怀旧的感觉:天空,岩石,土壤,水和植物共同营造这熟悉感,这些熟悉感来源于自然或者是乡野,也有可能来自从其空间的场景的投射,希望这种熟悉感能让人来到这种放松下来,不局促不束缚。
The à LOOP Garden hopes to create a sense of nostalgia:it uses these elements, including the sky, rock, soil, water and plants, to jointly build the familiar feeling,, which comes from nature or countryside, and may also come from the projection of scenes from its space. I hope this familiarity can make people come to this kind of relaxation without crampness or shackleness.
▽当地石材的选料,Selection of local stone materials

而à LOOP 花园的硬质施工中,很多数景观石料都是就地取材。一方面强化场地材料的印象,另一方面尽量减少长途运输的能源消耗。这种当地石料用来界定植物的边界,溪流的驳岸固定,护坡的挡土墙,非常合适,并且和原生植物非常契合。
In the hard construction of à LOOP p Garden, many landscape stones are made on site. On the one hand, it strengthens the impression of site materials, and on the other hand, it minimizes the energy consumption of long-distance transportation. This local stone is used to define the boundaries of plants, the barges of streams are fixed, and the retaining walls of slope protection are very suitable and very suitable with native plants.
The stone on the ground is used in different spaces through the combination and distribution of different modules. The design method is used to distinguish the visual effect, satisfies the space function while maximizing the site materials, and optimizing the hard cost to a certain extent.
The mountain composition in the area where the project is located is mostly stone. Every seasonal rain can wash out a large amount of pebbles and gravel, which has also become the main source of materials at the bottom of the pond riverbed that we are about to design. During the construction period, the stones washed down the mountain have been continuously hoarded down, making the bottom of the pond more and more solid. Finally, the natural hoarded stones were used to complete the construction of “hardening” at the bottom of the pool, laying waterproof blankets, and waiting for different gravel from the next round of rain washing. This is how the black pool landscape of the hotel was formed.
▽石材在花园中的运用——地面铺装,The Application of Stone in Garden– floor pavement

▽石材在花园中的运用——挡土墙 ,The Application of Stone in Garden– retaining Wall

▽石材在花园中的运用——景墙 ,The Application of Stone in the Garden– Landscape Wall

▽石材在花园中的运用——河滩,The Application of Stone in the Garden– Riverbank

管理植物群落:精确的预测和控制景观效果,并建立成本体系 Manage plant communities: accurately predict and control landscape effects, and establish a cost system
一般的项目在建设周期结束以后,设计师也就脱离了,场地会移交管理团队。而野界酒店的建造周期相对漫长,在这漫长的建造周期中loop lab团队充分意识到针对这种自然条件复杂的场域,设计并不仅是图纸上的设计构想,而是持续不断的数以千计的微小调整和落实,协调设计师,种植人员和施工人员,管理团队的分工合作。如何管理植物环境是不得不面对的挑战。
建立属于 à LOOP 花园的模块的数据,需要不断的观察和小范围实验的积累并且记录个体植物的在微环境的属性变化,不断充实这个数据库,植物群落会随着时间的推移而进化,而我们可以通过建立的数据库从视觉美感,可控性,成本控制多维度调配植物材料在场地的位置和搭配效果,根据设计目标进行客观的预测。而这是个长期积累的过程,是需要设计团队和管理团队共同协作。
Typically, at the end of the construction cycle, the designer will leave, and the site will be handed over to the management team.Nevertheless, the construction cycle of the Wild Hotel is relatively long. In this long construction cycle, the loop lab team fully realized that for this complex site with natural conditions, the design is not only the design concept on the drawings, but also the continuous thousands of minor adjustments and implementations, coordinating designers, growers and The division of labor and cooperation between construction personnel and management teams. How to manage the plant environment is a challenge that has to be faced.
Without continuous management, plant communities are not sustainable in complex natural fields, which determines the light, soil and air of the plant environment. It is difficult to say that there is a list of natural plants that remains unchanged. If you want to have a stable plant appearance, you still need to create a management system.
Establishing the data belonging to the module of the À Loop Garden requires continuous observation and the accumulation of small-scale experiments, and at the same time to record the attribute changes of individual plants in the micro-environment. We also need to constantly enriches this database. The plant communities will evolve with the passage of time, and we can build the database from multidimension including visual aesthetics, controllability, cost control etc. to select the location of plant material site, observe the collocation effect.In addition,we can conduct objective prediction according to the design aim and this is a long-term accumulation process, which requires the design team and management team to cooperate together.
Written at the end: The site record of the wild comes from different stages in the past few years. As the natural environment changes, the elimination of species and the adjustment of operational goals are constantly changing. This is a site with a vibrant life.
▽庆典草坪夜景,Night view of the celebration lawn

▽庭院花园春季,Courtyard garden in spring

▽无尽花园盛夏,Endless garden in the height of summer

▽镜像花园夏季,Mirror garden in summer

▽2021秋鸟瞰,overall view of autumn 2021

设计工作室:loop lab
景观团队:loop lab
合作方: (建筑单位、施工单位等): 大连阔森特新型建材有限公司、上海适荣机电设备有限公司、杭州行至云起科技有限公司、路丝拓戈(上海)照明系统 有限公司、深圳市普新环境资源技术有限公司、上海资贸实业有限公司
摄影师:taro ,李晶晶,野界酒店, loop lab
Project name: The Loop Village Resort Hotel
Year of completion: 2020.12
Project area: 2.3ha
Project location: Huzhou, Zhejiang
Design studio: loop lab
Email: Y@loopvill.com
Chief designer: Yang Yulin
Landscape team: loop lab
Client: Huzhou Yejie Hotel Management Co., Ltd
Partners: (building units, construction units, etc.): Dalian Kuesente New Building Materials Co., Ltd., Shanghai Shirong Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xingzhi Yunqi Technology Co., Ltd., Luxitorge (Shanghai) Lighting System Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Puxin Environmental Resources Technology Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Investment and Trade Industry Co., Ltd
Photographer: Taro, Li Jingjing, Yejie Hotel, loop lab
“ 一个可以体验户外生活,一种初心者对大自然的向往起点,一种城市青年所需要的场景转换,隐秘而轻松的度假地。”
更多read more about: loop lab