Sculpture, text and landscape come together to form an important new American Civil Rights memorial.
Cliff Garten工作室高兴地宣布了新的设计是——我是一个人广场。“我是一个人”的口号代表了孟菲斯和其他地方的贫困工人和种族歧视的斗争。
Cliff Garten Studio is pleased to announce its design of I AM A MAN Plaza, a large-scale experiential public sculpture commissioned to pay tribute to the members of the pivotal 1968 Sanitation Workers’ Strike and the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. A focal point of the Civil Rights Movement, the strike brought Dr. King to Memphis, Tennessee where he was assassinated. The strike and its I Am a Man! slogan came to represent the struggle of the working poor and racial inequality in Memphis and beyond.
由Garten设计的景观雕塑的特点是中心位置的青铜和不锈钢雕塑,融入了标志性的口号——“我是一个人”。作为互动性雕塑,在夜晚它会被照亮。Garten和他的工作室领导了一个设计团队,孟菲斯景观设计师John Jackson为纪念广场设计。作为花园的一部分,口语艺术家史蒂夫·福克斯在孟菲斯举办了一场公共演讲,通过一系列的公共研讨会,UrbanArt组织委员会选择相关的历史文本。这些文本结合了美国在种族主义和阶级不平等问题上的斗争和进步的思考。
The landscape sculpture designed by Garten features a centrally located bronze and stainless steel sculpture that brings the iconic slogan I AM A MAN into the present, as an interactive sculpture which is illuminated at night. Garten and his studio led a design team with Memphis-based landscape architect John Jackson of JPA, Inc. for the memorial plaza. As part of Garten’s plan, spoken word artist Steve Fox held an open dialogue with the greater Memphis community, who through a series of public workshops organized by the UrbanArt Commission, selected pertinent historical text and created an original contemporary text which is etched into the marble gates to the plaza’s entry. The texts combine as a meditation on America’s struggle and progress with racism and class inequity since the sanitation workers and Dr. Martin Luther King took their historic stand in Memphis.
景观设计:Cliff Garten Studio
Project name: I Am A Man Plaza
Project type: Plaza
Location: American
Completed: 2018
Medium:Bronze, Stainless Steel, Granite, and Marble
Client: The UrbanArt Commission and The City of Memphis
Landscape: Cliff Garten Studio