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Thanks Alejandro Haiek Coll for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Alejandro Haiek Coll.


Alejandro Haiek Coll:2019年夏天,Alejandro Haiek开始在Civitella Ranieri城堡进行WOJR建筑奖学金研究工作,旨在完成一个大型景观装置。最终,该装置作品重新诠释了上个世纪对翁布里亚乡村带来巨大变化的农业和工业体系。

Alejandro Haiek Coll:In the summer of 2019 Alejandro Haiek embarked on the WOJR Architecture Fellowship at the Civitella Ranieri Castle with the aim to make an installation. The result was a participatory reinterpretation of the agricultural and industrial systems which had framed and changed the Umbrian countryside during the last century.


Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll



The challenge of the work was to create a community engagement process in just over a month; to weave the intrinsic local understanding of geology and topography into industrial production, in order to create a land-art work of sculptural refinement. The consequences of the process are as diverse as collaborations between local producers and chefs pushing boundaries of self-sufficiency, as well as artistic connections between well-known composers, film-makers and writers, resident at Civitella at the time, to harness the capabilities of improvisation and collective making.


▽巨型艺术装置 Giant art installations

Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll



Industries of Nature uses the practice of ‘fast assemblage / slow architecture’ to inquire about the future of cityand country, the role of emerging technologies in labour, automation and generational shifts. It suggests how thecountryside and its local intelligence should be seen as a driver for change in today’s world, an industrious engine of innovation for the uncertain present and a fast-approaching future.


▽“贫穷艺术”发源地城堡 Castle of Civitella Ranieri

Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll


WOJR/Civitella Ranieri建筑奖由马萨诸塞州剑桥的设计公司WOJR赞助,他们每年邀请一位新锐建筑师来到翁布里亚的贫穷艺术(Arte Povera,一场前卫的艺术运动,以废旧品和日常材料进行艺术创作而闻名)发源地Civitella Ranieri进行创作。为符合当地历史和传统,被选中的创作者不能使用任何数字建模和制作软件,且必须完全依靠当地资源来完成作品。该奖项由Liam O’Brien设立,旨在使用简单的方法和当地可用的材料,在城堡附近场地上设计并建造一个与环境相融的临时装置。

WOJR/Civitella Ranieri Architecture Prize sponsored by Cambridge, Massachusetts based design firm, WOJR, invites an emerging architect each year to Civitella Ranieri, Umbira, which is the birthplace of Arte Povera, the avant-garde art movement known for its use of modest resources and everyday materials. Conforming to the region’s history and traditions, the prizewinner should not use digital modeling and fabrication software and must rely solely on local resources. The prize was established by Liam O’Brien to design and construct a site-specific temporary installation on the castle grounds using simple means and locally-available materials.


▽作品展览 Work Exhibition

Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll


▽融于环境的装置 Environmental device

Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll


▽设计师参与制作过程 Designer participation in production



“At the start of the project I was interested in the intersection between nature and the industry measure/ standard. A structure that would take the pulse of nature.


Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll



The planting covering the installation will grow twelve metres per year, one metre per month. In one seasonal cycle it completes the maximum length afforded by standard transportation: the twelve metre rebar, which is the DNA of the structure.


▽渐渐生长的植物 Growing plants

Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll


“为了实现自给自足,城堡的园丁可以种植西葫芦等作物,这些作物的花朵也可用于装饰Ranieri主厨的招牌菜。一切都是由当地资源、能源和材料制成,就如同从这片翁布里亚风景中产生的贫穷艺术作品。”Alejandro Haiek谈到。

In a move to self-sufficiency the castle gardeners can plant the installation, with zucchini for example, whose flowers complement the signature dishes of the Ranieri chef. Everything is made from local resources, energies, materials, just as in Arte Povera, which emerged from this Umbrian landscape.”- Alejandro Haiek


Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll


▽手稿 Sketch

Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll


▽模型 Models

Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll
Courtesy of Alejandro Haiek Coll



项目地点:意大利 翁布里亚
设计单位:Alejandro Haiek Coll

当地农场主:Fabio 、Stefano Pauselli
制片人兼摄影师:Giorgia Fanelli
作曲:Nina Yung 、Texu Kim
视频:Irina Urriola
技术支持:Roberto Menini、Exup Engineers
策展助理:Civitella Ranieri
执行董事:Dana Prescott
驻地主管:Diego Mencaroni
策展人:Regine Basha
协调人:Ilaria Locchi
实习生:Samantha Lloyd-Knauf

主厨:Romana Ciubini
技术员:Maurizio Bastianoni
园丁:Ennio Santini

Project Name: Industries of Nature
Project location: Umbria, Italy
Designer: Alejandro haiek Coll

Project Realised in Collaboration with
Local Family Farmers: Fabio and Stefano Pauselli
producer, photographer: Giorgia Fanelli
Composer: Nina Yung, Texu Kim
Video Editor: Irina Urriola
Technical Support: Roberto Menini, Exup Engineers
Curatorial Assitence: Civitella Ranieri
Executive Director: Dana Prescott
Residency Director: Diego Mencaroni
Curator: Regine Basha
Fellow ’s Coordinator: Ilaria Locchi,
Intern: Samantha Lloyd-Knauf

Special Collaboration with
Chef: Romana Ciubini
Technician: Maurizio Bastianoni
Gardener: Ennio Santini




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