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Thanks selgascano for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by selgascano.
selgascano:La Canaria House 坐落在洛杉矶东北部华盛顿山附近一座陡峭的山坡上,享有 Elysian Valley 180 度的广阔全景。这里不仅可以看到洛杉矶市中心、回声公园的山丘、银湖、格里菲斯公园和好莱坞;还可以俯瞰洛杉矶河、三条高速公路(5 号、2 号和 110 号)以及穿过洛杉矶州立公园的铁路线。无论是从地理位置上还是从象征性意义上,Elysian Valley 都是洛杉矶真正的城市中心;地理位置上,它与分隔洛杉矶的两个物理边界——海洋和山脉距离相近;象征意义上,1781 年西班牙殖民者 Felipe de Neve 在河畔建立了这座城市,并将其命名为“波尔丘库拉河天使女王圣母镇”(El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río Porciúncula),他们称这个地方为 Iyáangẚ,意思是“烟雾之谷”,这也许是指由于大气逆温层而自然形成的烟雾。
selgascano:This house is located in Mount Washington, a suburb in the hills of north-east Los Angeles. The property is on a steep hill with sweeping 180° views towards the Elysian Valley. From here, one can see downtown LA, the Echo Park hills, Silver Lake, Griffith Park and Hollywood; and overlook the Los Angeles River, three freeways (5, 2 and 110), and the railway line running through Los Angeles State Park. Elysian Valley is the true city center of LA, both geographical and symbolic; geographical since it is equidistant to the ocean and the mountains (the two physical borders of Los Angeles) and symbolic since the city was founded by the river in 1781 by Spanish Governor Felipe de Neve as “El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles del Río Porciúncula” (Town of Our Lady the Queen of the Angels of the Porciuncula River) over the settlement of the Tongva people, who called the place Iyáangẚ, meaning “the valley of smoke”, maybe as a reference to the smog that naturally occurs due to the atmospheric inversion layer.

陡峭的地块面朝西南方向——在洛杉矶,一切都朝着日落的方向,就像它最著名的林荫大道一样,这使得房屋设计必须考虑遮挡强烈的阳光,这也是我们从一开始就考虑下面两个不同因素的原因:首先,保持并鼓励 180 度的水平视野;其次,最大限度地保护房屋免受持续的阳光照射。最终,房屋成为了地平线上的倒影,而金色正是洛杉矶日落的颜色。
The steep lot faces southwest- in Los Angeles everything looks to the sunset, like its most famous boulevard- making a necessity to shelter the house from the strong sunlight, which is why from the outset we started to work with these two distinct factors: First, maintaining and encouraging the 180° horizontal views, and second, maximising the home’s protection from the constant sun. The house becomes a reflection of the horizon, and golden is the color of the LA sunset.

To enhance the views, we designed a large outdoor terrace with the same size as the interior space: in Los Angeles, like everywhere with a mild climate, the exterior ultimately becomes just as important as the interior- people live outdoors and indoors, without any clear distinction.

We also designed an outdoor envelopment that veils all the interior and exterior spaces, an independent device that provides shelter from the sun and frames the views. This covering makes a powerful impact on the house, wraps completely around it, and frames the view in the large terrace.

该覆盖装置是由涂有不同颜色的回收铝管制成的,但设计的最终意图是让这个“包裹”融入大自然的怀抱,随着时间的推移,自然将改变房屋的外观,各种爬藤、灌木丛和树木,特别是里面种植的 10 棵 3 种不同品种的棕榈树,将探出头来,在如同金丝雀羽毛一样的鲜黄色遮阳装置(笼子)上生根发芽,成为该“笼舍”真正的住户。
It has been made from tubes of recycled aluminum painted in different colors, but the intention now is for this ‘wrapper’ to be embraced by nature, which will change the image of the house over time, with various creepers, bushes and trees, and specially 10 palm trees of three different varieties planted inside it, poking through and colonizing the Canary-yellow shading device (cage) as the real residents of it.

Perhaps —sometimes this idea has been mentioned to us – this project is an attempt to create a clear association of ideas with the best of the classical Los Angeles architecture, playful between horizontals and verticals and open views.

A third factor was added later: to build a very special home, with handmade details, with custom made materials, but trying to build them in an affordable way, since the usual price of construction in LA is very expensive, and even more if you try to create unique details for every corner. With this in mind, everything inside was planned strictly and tightly, dimensions and materials, considering the cost of each element and material at all times. We drew all the details, outdoor cover, walls, floors, ceilings, kitchen and furniture, and prefabricated everything outside Los Angeles to bring it later in two containers and install everything in a few non-stop weeks.

They call Los Angeles ‘The most exquisite invented garden in history’. In this land without water, where everything grows and there are millions of plants and people, one of the most beautiful aspectsis its artificiality. And this house is undoubtedly also an attempt to work on that way, making everything — the plants, the palm trees, the wood, the aluminum tubes, the shadows and ultimately the home, the Canary cage -simply one thing: one same thing, dense, but lightweight, but new, but, mainly, familiar to the LA landscape.

▽设计图纸 Design drawings

项目名称:La Canaria house
地点:美国 加利福尼亚州 洛杉矶
建筑师:selgascano (José Selgas, Lucía Cano) + Diego Cano
合作者:Paolo Tringali
建设者:Juan Santiago
细木工:Talleres Cejuela
Project Name: La Canaria house
Location: Los Ángeles, California, USA
Date: 2023
Area: 170 m2 + 70 m2 (terrace)
Architects: selgascano (José Selgas, Lucía Cano) + Diego Cano
Collaborators: Paolo Tringali
Builder: Juan Santiago
Wood work: Laimar
Joinery: Talleres Cejuela
“ 开放式的围护结构为绿色植被的生长创造了条件,它们将在时间的推移中逐步占领这一鲜艳的金黄色“雀笼”,模糊建筑与景观的界限。”
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