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Thanks Espacio 18 Arquitectura for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Espacio 18 Arquitectura.


Espacio 18 Arquitectura:作家亨利·大卫·梭罗( Henry David Thoreau)在他童年生活的小镇马萨诸塞州瓦尔登湖畔自己建造的小木屋里,度过了两年两个月零两天。在湖边约 3 x 4.5 米的空间里,他将自己塑造成一个与社会隔绝的个体,寻找自然及其起源的灵感。在小木屋度过的时光,让他明白了什么才是真正必要的,以及对生命本身的尊重,这促使他在生命的最后时刻将自己改造成一个人,并为社会问题而奋斗。

Espacio 18 Arquitectura:Two years two months and two days, the writer Henry David Thoreau lived in a cabin which he built himself in Walden Pond, Massachusetts, his childhood town. In just about a space of 3 m x 4.5 meters lakeside, he developed himself as an individual isolated from society looking for inspiration of the natural and its origins. His time at the cabin, let him valued what it’s really necessary and the respect of life itself which leads him to renovate him as a human and fight on social subjects at the end of his life. Which means, it’s funny how the toad is different when it enters than when it leaves the pond.



设计师受此启发,设计了一座满足人们需求的极简主义住宅,被称作 La casa del sapo,并通过建筑姿态来反映环境,社区氛围。作为包容万物的建筑实体,同时作为聚会场所、学习空间、休息场所以及与自然对话交流的场所,它在人们之间架起了一座团结互助的桥梁​。

La casa del sapo started for satisfy a program of needs through an architectural posture which reflects in the context, community and in results of actions we are passing to our future generations. It’s a project that’s grown tremendously even years before it was even thought of being built, A project that landed through signs and intuitions, which little by little opened doors and built bridges between people that ought to be united.

La casa del sapo is everyone’s house, it has become a gathering, sapo is union, a family home, a shelter, an inclusive space, a safe space, a rest home, a school, a place where children can learn how to swim, where they can send turtles into the ocean, an orchard, a place to eat and drink mezcal, a place for friends, a place to grow, Pau and Mario’s home… When you get to show the kind of respect that a place deserves, from that very moment of telling the community what are you going to do, it embraces you, which has to be reciprocal.




The house was designed by the place itself, “two stones looking at the sea, craving for its timelessness”, the first one looks for the sunrise and the other one for the sun to go down, where the spacing between them shows the sea, the beauty of the costa Oaxaqueña, and creates flexible space for the one living in it, who will adapt it in it’s own personal way of being.




The materials where chosen for the people and their own skills for construction, just as they where thought out to being ecological and socially friendly.




In the building process, some things were left entirely to the decision of the workers as a result of the pandemic that we all had to go through., where everyone came through on their own wisdom and willingness during every single step in the process. This is a project where the number of people involved is surprising, some of them, highly remember with appreciation because of one virus.



该住宅是一个给予和改变的项目,环顾四周,它让人愿意为社区提供服务并成为社区的一部分。Zapotengo 是一个令人难以忘怀的乐园,永远会在记忆中占据一席之地。

La casa del sapo is a project that gives and transforms, it makes you look around and gives you the will to provide and be part of its community. Zapotengo is a paradise that sticks with you, it locates in your memory and never leaves, it’s just another rock in the pond, like Zumthor says “It’s a project like many other will come, because now, people truly looks around.”



▽设计图纸 Design drawings




项目名称:La Casa del sapo​
地点:墨西哥 瓦哈卡 Zapotengo

建筑师:Espacio 18 Arquitectura(@Space18 Instagram)
室内设计:Espacio 18 Arquitectura, Mario Fernandez y Paulina Chagoya
建设者:Victor Chagoya, Mario Fernandez, Paulina Chagoya, Freddy, Mariela, Candido, Jorge, Cruz Hernández, Jesús Hernández, Coco y Espacio 18 Arquitectura.
景观设计:Mario Fernandez y Paulina Chagoya
负责建筑师:Carla Osorio Jimenez, Mario Alberto Ávila López, Sonia Morales, Andrea Rodriguez and Arantza Toledo
木工:Mario Fernandez y Paulina chagoya, Espacio 18 Arquitectura.
工程师:José Luis Contreras Pisson

供应商:Interceramic(浴室家具), CEMEX(混凝土), Tecnolite(照明设施)
摄影:Onnis Luque (@onnisluque_fotografia instagram) , Fabian Martinez (@fabianml Instagram)

Project: La Casa del sapo
Location: Zapotengo, Oaxaca, México
Año: 2021
Building area: 130 m2

Architects: Espacio 18 Arquitectura (@espacio18 instagram)
Web: instagram.com/espacio18/?hl=es-la
Mail: espacio18arquitectura@gmail.com
Interior Design: Espacio 18 Arquitectura, Mario Fernandez y Paulina Chagoya
Builders: Victor Chagoya, Mario Fernandez, Paulina Chagoya, Freddy, Mariela, Candido, Jorge, Cruz Hernández, Jesús Hernández, Coco y Espacio 18 Arquitectura.
Landscape: Mario Fernandez y Paulina Chagoya
Architects in charge: Carla Osorio Jimenez, Mario Alberto Ávila López, Sonia Morales, Andrea Rodriguez and Arantza Toledo
Carpentry: Mario Fernandez y Paulina chagoya, Espacio 18 Arquitectura.
Engineer: José Luis Contreras Pisson

Interceramic: Bathroom Furniture
CEMEX: Concrete
Tecnolite: Lighting
Photography: Onnis Luque (@onnisluque_fotografia instagram) and Fabian Martinez (@fabianml Instagram)



审稿编辑: SIM

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