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Thanks FAHR 021.3 for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by FAHR 021.3 .
FAHR 021.3:马塔德罗文化中心的Nave 17在过去几年中一直是各类艺术家和建筑师的创作空间,在与Legazpi屠宰场历史建筑的对话中,FAHR 021.3 推出了他们的新作《La Hoja》。该装置最初是为公共空间和街道临时设计的,如今这个临时装置的构想有了更宏观的维度提升,它被设想为一种开放性实验,一种以创造为背景的自由运动。
FAHR 021.3:Over the course of the last few years, Intermediae’s Nave 17 has been a space in which different artists and architects have been invited to participate. In dialogue with the architecture in which it is contained, the historic building of the old Legazpi Slaughterhouse, FAHR 021.3.now presents this new piece, La Hoja. The prototype of this piece was originally designed for the public space, for the street, and was only intended to be temporary. Now, however, the intervention has taken on a greater dimension and is envisaged as an open experiment, an activity with no instructions for use in the context of the creation centre.

La hoja 是一个具有包容性的平静而美丽的非生产性空间,它增强了集体关系,具有共同属性。在这里你可以消磨时间、可以提出方案、可以将自己的经历写成或长或短的小故事。简洁的线条、近乎空旷的场地、原生态的光影,没有标准的束缚,这是一个专为形形色色的大众而设计的空间工作室,而它的设计则基于体验感、多样性和自由的使用需求来完成。它以开放的姿态寻求着惊喜和欢迎,各类行为和多样的事物在这个明亮的平面上共存。
La hoja is one of those inclusive and non-productive spaces of calm and beauty that enhance the collective and relationships, that are part of what is common to all of us. It is a place where you can spend time, where you can programme, where everyone can write their own little story through an experience, no matter how short it is. The simplicity of the lines, the almost-empty, the light and ecological, the non-standardised. It is a space-workshop, conceived for a diverse and heterogeneous public, whose design is completed through experiences and diverse and free uses. In search of surprise, welcome, with the gesture of an open hand. Open to action and the coexistence of the many different kinds of things that take place on this illuminated plane, in this place.

We are currently witnessing a certain scenario of exhaustion in terms of the kind of activities that are situated in the interstitial spaces between architecture and design, between art and architecture, urban planning and acti- vism: actions, pilots, rehearsals, prototypes. For one reason or another, the prototypes do not develop into more meaningful experiences. The structures on which they are intended to act are weighty, and the inertia is enormous, leaving them unaffected. A new look at the ambition and vocation of art has not yet found sufficient consensus to consolidate its basic concepts, methodologies and aesthetics. Or so it would seem. From the conventional and established, these activities are read as scenographies. Seen from this perspective, the idea of representation in art remains intact.

基于以上论述,我们再以另一种方式再现它。秉持着坚定而敏锐的思考,La hoja探索了关于将公共空间作为聚会场所的可能性。文化空间作为一个未完成、未定论、不具确定性的场所,总是缺少些人或物。而在这里,开放性的场地成为其他人可以融入的缺口,就像一个凹形剧院,在无关紧要的玩乐中或在不经意的时间里发生一些把人们联系在一起的事情。
Fair enough. Let’s do it again and in another way. La hoja is all about insisting on the possibility of thinking stubbornly but sensitively about the public space as a place in which to meet. A space of culture as a place that is not finished, not conclusive, not entirely determined, in which someone, something, is always missing. And on this occasion, to stage the opening, to become a gap into which others can fit. A concave theatre. In the irre- levance of the playful or in the time of the irrelevant, something happens that links and connects us.

项目名称:La Hoja
景观/建筑公司:FAHR 021.3
首席建筑师:Filipa Frois Almeida 和 Hugo Reis
设计团队:Filipa Frois Almeida、Hugo Reis 和 Catarina Azevedo
策展人:Javier Peña Ibáñez
文本:Casilda Cabrerizo
制作:Gerardo Gorris
灯光设计:Carlos Alzueta Bengoetxea
合作:Garnica Plywood
图片来源:Josema Cutillas
Project name: La Hoja
Completion Year: 2021 Size: 156m2
Project location: Intermediae – Matadero, Madrid, Spain
Landscape/Architecture Firm: FAHR 021.3
Website: www.fahr0213.com
Contact e-mail: filipa@fahr0213.com
Lead Architects: Filipa Frois Almeida and Hugo Reis
Design Team: Filipa Frois Almeida, Hugo Reis and Catarina Azevedo
Clients: Intermediae, Matadero
Curator: Javier Peña Ibáñez
Text: Casilda Cabrerizo
Enginnering: Civilspot
Production: Gerardo Gorris
Light Design: Carlos Alzueta Bengoetxea
Collaboration: Garnica Plywood
Photo credits: Josema Cutillas
Photographer’s website: https://www.josemacutillas.com/
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