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Thanks Zhaoyang Architect for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by Zhaoyang Architect.
赵扬建筑:这是为普洱当地一户三代同堂的家庭设计的住宅。普洱地处云南南部,毗邻西双版纳,从纬度上看,气候当属热带。但其地貌为连绵丘陵,海拔约1300 米,阳光明媚,四季气候宜人,因此当地的住宅都比较强调庭院和花园等室外空间的利用。
Zhaoyang Architect:Pu’er is a small city in south Yunnan Province. The region enjoys agreeable climate and preferable natural environment. The client had asked for a house in which three generations of her family would live together.
▽三楼的茶亭 The tea booth on the third floor

▽从三楼茶亭看向普洱市 Looking at Pu ‘er City from the tea pavilion on the third floor

The site is in an affluent area with freestanding villas, mostly three stories high. The new house is a three-story structure of grey off-form concrete walls textured with rough wooden formwork. This direct expression of concrete and a refusal to express a preference for color marks a humble but uncompromising posture against the light pink and yellow buildings nearby.
▽沿道路的立面 Along the road facade

▽主入口与车库 Main entrance with garage

▽从木格栅大门看主入口庭院 View of the main entrance courtyard from the wood-grated gate

▽从主入口透过门厅看向水院 The main entrance looks out onto the water courtyard through the foyer
A curved boundary wall on the north side acts as a buffer against traffic noise. Major spaces of the house are oriented to the hill on the southwestern side of the site since this orientation is relatively private and related directly to nature.
▽朝向花园的立面 Facade towards the garden

▽餐厅和茶室之间的莲雾 Lotus mist between restaurant and tea room

▽从后院看向餐厅 Looking out from the backyard to the dining room

▽从茶室看向餐厅 Looking from the tea room to the dining room

▽餐厅 Dining room

▽餐厅连接山体的端头 The restaurant is connected to the end of the mountain

On the ground floor, the west and south gardens seem to engage interior spaces in a game of “pushing hands”, the Chinese exercise aimed at promoting focus and a sense of balance. Structure is highly irregular with walls placed on the northern part of the plan and steel columns along the edge of the north and south courts. The rough texture of walls, kept the same indoors as well as outdoors, contributes an atmospheric but backgrounded quality.
▽山脚、挡土墙与院落 Foothills, retaining walls and courtyards

▽幕墙、薄阳台和檐沟 Curtain wall, thin balcony and gutter

▽从餐厅屋面露台看向桑拿房泡池 The view from the restaurant roof terrace to the sauna pool

▽从桑拿房泡池看向后院 Looking out into the backyard from the sauna pool

▽从影视厅入口反观主庭院的桂花树 View the osmanthus trees in the main courtyard from the entrance of the movie hall

Internal walls have been minimized so that furniture marks the foci of a meandering field. The number of columns has been minimized also and those that remain are coved with copper to make them inconspicuous. The maximum span of 7.5 m in one location, unusual for a three-story building, required an upturned beam 400 mm deep.
▽起居室南侧 South of the living room

▽起居室从南往北看 The living room looks from south to north

▽从起居室看向水院端头的树 The living room looks at the trees at the end of the water yard

▽从起居室转向餐厅 From the living room to the dining room

▽从厨房岛台看起居室 View of living room from kitchen island

▽从起居室看主楼梯 View of main staircase from living room

▽从三楼俯瞰主楼梯 Overlooking the main staircase from the third floor

▽楼梯细部 Staircase detail
The contours of the hill provided two clues for the ground floor plan. The edge of the sauna and movie room facing the west garden is a continuation of the hillscape that introduces a diagonal geometry to the plan. The contours of the hills facing the south garden allows a staircase to follow the orthogonal geometry of the house. The geometry of the dining area is a consequence of the topography.
▽朝向花园的立面 Facade towards the garden

▽露台与树 Terrace and tree

▽主庭院南端的棕榈 Palm at the south end of the main courtyard

▽绿荫、玻璃砖墙与清水混凝土 Shade, glass brick walls and fair-faced concrete

While the plan of the ground floor plays out its game of inside/outside, balconies and full-height glazing on the second and third floors create a theatre-like relation to life in the southern courtyards below. On the second floor, corridors have been minimized by creating a suite of rooms. But privacy issues of the bedrooms meant that the location of walls (and structural considerations) are quite different to the ground floor situation. A process of “pushing hands” had to be extended from the ground floor to modulate the spatial delineation of the upper floors. In order to maintain a sense of openness towards the south for the major rooms upstairs, circulation issues had to be minimized by generating suites rooms. Natural materials had been chosen to create the right atmosphere of the house: Teak flooring and doors, copper handrails, terrazzo for some of the interior flooring, lava stone for the garden and pool and natural stone masonry for the retaining wall. Trees had also been planted carefully to provide shade and filter sunlight.
▽简洁质朴的清水混凝土建筑 Simple plain concrete building

▽从禅堂看后山 View back hill from Zen hall

▽茶室和北楼梯起点 Tea room and north staircase starting point

▽从家庭活动室看向后山 Looking out over the hill from the family room

▽立面檐沟的火山岩盖板&楼梯踏步、栏杆与扶手 Volcanic rock cover of the eaves gutter on the facade & stair steps, railings and handrails
▽老人房外的起居空间 Living space outside the old people’s room

▽老人房外的起居空间(钢柱与柚木门框) Living space outside the old people’s room (steel column and teak door frame)

▽花园里的火山岩弹石铺地 The garden is paved with volcanic rocks

▽建筑细部 Architectural detail

▽李宅夜景 Night view of Li House

基地面积:1112 m2
建筑面积:1124 m2
设计阶段:2014.05 – 2014.12
施工阶段:2014.12 – 2017.12
Architect: Zhaoyang Architects
Design team: Yang ZHAO, Dian WANG, Ye Li, Le LI,
Structure design: Zhigang MA
Electromechanical design: Beijing Kalin Architectural Design Co. Ltd.
Project location: Gaojiazhai Village, Pu’er city, Yunnan Province, China
Design phase: May.2014 – Dec.2014
Construction phase: Dec.2014 – Dec.2017
Site area: 1112 ㎡
Floor area: 1124㎡
“ 室内外的空间联动,让居所更为自然舒适。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
更多 Read more about: 赵扬建筑工作室