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Thanks Change Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Change Studio.
承迹景观: 玉鸟集坐落于杭州良渚文化村,是万科良渚文化村系列项目的最后一块拼图,也是杭州市政府良渚文化大走廊上的重要节点。作为复合型商业街区,它在三条脉络上发生着共鸣:一是穿越几千年时空的良渚文化遗迹之旅;二是近百年来良渚生活发展的时光变迁;三是杭州万科深耕二十余载构建的现代社区蓝图。新生于这片土地,玉鸟集承载的是良渚未来生活的时代角色,它融合了烟火与文艺、城市与远方。景观设计尊重场地的时间属性,以现代为基底、远古为线索,营造新的良渚商业生活。期望打造轻松治愈的日常,来满足各人群、多时段的使用。
Change Studio: Birland is located in Hangzhou Liangzhu New Town It is the last piece of the puzzle of Vanke Liangzhu New Town series projects and an important node in Hangzhou Liangzhu Cultural Corridor. As a complex commercial block, it resonates in three contexts: one is the journey of Liangzhu cultural relics through thousands of years of time and space; the other is the time changes of life and development in Liangzhu in the past hundred years; A blueprint for a modern community built over the years. Born in this land, Birdland is the role of Liangzhu’s future life. It combines life and literature, the city and the distance. The landscape design respects the time attribute of the site, and takes modernity as the base and ancient times as clues to create a new commercial life in Liangzhu. It is expected to create a relaxed and healing daily routine to meet the needs of various groups of people and for multiple periods of time.
▽玉鸟集与大谷仓场地鸟瞰 Birdland and Big Barn

▽玉鸟集,诉说着新的村落生活 Birdland, talking about the new village life

玉鸟在良渚 Birdland in Liangzhu
The influence of Liangzhu Culture has a long history, and today it has become a cultural tourism destination in Hangzhou, the Yangtze River Delta region and the national cultural tourism destination. At the beginning of the design, we have visited the Liangzhu Site Park and Liangzhu Museum many times. I hope that the spirit and wisdom of Old Liangzhu can be passed on here and continue the regional cultural self -confidence. Even if it is a modern reshaping, it can still retain the space texture of “Liangzhu Village and the Street”.
▽良渚在玉鸟集孕育出新的生命力 Liangzhu bred a new vitality

现代商业街区的“村落理想””Village ideal” in modern commercial blocks
Friendly public link is an important part of landscape planning thinking. As the last puzzle of Hangzhou Vanke in Liangzhu Cultural Village, it is important to link the relationship between the surrounding plots in this case. From the perspective of large areas, the living form of Liangzhu Cultural Village has been very mature. The original villagers and the people who moved in one after another gathered around the case, but a small town vitality center connects the neighborhoods in series. From a business perspective, the large roof art centers, jade birds and tassel business and Beautifulzhou Church, which have been opened in the early years, are reflected in their own, but the lack of physical connectivity to integrate it together. Therefore, on the basis of the original plan, the landscape attempts to re -conceive a more public open space, conveniently reach from the outside, and travel internally.
▽村落里的阡陌交通 Transportation of village

▽场所激活 Site activation

▽整合交通,车辆分时段控制,人行全时段漫游。Integrate transportation, vehicle period control, pedestrian walking throughout the period.

“一条友好界面””A friendly interface”
The friendly city interface is formed by street corner square, green space park, Jixiang garden, green streets, urban opening, stations and bicycle parking points, which softer the sense of business boundaries and organize organic integration with the original streets of the cultural village. Find more urban interfaces around business to absorb villagers into use. The open block concept of the birdland is a place you can go when you think of it.
Street Corporal Square: Villagers square and Big Barn are freely and open to large -scale sharing places. Preset of some spaces to leave white, and important village activities will be carried out here.
▽院坝广场设计分析 Village square

▽院坝广场 Village square

▽大屋檐下的生活 Life under the big eaves

▽村口大树设计分析 Big tree of village entrance

▽村口“水井”的现代演绎 The modern interpretation of the “well” in the village

▽保留的松树,成为玉鸟集的村口大树 The retained pine tree becomes the big tree of the village entrance of the Birdland

“阡陌内街”Inner Street
There are multiple or short streets inside the Birdland. The street does not exist independently and integrates with architecture and indoor. In Inner Street, we joined two rhythms: one is the “Birdland Plaza” at the intersection of the street center, and the other is the space clue of the “next big tree” between the streets.
Birdland Plaza: The function here is to create a public domain of fireworks. The role of the landscape in it provides a suitable sedentary area, a small amount of water interaction and a warm plant environment. Then return the social stage to the villagers, in order to look forward to the natural occurrence of village stories.
▽玉鸟广场设计分析 Birdland Plaza

▽外摆的商业氛围和广场上人们的聚集,成为这里有趣的互动 The business atmosphere of the outside and the gathering of people on the square has become interesting interaction here

“寻找下一棵大树”Finding the next big tree
During the process of visiting the Liangzhu Site Park, we observed that there are many tall ancient trees standing above Noda, just like the guardians tell the story of Liangzhu. These big trees are visible, and they are also used as waiting for shading for small stations of various scenic spots. During the visit, a big tree was used as a visual goal, and tourists knew that the next visit was about to be. We hope to borrow this space into the Birdland’s concentration to play a role in connecting each block.
▽大树穿出建筑空隙,与屋檐一起构成村落天际线 The big tree wears a building gap and forms the village skyline with the eaves

▽沿大树的指引,打卡下一个有趣目的地 Along the guidance of the big tree, check in the next interesting destination

The street scale under the big tree: Jade Bird’s integrated street has a wealth of merchant formats. Each outdoor extension scale requires the basic constraints of landscape formulation. This constraint is used to moderately distinguish between public and public space and self -use space for merchants, so that the town system can organically circularly operate. However, this constraint should not be a rigid system. During the boundaries of the constraint, we refine the grain size of emotion and customize the sense, material and plant characteristics of each store.Let every corner of the village have different scenery and expressions.
▽变化的铺地,丰富和界定了不一样的空间 The pavement of changes is rich and defined with different spaces

▽村落绿洲 Oasis in the village

▽“生命力”这个词语被反复提及,并实际覆盖整个小镇,即使一些消极角落,窄缝里也可以生长出属于它们的美 The word “vitality” is repeatedly mentioned and actually covers the entire town. Even if some negative place, the narrow seams can grow their beauty

▽玉鸟的“羽毛”,轻柔变化成了标示牌 The “feathers” of Bird have gently changed into sign

▽室内外渗透的风景 Landscapes infiltrated indoor and outdoor

▽檐下的故事 The story under the eaves

Liangzhu seasonal garden: The city’s main roads on the south side of Birdland set connecting the relationship between Liangzhu and the city. This is the external display surface of the business, and it is also the daily traffic portal of the cultural village. There is a wide municipal green belt between the main road and the business, which can be used lightly by landscapes. We hope that this is not a conventional urban green belt practice, but a place where Liangzhu’s land texture can be carried, so a landscape experiment that simulates ancient nature: take the undulating land as the platform, and the simple stone shop as the path as the path. The big trees that are straight up are randomly, and local fern gardens form communities, and together become a simple and natural “ancient base”, holding modern buildings to float on the base. In it, people can feel the vitality of valley stone beaches, shallow streams, and plants in the four seasons, and spend a relaxed and lazy slow time.
▽花园的空间塑造 Garden’s space creation

▽花园绿地是城市道路与村落商业的过渡 Garden green space is the transition of urban roads and village business

▽商业空间与花园交融 Business space and garden blend

▽花园模糊了市政步行道的关系,使匆匆过路的人也可以慢下来,在街边小憩 The garden blurred the relationship between the municipal walkway, so that people who hurriedly passed the road could also slow down and take a nap on the street

Land Wild Park: Located at the western end of the “Friendly Interface”, the original deserted farmland land is no longer suitable for modern commercial space. Although the crops are removed, we still want to maintain the outline and field sense of the earth. By sorting out the terrain relationship and vegetation density, it is different from the unique space of urban business: “There is still a small mountain in this mountain business.” This hill is very close to us, fully integrates into the daily life of people, and is open to everyone. The design method can retain part of the memory of the original village through light transformation and restraint of materials. The sorting of the earthy field park is not only the extension of the Jade and Bird Collection Commercial Street.
▽广袤的大地脉络 The vast gear context

▽近处的山丘连绵了远山的包裹 The hills nearby are rolling in the mountains

▽公园与商业的交接处,被大尺度放开成为美食广场。在村民食堂的用餐者可以就近走出户外慢享 At the junction of the park and business, it was liberalized into a gourmet square by a large scale. Diners in the villagers cafeteria can go out and enjoy the nearby outdoors

▽村落生活的日常 Daily village life

▽消夏的夜晚,大地原野公园是村民最喜爱的地点 At the night of the summer, Land Wild Park is the favorite place for villagers

“生长的台基””Growing base”
“Big Barn is a landmark in the Liangzhu Star Building Group, designed by Deshaus. The landscape are responsible for combing the building base part, and assist the protagonist of the building from a technical perspective. We hope that the sense of existence of the landscape is as faint as possible, and even makes people feel that there is only one building here.
▽“台基”的生长结构 The structure of base growth

▽大谷仓的风景 Scenery of Big Barn

▽谷仓下的故事 The story under Big Barn

“远古的线索””Ancient clues”
As the core of the Liangzhu New Town, the Birdland will inevitably resonate with history. We believe that the magnificent and heavy cultural narrative needs to be restrained in the business space, and the villagers’ daily lives will not withstand the disturbance of cultural superposition. So the landscape proposes a concept: with modernity as the base, ancient times as a clue, creating a new Liangzhu business space. Writing the contemporary “spatial texture” of the contemporary “spatial texture”.
▽良渚拙石的今生 The stone of Liangzhu now

一些期许 Some expectations
常规逻辑下,景观在商业空间里,往往希望被扮演成能够一眼看见的“浓重一笔”。 然而在玉鸟集,我们让景观成为一种情感连接的载体,它润物细无声的承载了人们的生活日常。 相较于那些梦里的“诗和远方”,玉鸟集是那个随时停留,享受当下的“近处”。人们对记忆中的村落是有情怀的,这种记忆是鸡犬相闻、是童嬉老戏、是邻里成簇又或是生人间互道一声安好。这些故事发生的场景在村口大树下、院坝上、街坊间。建筑是吃饭睡觉的目地场所,“公共空间”才是邻里们邂逅聚集,寄托灵魂的栖息地。
玉鸟集,诉说着新的村落生活。故事不断发生,万物繁茂生长,持续散发生命力。 有趣的灵魂终将在这里相遇。
Under conventional logic, in the business space, the landscape often wants to play “strong” that can be seen at a glance. However, in the Birdland, we make the landscape a carrier of an emotional connection. Compared to the “poems and far away” in those dreams, the Birdland is the “nearby” at any time. People have feelings about the villages in memory. This memory is that chickens and dogs smell each other, they are children’s playful play, neighbors are in the neighborhood, or they have a good way. The scenes of these stories occur under the village entrance, the council dam, and the neighborhood. Architecture is a place for eating and sleeping. “Public space” is the habitat of the neighbors gathered and pinned the soul.
Birdland, telling the new village life. The story continues to occur, everything grows, and continues to exude vitality. The interesting soul will eventually meet here.
▽2020年9月本案伊始,承迹及杭万团队于良渚遗址博物馆 At the beginning of the case in September 2020, the inheritance and Hangzhou Vanke team at the Liangzhu Site Museum

▽总平面图 Site Plan

景观施工:杭州天勤景观工程有限公司(玉鸟集)& 浙江易道景观工程有限公司(大谷仓)
摄影:E-ar x TARS、王宁
Project name: Hangzhou Vanke Liangzhu Birdland, Big Barn
Project location: Liangzhu Cultural Village, Yuhang District, Hangzhou
Project area: 6ha
Owner: Hangzhou Vanke
Party A’s team: Ding Guang, Zheng Fang, Fang Haifeng, Nie Chunzhen, Wu Jiafan, Fang Xiling, Chen Chanchan, Shi Mengting, Zhang Hongyan, Zhu Yunxin, Cheng Longsheng
Landscape design: Change Studio
Landscape construction drawing design: Zhejiang Zhonghui Huachen Architectural Design Co., LTD. Hangzhou branch
Landscape Construction: Hangzhou Tianqin Landscape Engineering Co., LTD. (Jade Bird Collection) & Zhejiang Yidao Landscape Engineering Co., LTD. (Big barn)
Jade bird set architectural design: green ink architectural design
Big barn architectural design: Big House Architectural design Office
Interior Design: Hangzhou Pan Tianshou Environmental Art Design Co., LTD
Curtain wall design: Zhejiang Zhongnan Curtain Wall Design and Research Institute Tai Curtain Consulting Institute
Lighting Design: Shanghai Zoyi Lighting Design Co., LTD
Outdoor landscape soft decoration: Hangzhou Disan leisure Products Co., LTD
Guide Design: Shanghai Update Architectural Design Co., LTD. & Shanghai Youyi Sign Engineering Co., LTD
Sculpture design: Shanghai Shuyuan Sculpture Art Co., LTD
Construction unit: Hangzhou Changyuan Tourism Development Co., LTD
Civil/Steel Structure construction: Hangzhou Construction Group Co., LTD
Curtain wall construction: Zhejiang Dayan Construction Co., LTD
Photography is by E-ar x TARS and Wang Ning
“ 设计以现代手法的重塑,保留“良渚村落与街道”,延续独特的地域文化,营造新的良渚商业生活,让“公共空间”自然而然的成为邻里们邂逅聚集,寄托灵魂的栖息地。”
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