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Thanks Wolfgang Buttress Studio for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Wolfgang Buttress Studio.
Wolfgang Buttress:“Liminal”是艺术家Wolfgang Buttress受J·M·W·特纳、Whistler和莫奈的泰晤士河画作启发而创作的一个雕塑装置。泰晤士河神秘而宽广,你不知道它的深度,也不知道它的起源以及它的历史,该设计就旨在表达一种你在观察泰晤士河流表面时是很难确切捕捉的飘渺感。
Wolfgang Buttress:Liminal is a sculptural installation by artist Wolfgang Buttress who was inspired by the paintings of the River Thames by J.M.W Turner, Whistler and Claude Monet. He aims to capture an ethereal quality that is rarely obtained when you look at the surface of the river. The River Thames is opaque and mysterious giving you no idea of its depth, what lives in it or its liquid history.

The artwork encourages the public to look again and view the river through a mercurial and kaleidoscopic lens which creates an architectural painting of the river and its context.
The artwork blurs the boundaries between 2D and 3D through a variety of mirror, satin and matt aluminium panels that focus and alters viewers’ perception and experience of the river. The sculpture also includes a downloadable app called Liminal which is connected to a sonar buoy; this expresses the real time movement of river life and currents, sourced directly in front of the sculpture, as light and sound.

▼装置格片细节 The detail

创作者Wolfgang Buttress表示:“Liminal表达的是我对这条河的第一印象,以及河流下方的生命、神秘和动向。”
The installation is a result of a design competition organised by the London Festival of Architecture and the City of London Corporation and forms part of City’s outdoor arts programme, Fantastic Feats: the Building of London. It is sited opposite Tate Modern next to Millennium Bridge.
“Liminal expresses my first impressions of the river and suggests the life, mystery and activity that lies beneath it.” Wolfgang Buttress.
▼项目视频 The Video © Sam Scales
艺术家:Wolfgang Buttress
声学工程和应用程序开发:Hoare Lea
结构工程:Price & Myers
视频:Sam Scales
Artist: Wolfgang Buttress
Soundscape: BE
Acoustic Engineers and App developer: Hoare Lea
Structural Engineering: Price & Myers
Film: Sam Scales
特别鸣谢/with thanks to
International Aluminium Institute
The Shepherd family
London Festival of Architecture
City of London Corporation
Rothschild Foundation
更多 Read more about: Wolfgang Buttress Studio