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HZS:Due to the origin of Longyan, cultural integration, in the garden world of Mananyun, there is an exclusive tree of life – century-old banyan tree, leaving the mark of the long river of years, representing both the past eventful years, and symbolizing the endless future era.




The mind seeks a house to build a world where you and I can reconnect with nature. The symbiotic relationship with the ancient trees, the lush natural feeling, the deep natural heritage, and the site inside and outside attraction, mutual penetration. The new definition of ideal quality of life, the benchmark experience of future living landscape – Yin Rong Ji.



访——隐世之印 Visiting – The Seal of the Hidden World


The main entrance adopts a binary gatehouse structure, and the first entrance gatehouse is placed in an open attitude combined with the two sides of the landscape wall to enhance the momentum and declarativeness of the main entrance. The central ring island reproduces the leisurely southern scenery of the framed picture with the mirror-like waterfall water feature and the imagistic landscape wall. With the pine, extended branches to welcome guests, the shadow mottled behind is just a far-reaching Tibetan Ao, want to be poor, may wish to knock into the mountain, the entrance door slowly presented in front of the residents.


▽入口空间 Entrance space


入——山海之印 Entering – The Seal of mountains and seas


The beauty of Chinese gardens lies in the artistic conception, in learning from nature, changing scenery, moving scenery, and also in the profound, suddenly enlightened, or in the reality of the virtual, virtual to see the real. The interest of the garden is to walk around the gallery, with the help of screens, grilles, frames and other frames, where people can reach, everywhere the scenery is different.


▽庭院连廊 Courtyard corridor




There are two poems in Zhang Xuan’s painting “Mountain Color Map of Stream Pavilion” painted by Ni Yunlin: “Infinite scenery of rivers and mountains, all take a pavilion.” This is the role of garden structures, to absorb the infinite scenery of the outside space, and the corridor is one of the most representative structures.

The long corridor of Lingnan satisfies the effect of no rain to return home and shade. The corridor extends, permeates and enriches the limited space through multiple forms such as leaky Windows, grilles and frames.



观——松榭之印 View – The seal of the Pine Pavilion


“A hill hides twists and turns, slowly walk a hundred paces”, the winding winding path increases the time and space of the garden: this turn between all the exquisite garden. The courtyard is a kind of comprehensive art with limited area, which should express the natural image of forest near by. Through the ups and downs of the garden road, the designer seeks infinity in the limit.


▽庭院 Courtyard



From the “corridor waists manhui, high eaves and teeth” in “Ode to Epang Palace” to the “High corridor four notes, reseated Quge” in “Shanglin Fu”, corridor is an indispensable landscape in Chinese garden, and it is also a private landscape for the royal family and famous families. From function to aesthetics, from residence to art, the corridor connects the elegance of the Chinese people.



书香雅苑,意境东方,凭栏而诗眉目自成诗三百,岁聿云暮,日月其除,清阳耀灵,和风容与,我于这人间处 ,独享这一方天地。

Scholarly Yayuan, artistic conception of the East, leaning on the fence and poetry into poetry three hundred, the year is drawing to the clouds, the sun and the moon in addition, Qingyang Yao Ling, and the wind, I in this world, enjoy this side of heaven and earth.



忆——古树之印 Memories – The imprint of ancient trees


Winding path through the quiet place, natural Zen, or see Qingquan stone upstream, gurgling water sound washing soul; Or meet the towering old trees, the branches and leaves leak under the dappled light and shadow, dancing with the wind. The combination of humanistic etiquette and living concept, layer by layer of progressive etiquette and landscape, for the residents to reshape the Chinese family life grace and realm. With a thousand years of cultural heritage, it tells about the elegance and charm of the East. In a corner of the city, re-engrave the essence of Chinese garden. The winding and simple pavilions, every brick and tile, reveal the exquisite skills of the craftsmen and the ultimate pursuit of beauty. In the distance, overlapping water mist wreathed, like a flowing ink painting, making people intoxicated and unaware of the way back.



多专业互动 Multi-professional interaction


Landscape architecture integration, landscape is no longer the end industry, the dynamic line dominates the interior of the building.



古树保护与利用 Protection and utilization of ancient trees


Ancient tree protection policy: The protection range of 5M outside the vertical projection of ancient trees is prohibited, and the appearance of excavation and concrete structure is prohibited. At the same time, only permeable pavement and wood grain pavement are allowed.




Space utilization: the landscape design adds soil cover to raise the banyan tree terrain, and the landscape platform foundation is set on the new soil cover, avoiding the damage to the roots of ancient trees, and at the same time, it can reasonably combine the setting of landscape space and make reasonable use of the current advantageous resources.




设计指导: 蔡翔
方案设计团队:华江霞 杨思敏 钟里鹏 陈亮 朱蕾娟
建筑团队:陶亭 叶军 张驰 李秀元
施工图团队:胡琼燕 陈龙 单明雯 金凤彩

Project name: Longyan Jianfa Mananyun
Project landscape area: 4361.87㎡
Design completion: 2023.12
Owner company: Zhanglong Division of C&D Real Estate Haixi Cluster
Owner team: Lin Guirong, Ma Tian, Xu Chengxu, Lin Yao
Architecture & Landscape Unit: HZS Hui Zhang Si
Design Director: CAI Xiang
Architectural Design Director: Yang Yue.
Architectural team: Tao Ting, Ye Jun, Zhang Chi, Li Xiuyuan
Construction drawing team: Hu Qiongyan, Chen Long, Shan Mingwen, Jin Fengcai
Interior design unit: zero power space design
Construction unit: Xiamen Yi Baihong Landscape Engineering Co., LTD
Project photography: Eye photography




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