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GVL: GVL design team has created a complete landscape belt which provides people with a public space where they can connect closely with the city and have more colorful experience.
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The park allows people to get close to water and walk along the lakes, while people bring vigor and vitality to the park.

从一条路推演出一个空间 A Space Originated from a Path
The park nestles in the waterfront greenbelt where Luxelakes Art Expo Center meets the municipal road and the lakes. It is named after the Luxelakes Art Expo Center which features sculptural buildings.
分析场地现状后,设计团队重新研究该区域的交通流线,试图通过空间的革新让人们获得丰富的观景体验。最终通过地形重塑和立体交通植入,将原本单一的滨水坡地变得立体生动,让人的进入、通过 、停留、聚集等行为各得其所。
The original site is sloping towards the lake with only one sidewalk leading to other spaces. At first, GVL team had just planned to create another path that leads to the lake, which would provide more chances for people to get close to water.
However, after analyzing the site conditions, GVL team adjusted the original design and renovated the space to provide more colorful experience. At last, with the reshaped terrain and the vertical transport, the originally monotonous waterfront slope was changed into a lovely and accessible space for passing, meeting and stay.
▼总平面图 Master Plan
▼地形重塑 Reshaping the Terrain

On the one hand, the design team have integrated the sidewalk with the shore to form the rhythm of the waterfront space; on the other hand, they’ve reshaped the terrain and changed the slope into “valley” and “peak”, creating strong visual contrast.

The narrow revetment is extended towards to the lake, which makes the park more accessible and provides broader views.

▼立体交通植入 Vertical Transport

Over the waterfront valley hangs a footbridge which is designed in U shape to enclose the main square and the valley. The bridge connects with the entrance square at one end and the municipal road at the other end, allowing people to get close to water and have a great view of the beautiful lake.
The bridge serves as the connection between human and nature, which runs through the flat ground, the peak and the valley to form an integrated space. In this space, the artificial landscapes are embedded in the rich terrain, forming the focus of the revetment space.

▼景观桥作为艺术雕塑,成为此处的标志性场景 In addition, designed as an art sculpture, the bridge becomes the landmark of the park.

The shape and lighting design of the bridge is inspired by the red lava, which dialogues with the Art Expo Center in the distance.

▼谷地设计的概念来自于湖面产生的水波,从湖中一层层蔓延至驳岸 The concept of the valley comes from the ripples of the lake.

The design starts with a path and finally creates an integrated space, which is reasonable but also unexpected. The park exists in perfect harmony with the surroundings, providing people with a natural, comfortable and pleasant space.

Project: Luxelakes Eco-City G1 Art Expo Park, Chengdu
Developer: Chengdu Wanhua New Town Development Co.,Ltd.
Category: Urban Open Space
Area: 8,800 ㎡
Year of Design: 2016
Landscape Design: GVL
Photography:Holi Landscape photography
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