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Thanks Lahznimmo Architects for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool. Text description provided by Lahznimmo Architects.
Lahznimmo architects:该项目坐落在澳大利亚Maroubra海滩杰克文尼保护区边缘的特色砂岩基地上。场地上原有的一些红砖便民建筑和一座俯瞰着游泳池的会所始建于20世纪50年代至70年代,经过风吹日晒,这些建筑如今已残破不堪,其突兀的位置甚至也成为了人们的观景障碍。
Lahznimmo architects:Mahon Pool is a rock pool located to the North of Maroubra Beach, at the base of a dramatic sandstone outcrop on the edge of Jack Vanny reserve. Between the 1950s and 1970s a cluster of red brick amenities buildings and a clubhouse were built overlooking the pool. The expression and prominent siting of these structures was seen as an eye saw and their dilapidated condition at end of life.
The brief from Randwick City Council was to replace the original buildings and include provision for an accessible toilet and parents change room.

设计师希望尽量将新建筑融入场地的特色裸岩景观中,故而将其布局在远离悬崖边缘的位置,这样一来,不仅能恢复悬崖岬角上的海景视野,还能增设一个较为开阔的混凝土广场。这个混凝土广场与Sue Barnsley的景观设计紧密结合,配备了相应的烧烤和游泳会所功能空间,也为公众提供了聚会、休息和活动的场所。
The new amenities building seeks to recede into the dramatic rock outcrop landscape on which it is sited. It has been located further away from the cliff edge, and in doing so, prominent ocean views over the headland have been restored, and a generous concrete skirt added. This concrete plane was resolved closely with Sue Barnsley Landscape Design, and accommodates the swimming club bbq’s and functions, as well as providing a place for the public to meet, lounge or move through.
The siting also provided an opportunity to redirect the popular Eastern Beaches Coastal walkway across Jack Vanny reserve to the headland via a new path that provides on grade access to the new amenities.

The main site constraints of existing services infrastructure (Sewer and stormwater pipes) and the sloping topography lead to a compact linear arrangement of toilets and shower cubicles, that bend and turn as if part of the rock outcrop on which they sit. The swimming clubhouse is separated in plan from the amenities, allowing each to have their own identity, separated by a stair connection to the coastal walkway and carpark.

Having established a clean concrete podium level, the materials palette is completed with robust precast concrete panels at low level, and a lighter, more open zone of gold colour anodised aluminium blades each material applied between strong horizontal lines balancing privacy, natural ventilation, and daylight.

The precast concrete wall panels have a textured weathered appearance, consisting of sandy coloured oxide base, with exposed rose granite aggregate providing pink hues which echo the colours of the exposed sandstone outcrop. Full height vertical slots in the precast panels provide ventilation to the amenities, with angled ends to maintain visual privacy. The entry to the amenities is marked by a generous break in the precast concrete wall, with the communal hand wash positioned within to look out to the park and ocean views.

The fixed aluminium louvre blades at high level fan open and closed at strategic locations to both maintain visual privacy within showers and cubicles, but allow breezes and filtered natural light where privacy is less of a concern.

An off-form concrete roof extends out to provide shelter beyond the amenities entry, and is notched at the circulation gap between the buildings as a subtle way finding gesture. The resulting building provides not only the briefed functionality, but embeds itself into the dramatic landscape and improves view lines and social connections in and around the reserve.

▼场地总平面 Site Plan

▼建筑立面图 Elevation

▼项目剖面图 Sections

项目地点:新南威尔士州马鲁布拉13R Marine Parade
设计公司:lahznimmo architects
首席建筑师:Jemima Manton和Annabel Lahz
设计团队:Brad Cogger, Ksenia Totoeva, Luke Walker
图片来源:Brett Boardman
Project name: Mahon Pool Amenities
Completion Year: 2019
Size: Gross floor area: 115m2
Project location: 13R Marine Parade, Maroubra, NSW
Design Firm: lahznimmo architects
Website: https://www.lahznimmo.com
Contact e-mail: a.nimmo@lahznimmo.com
Lead Architects: Jemima Manton and Annabel Lahz
Design Team: Brad Cogger, Ksenia Totoeva and Luke Walker
Clients: Randwick City Council
Photo credits: Brett Boardman
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