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Thanks Roy David Architecture for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Roy David Architecture.
Roy David Architecture:坐落在伟大的托斯卡纳浪漫景观中,保存下来的别墅属于一个以色列家庭,是理想的私人度假胜地。Roy David建筑事务所的合伙人Ilana David建筑师致力于通过保持原有的结构风格,将旧马厩改造成理想的度假屋。
Roy David Architecture:Located in the romantic landscape of great Tuscany the preserved villa owned by an Israeli family functions as the ideal private vacation resort. The architect Ilana David partner at Roy David Architecture, Tel Aviv based architecture & interior design practice, was motivated to transform the old stable into the desired vacation house by preserving its original structural style.

The villa is located in an amazing wheat and sunflower fields, which inspired the architect to preserve the yellowish color plate of the original facades of the building. The romantic landscape surrounding the villa is celebrated in the flat toucan style pool situated in front of the villa’s main facade. In order to overcome the overseas design challenge and the strict preservation laws, a local regulatory guidance was commissioned.

Each of the original stones which constructed the old stable facades was numbered, disassembled and reconstructed after being validated for it structural strength. An external spiral staircase was the only structural element that was permitted by the local authority to be demolished.

© Matteo Canestraro
© Matteo Canestraro
© Matteo Canestraro
The architects faced a great challenge which was on the one hand preserving the old country side style of building and on the other hand designing an uncompromising architecture and interior design.

The overall interiors of the villa were designed in a toucan style affiliated with rough terracotta stone flooring installed in a fish-bone angular arrangements, wooden beams, local plaster techniques, white, brown & pinkish color plates and ceiling ceramic tiles. On top of each of the windows one can observe the horizontal wooden beam which was originally placed as a structural solution for the top of the windows. All the original details such as the window & doors handles were refurbished and placed back in their original place. Even the original iron rings which were designated for tethering the horses where refurbished and kept in place. In that manner the architects were able to preserve not only the overall look and feel of the place but also its spirit.

© Matteo Canestraro

© Matteo Canestraro

The adherence to details approach and the use of Lo-Fi technologies results in an ease and honest vacation house which serves the client initial wishes and expectations.
© Matteo Canestraro
摄影:Matteo Canestraro
Client: Private
Size: 200 sum
Year: 2015
Location: Marche di Fermo, Italy
Photography: Matteo Canestraro
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