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Parallect Design: ONESWEAR is a romantic jewelry brand founded by 65 designers. The founder hopes that their designs will only serve the 10% minority who are allergic to public aesthetics. The new store is located in the Hubin 88 Shopping Center in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, with an area of 80 square meters. When a city full of vitality and explosive power meets an independent and pioneering brand…
▽梵誓ONESWEAR杭州湖滨88珠宝店,ONESWEAR Hangzhou HUBIN 88 Jewelry Store

轻反叛 Slightly rebellious
In the post-epidemic era, ONESWEAR has changed its spatial strategy from its original avant-garde temperament to a space that is more focus on itself and closer to users. The design of the new store is soft , gentle and romantic. However, the brand tone and customer group positioning are still destined to require a little “minority factor” in space design.
▽“少数派”珠宝店,”Minority” jewelry store

The design abandons the formulaic design ways of traditional jewelry stores, it does not pursue gorgeous decoration such as precious stones, wood grains, and metal edges in, but uses mottled light pink texture paint to find an emotional balance between simplicity, roughness, and gentleness.
▽ “均衡”,” Balanced ”

符号学,神秘石室考古 Semiotics, occult archeology
We hope that the space is fuzzy and full of ambiguity and imagination, just like love relationship or a secret room.

The site has an irregular outline which likes a trapezoid. Therefore, the design creates conditions for movable booths by making use of the bevel edge. At the same time, the angular space between walls becomes abstract symbols. They are naturally formed when dealing with the complexity of the space, and also become a recognizable decorative language.
▽斜边空间策略,Hypotenuse space strategy

▽利用斜边空间设置展示区,To set up display area by using hypotenuse space

We organized all the changes under the same tone. The method is more like “excavation” than “building”. The interior is like a mysterious stone chamber to be explore.
▽产品展示区, Product Showcase

昭示面 Facade
Although it is a closed space, it is still necessary to balance the unity and difference between the inside and outside. We hope to give the experiencer a private and enveloping interior experience. The public side facing the public area is an extension, deconstruction and discreteness of the same vocabulary.
▽“石室入口”,” Stone chamber entrance ”

▽商铺昭示面,Storefront design


Display windows are set up on the facade, and an gray space is formed through the concave entrance door design. It serves as a buffer for switching between inside and outside, and also carries brand theme elements that are updated from time to time.
▽品牌界面,Brand interface

Flexible space, productized and reusable furniture and cost control
▽自由平面,灵活空间,Free plan, flexible space

The inclusiveness of the scene and cost control are inevitable topics in the current environment. Therefore, the layout of the design also aims to take into account the efficiency of use and maximum flexibility: a reception desk and modular display cabinets are efficiently set up on the outside of the space, and in the middle part space can be switched to different display and negotiation rest space modes according to needs.
▽可移动、组合、复用的产品化展示台, Movable and reusable display cabinets

▽休闲洽谈区, Leisure area

All furniture, including booths, showcases, and reception tables, are productized movable reusable furniture, which is also a very important concept of design: sustainability and flexible slayout.
▽接待区a, Reception area a

▽接待区b, Reception area b

▽展柜, Showcase


项目名称:Mottled Pink · 梵誓ONESWEAR杭州湖滨88珠宝店
Project name: Mottled Pink · ONESWEAR Hangzhou HUBIN 88 Jewelry Store
Designer: Shanghai Diving Bell Architecture Technology Co. Ltd., Shanghai Parallect Architecture Design Studio
Project Accomplish Date: 9/2023
Chief Designer: Di Huang
Team: Di Huang, Fengdi Liu, Mingfeng Xiao, Shenghua Wu
Project Address: Hangzhou, Zhejiang
Photo Credits: Qi, Di Huang
Partners: Suzhou Re-design Studio
Building Area: 80㎡
E-mail: di.huang@parallect-design.com
“ 设计摒弃了传统珠宝店中贵重石材、木纹、金属收边等追求华丽装饰感的公式化做法,进而通过斑驳的浅粉色肌理涂料运用,试图寻求素朴、粗粝与温柔间的情绪均衡。”
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