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Studio 3LHD:穆利尼海滩(Mulini Beach)位于克罗地亚罗维尼的一片极具吸引力的区域,一侧直连城市中心出口,一侧与长廊相接,后面是Monte Mulini、Lone和Eden酒店,周围环绕着丰富葱郁的公共公园和森林保护区。
Studio 3LHD:Mulini Beach is located in an attractive area of Rovinj, on the exit from the central part of the city and in the continuation of the promenade, in front of hotels Monte Mulini, Lone and Eden, wrapped in a rich green public park and green forest protective areas.

It is an extension of the city’s public area and the promenade whose primary function is to connect the city of Rovinj and park Punta Corrente.

在该项目中,影响设计的一个极其重要的因素就是海滩与现有地形的关系。受潮汐的影响,海滩在不同时间中的特定环境完全不同(海平面变化约80厘米),设计依赖于海平面作为可变因素,因此大大影响了设计过程中的创造性决策, 这就是为什么整个区域划分成了两个区域——从码头到受海浪影响很大的海滩馆,以及较为平静的卵石海滩海湾。第一个区域被设计成自然地形,破碎的地面和相对稀疏的植被主供人们享受日光浴。较为平静的海湾打造成了卵石海滩,植被茂盛,缓缓倾斜入海。
An extremely important factor in the design of the beach was the relationship to existing terrain. With regard to the specific environment that is completely different depending on the time of day (the sea level varies in approximately 80 cm) due to the influence of the tides the design was dependent on the sea as a variable element, the sea has significantly influenced the creative decisions during the design process. That is why the entire area of the beach is divided into two zones – a stretch from the marina to the beach pavilion that is greatly influenced by the waves, and a much calmer bay with a pebble beach. The first zone is designed as a natural topography, with lots of fragmented surfaces for sunbathing and relatively sparse vegetation. The calmer Lone bay is formed as a pebble beach with lush vegetation that gently slopes into the sea.
▼项目的第一个区域受潮汐影响较大,采用了自然地形式的折线设计 The first area of the project, which is affected by the tides, is designed in a ground-form polyline design.

▼相对稀疏的植被方便人们享受日光浴 The relatively sparse vegetation for sunbathing.

▼地面细节 Details of the ground.
▼项目的第二个区域较为平静,打造成了植被葱郁的卵石海滩 The second area of the project is calmer, creating a pebble beach with lush vegetation.

Mulini Beach Bar, a beach facility with a large bar, locker rooms, showers, toilets and an information desk is located in the center of the zone. In the evening, the beach bar turns into a more intimate lounge with a cozy atmosphere by the sea. It is designed as a pavilion with a floating pergola roof – a steel structure that rests on 6 points, whose final shape was determined by an analysis of the sun movement through the summer months. The pergola, weighing 20 tons, has a span of 30m in length. It is constructed from steel sheets 8mm and 20mm thick, and has a total height of 20cm. The bar can be closed with a sliding wall that is stored inside a storage room during the day. The sliding wall is hung from the pergola construction. The plateau in front of the bar is equipped with infrastructure that allows small concerts and entertainment.
▼位于项目中心的海滩酒吧 The Mulini Beach Bar is located in the center of the zone.

▼专为遮阳而设计的凉棚屋顶 A pergola roof designed for shading.

▼到了晚上,人们可以在这里自在享受舒适的海边氛围In the evening, the beach bar turns into a more intimate lounge with a cozy atmosphere by the sea.

建筑:Studio 3LHD
景观:Luka Brnić (Vrtni Design)
设计团队:Saša Begović, Marko Dabrović, Tatjana Grozdanić Begović, Silvije Novak, Nevena Kuzmanić, Tin Kavurić, Sanja Jasika
项目团队合作者:Dragana Šimić, Vibor Granić, Ivan Ćurković
客户:Maistra d.d.
水下工程:Josip Prcela (Strabag-hidroinženjering)
结构工程—构筑:Ivan Palijan (Palijan d.o.o.)
建筑物理学/细节:Mateo Biluš (AKFZ studio d.o.o.)
电气工程:Tomislav Godena (Skira d.o.o.)
给排水:Vladimir Paun (Termotehnika Paun)
景观设计:Luka Brnić (Vrtni Design)
灌溉项目:Damir Čizmek (In-Aqua)
特殊项目—酒吧技术:Zoran Divjak (Dekode d.o.o.)
结构工程—绿廊玻璃屋顶:Nebojša Buljan (RI ISA d.o.o.)
标识和环境导图设计:Lana Cavar, Narcisa Vukojević
照片:Joao Morgado
Project name: Mulini Beach
Completion Year: 2014
Size: 13515m2
Project location: Monte Mulini tourist zone, Rovinj, Croatia
Architecture: Studio 3LHD
Landscape: Luka Brnić (Vrtni Design)
Website: http://www.3lhd.com/en
Contact e-mail: info@3lhd.com
Design Team: Saša Begović, Marko Dabrović, Tatjana Grozdanić Begović, Silvije Novak, Nevena Kuzmanić, Tin Kavurić, Sanja Jasika
Project team collaborators: Dragana Šimić, Vibor Granić, Ivan Ćurković
Clients: Maistra d.d.
Underwater construction project: Josip Prcela (Strabag-hidroinženjering)
Structural engineering – pavilion: Ivan Palijan (Palijan d.o.o.)
Building physics / details: Mateo Biluš (AKFZ studio d.o.o.)
Electrical engineering: Tomislav Godena (Skira d.o.o.)
Plumbing and drainage: Vladimir Paun (Termotehnika Paun)
Landscape design: Luka Brnić (Vrtni Design)
Irrigation project: Damir Čizmek (In-Aqua)
Special projects – bar technology: Zoran Divjak (Dekode d.o.o.)
Structural engineering – glass roof on the pavilion pergola: Nebojša Buljan (RI ISA d.o.o.)
Signage and environmental graphics design: Lana Cavar, Narcisa Vukojević
Photo: Joao Morgado
更多 Read more about: Studio 3LHD