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Lab D+H:光合社小花园是深圳南头古城改造建立的5个城市绿地之一。南头古城位于深圳经济特区的南山区。作为距今1700年历史的岭南文化遗产,南头见证了深圳中心区域的更新与发展,建国初期作为政府所在地,在深圳一直处在区域核心地位。但随着深圳城市规模扩张,蓬勃发展的商品房市场和日益高涨的租赁需求,使得南头古城成为了无序生长的城中村——生活环境恶劣、空间狭窄的复杂地段。2019年开始的南头古城城市更新一定程度上更关注丁字形主街道的商业发展,而原住民的日常生活需求仍得不到满足。
Lab D+H: The Guangheshe garden is one of the five urban green spaces reconstructed in Nantou Ancient City, Shenzhen. Nantou Ancient City is located in the Nanshan District of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. A significant carrier of Cantonese culture for over 1,700 years, Nantou was also a critical political location in the early days of the People’s Republic of China. It has witnessed the renewal and development of the central area of Shenzhen as a core part of the city. However, as Shenzhen’s urban scale continued to expand rapidly throughout the 90s, the rising demand for housing caused Nantou Ancient City to grow disorderly. The living environment of the once-thriving urban village became disorganized and cramped. An urban renewal project for the area was initiated in 2019. While much of that project focused on the commercial potential of the main street, local people’s daily needs were ignored.
The Guangheshe Garden is located far away from the main commercial street but in the residents’ hinterland. Different from other green spaces in Nantou Ancient City that need to integrate the interaction of different user groups (migrants, makers, and tourists), the design of the Guangheshe Garden focuses more on how to make the place serve the lives of residents, build a vibrant residential community, and emphasize community involvement and co-construction.
▽服务于周边居民的社区花园 A community garden that serves nearby residents
The Guangheshe garden was separated from the surrounding buildings by walls before the renovation. The wall cut off the connection between the garden and the surrounding buildings and occupied a lot of green space. After the design team broke the wall, the garden area nearly doubled, adding more functional and in-between spaces. The preservation of the original trees is one of the design challenges. The site is dense with old trees, including camphor tree, golden trumpet tree, and Chinese horse chestnut, etc. After on-site surveying and mapping, the design team preserves all the ancient trees in the garden carefully and replants ground vegetation under the canopy to create vertical diversity.
▽改造前场地原状 Renovate the former site
The surrounding buildings are mainly residential, with a few renovated offices and restaurants. As all the building entrances face the park, the in-between space connecting indoor and outdoor is essential in the design. The outside catering, outdoor seats, and the continuation of building skin materials on the garden pavement connect the garden with the surrounding environment. The design team did not forcibly integrate more functions but left many flexible spaces to provide possibilities for community social activities and creations. A garden is a place for urban events, outdoor office and rest areas, outdoor dining areas, and a community garden.
▽场地平面图 Plan

▽更新后的光合社花园 The updated Photosynthesis Garden
材料使用 Material Usage
The use of site materials references the surrounding buildings. The surrounding buildings were built at different times with various building materials, including multi-layered mosaic walls in the 1960s and 1970s, low-rise farmhouse buildings with gray cement walls, tiled walls in the 1980s, and modern high-rise buildings. After renovating the buildings, the skin materials are mainly made of blue bricks, red bricks, mosaics, and brushed stone, inheriting the cultural texture from the age. Therefore, the design team used two red bricks as pavement in the garden, identifying the activity and passage spaces. The free-curved planter is made of mosaic material, as the small-sized particles can better fit the curve of the planters and achieve visual unity with the ground pavement and surroundings.
▽设计以青砖、红砖、马赛克和水刷石为主要材质,延续丰富的文化肌理 The design uses black brick, red brick, Mosaic and scrub stone as the main materials to continue the rich cultural texture
高差处理 Elevation Design
The site initially had an elevation difference of 2.68 meters. In order to preserve the original trees, the design team set up large planters and designed seats along the planters. The steps and ramps connect the entrances of surrounding buildings, making easy access to the garden.
▽层次丰富的场地空间 Richly layered site space
The design of the Guangheshe garden starts from a simple but powerful concept, “photosynthetic forest”, which integrates nature into the community and carries the community. After the garden opening, the community spontaneously carried out a number of social activities. For example, people used the shared garden to carry out gardening workshops. Here, the designer’s ambitions are compressed to a minimum. On the contrary, the flexible spaces used by residents for creations and activities vitalize the design and community. By retaining the original vegetation, using local materials, and balancing the new and old materials and elements, a blend of past and present landscapes has been created to meet the diverse needs of modern residents. The Guangheshe Garden has become an ideal community green space.
▽改造更新后的社区花园深受人们的欢迎与喜爱 The renovated and updated community garden is welcomed and loved by people
设计方:Lab D+H SH 上海事务所
业主单位:万科城市研究院 深圳万科
Project name: Landscape Design of Shenzhen Nantou Ancient City Activation and Utilization Project — Photosynthetic Society Small Garden
Project location: Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Project area: 2700 square meters
Designer: Lab D+H SH
Design chief creators: Li Zhongwei, Lin Nan
Design Team: Shen Yijun, Zhang Jiaqian, Wu Ye, Han Yiding, Zhou Jian, Luo Longyuan
Design cycle: March 2021 — September 2021
Completion period: October 2021 — May 2022
Owner: Vanke Urban Research Institute Shenzhen Vanke
Copyright: Lu Bing
Landscape construction unit: Shenzhen West Urban Construction Engineering Co., LTD
Architectural design unit: Bovan Architecture
“ 设计保留原有植被、就地取材,控制新旧材料、元素的选择,营造了古今交融的文化场景,满足了现代居民多样化的活动需求,使其成为理想社区绿地。”
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