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Hello Wood:建筑和设计工作室Hello Wood为学校和大学设计了一系列具有智能功能的非传统户外家具。这些光滑的实木家具已被安装在四个教育机构,它们也作为一个社区空间。
户外家具设计由MVM匈牙利电力私人有限公司(MVM)委托,通过包括由可再生能源驱动的智能功能,重新构想了独特的公共雕塑。Hello Wood的联合创始人Dávid Ráday表示,激动人心的创新设计旨在将日常使用的物品变得更加可爱。
Hello Wood: Architecture and design studio Hello Wood has created a line of unconventional outdoor furniture with smart functions for schools and universities. The sleek pieces of solid wood furniture have been installed at four educational institutions, where they also serve as a community space.
The outdoor furniture designs, commissioned by MVM Hungarian Electricity Private Limited Company (MVM), reimagine the genre of public sculpture by including smart functions powered by renewable energy. According to Hello Wood co-founder, Dávid Ráday, the purpose of exciting and innovative design is to turn articles of everyday use into loveable objects. MVM decided about the distribution of the pieces by way of a tender open to educational institutions. The call received close to 600 bids.

Hello wood的联合创始人András Huszár解释说:“流动立方体”和“城市之蛇”的酷炫线条是使用数控技术从锯开的木块上切割而成的,这使我们能够最大限度地减少浪费。”考虑到它们的户外放置和预计的生命周期,这些结构采用落叶松建造,这是一种高度耐用的木材,将随着时间的变化呈现自然的灰调。木材之间的伸缩缝可以防止木材开裂,在每件独特的家具塑造上发挥着作用。
“The cool lines of the Fluid Cube and the City Snake were cut from sawn blocks of wood using CNC technology, which allowed us to minimize the waste,” explained András Huszár, Hello Wood co-founder. In consideration of their outdoor placement and desired lifecycle, the structures were built of larch, a highly durable wood type that takes on a natural grey patina with time. The expansion joints that prevent the cracking of the wood also play a role in shaping the character of each piece of furniture.

They house the mood lighting, which slices up the solid shapes with strips of light using solar power. The integrated USB sockets, WiFi hotspot, and lighting are all powered by the shock resistant solar panels developed by the Hungarian brand Platio.

The City Snake is a modular structure; its elements are variable to fit the given site. The Fluid Cube is a fixed unit with solar cells swimming between the layers of its tempered glass top. This transparent roof blocks rain, but lets the sunlight through. Users can stretch out along the shape of the City Snake, while the openings of the Fluid Cube are designed so more than one unit can be lined up side by side.

项目名称:New school of public furniture
客户:MVM Hungarian Electricity Private Limited Company (MVM)
设计和建造:Hello Wood
首席设计师:András Huszár、Péter Pozsár、Dávid Ráday
项目设计师:Csaba Bányai、Gellért Ollé
建筑师:Dániel Kiss、László Mangliár
照片:Zsuzsa Darab 和 MVM
Project Name: New school of public furniture
Client: MVM Hungarian Electricity Private Limited Company (MVM)
Designed & built: Hello Wood
Chief designers: András Huszár, Péter Pozsár, Dávid Ráday
Project designer: Csaba Bányai, Gellért Ollé
Architects: Dániel Kiss, László Mangliár
Photos: Zsuzsa Darab & MVM
“ 设计通过利用可再生能源驱动的智能设施,重新构想了独特的公共雕塑,激动人心的创新设计旨在将日常使用的物品变得更加可爱。”
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