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REAL建筑事务所:宁波市达敏学校创办于1987年,是一所卓越的全日制特殊教育学校,在校学生以中、重度智障学生为主,自闭症学生占全校学生总数的1/4。秉持着“培养能够生活自理、适应社会并自食其力的合格公民” 的育人理念,达敏创造出社区融合教学模式,以智障孩子未来社区中的生活为核心,让孩子走出校园,融入社区与社会。如今,达敏学校从 “社区融合教育” 又走向 “自闭症融合教育” 之路,开展自闭症个别化、集体融合课堂、社区融合教育的研究,帮助自闭症学生更好地进行学习、生活、融入社会。在三十年办学历程中,达敏人合力向上,恒爱如春,为让每一位特殊学生享受到适合自己的教育而努力着。

REAL Architects: Founded in 1987, Ningbo Damin School is an excellent full-time school for children with special educational needs and disabilities. Moderate and severe intellectual disabilities are predominantly students enrolled in the school, and autistic students accounting for 1/4 of the total number of students.



REAL很开心为这群孩子设计。走进现在的达敏校园,我们感受到校园环境的温馨与环境布置的用心,但我们也总结出了现状所存在的主要问题:作为一所特殊教育学校,校园景观缺乏 “特殊性” ,场地功能较为单一且缺少互动性;户外运动器材低龄化,使用率不高,缺乏针对特殊儿童的户外康复训练设施;校园绿化忽略了植物本身的康复性功能;由于校园处于地势低洼地带,再加上宁波雨水丰富,解决大雨天校园内多处积水的问题刻不容缓。

本次主要针对校园两座庭院的景观改造中,我们对现状问题提出了有效解决方案,并尊重校方意见,充分考虑学生需求,对两座庭院的功能进行差异化处理:将其中一座定义为“自然感官” 花园,并以校训命名,称之 “恒爱园”, The Loving Garden,;另一座则以“教育、康复、健身”为主题,在庭院内充分布置游乐玩耍设施,打造适合达敏孩子的 “挑战园” ,The Challenge Ground。

The campus as a whole is rather dated and needs some new energy. As a special education school, the campus landscape lacks ‘specialness’. The site is relatively monofunctional and lacks interactivity. Outdoor sports equipment is underage and unutilized, while there is a lack of outdoor rehabilitation training facilities for children. The campus planting ignores the rehabilitative function of the plants themselves. There is an urgent need to address the flooding problem on campus, since the school is in a geographically low-lying area.

During the landscape renovation on the campus, we thoroughly considered the needs of students, differentiating the functions of the two main courtyards. We define one courtyard as a natural sensory garden named ‘the Loving Garden’. The other one is themed on ‘Education, Rehabilitation and Fitness’ fully equipped with playground facilities to create “a Challenge Ground” for Damin’s children.


▽恒爱园 The Loving Garden

▽挑战园 The Challenge Ground


恒爱园 The Loving Garden


The Loving Garden has always been a showcase for the campus culture. There are two stone carvings with school mottos on them. During the renovation, the client requested that the two stone carvings to stay in their original positions. The new plan breaks the rigid and old-fashioned pattern of the existing garden, creating a pleasant atmosphere with curves and outlining various scales of garden space.


▽恒爱园改造前后 Before&after



Looking at the Loving Garden from above, there is a cloverleaf pattern consisting of three hearts. The clover is an element used in the existing visual system of the campus, which symbolizes a simple, calm and happy life. We incorporated this graphic into the pavement with three shades of pervious concrete. At this garden, children can experience and perceive nature in their own way. The balsam camphor stepping stumps in the Habitat Garden give off a strong fragrance; the large pebbles in the Rock Garden bring in the flavor of nature; and the planting groups with different textures are scattered in the garden, bringing in a rich experience throughout the year.


▽原位保留的“恒爱石”,融入新的花园之中。改造后的恒爱园呈现柔和开放的花园氛围。The Damin motto stone was preserved in its original position and well integrated into the renovated landscape. The re-designed courtyard has a soothing and inviting garden atmosphere.


我们知道,特殊儿童对于空间有着他们独特的需求,他们使用的空间除了基础的安全保障外,还需有无障碍性、康复性和补偿性。这些孩子的生理、心理及行为特征,是奠定景观设计的基础,也是特教学校景观设计的依据。这些心理特征与景观中空间的围合形状、空间予以人的心理暗示、交往空间的形式与尺度、植物的选择等均有直接联系。[1] 恒爱园的空间布局充分考虑了他们对开放及私密空间的需求,为他们提供了群聚与独处的机会。花园中既有开放空间,满足群体户外活动的使用;也有像岩石花园这样相对围合的场所,供安静独处与私密交流。这样隐藏的小角落,它不起眼,但意义深远。对于一些自闭、焦虑的孩子来说,这也许就是他最安全的小港湾。也是这类空间,孩子更愿意听老师讲故事,与老师做简单的沟通。 [3]

We know that children with special needs require space to be accessible, rehabilitative and compensatory in addition to basic safety and security. Physiological, psychological and behavioral characteristics of these children are the fundamental basis for laying the landscape design of special education schools. The Loving Garden’s spatial layout provides children opportunities for group gathering and solitude. There are open spaces in the garden for group outdoor activities, and relatively enclosed places like the Rock Garden for quiet solitude and private exchanges. Such hidden corners are unassuming, but meaningful. For some autistic and anxious children, this may be their safest little harbor. It is also the type of space where the child is more willing to listen to the teachers’ stories and communicate with them.


▽静谧的岩石花园 Rock Garden

▽花园与连廊 Garden and Corridor



In this renovation, the architectural corridor around the Loving Garden expanded from a monofunctional walkway to a spacious and open semi-outdoor venue. In the future, it will become a primary cultural gallery on campus. The weather-proof space can host many activities: exhibitions, receptions, outdoor classes, relaxing, playing, etc. Sets of tables and chairs against large windows and long benches with garden views provide a comfortable environment for students, faculty, and parents to rest and socialize. The corridor wraps around the garden, creating an active and interactive experience between the two.


▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽恒爱园改造平面图 Loving Garden Plan

▽拓宽的建筑连廊环绕花园展开,提供给师生们不受天气影响的半户外活动场地。这个空间可以承载了众多校园活动,未来也将成为主要的校园文化展廊。The expanded building corridor wraps around the garden, providing students and faculty a semi-outdoor space protected from the weather. This space can host a wide range of campus activities and will become a main cultural gallery for the campus in future.


挑战园 Damin Challenge Ground


The Challenge Ground is designed around ‘education, rehabilitation, and fitness’, providing children with a highly inclusive outdoor play space and rehabilitation training area. As the site is adjacent to the school’s Rehabilitation Classroom, we wanted the Challenge Ground to be an extension of the classroom, encouraging outdoor learning.


▽挑战园改造前后对比 Before&after


▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing



▽挑战园改造平面图 Challenge Ground Plan


我们首先想到的游戏项目是攀爬。攀爬是要通过手、脚、脑部的合理配合,明确目的地的同时,丈量路线和尺度才能最终达到目标的训练。合理尺度的攀爬设施在锻炼智障儿童的尺度判断力、意志力都是很直接的训练项目。带有目标的攀爬更能够激发孩子的兴趣及是他们充满成就感。[2] 考虑到达敏学校的学生年龄分布跨度大,挑战园分区域布置了两组适合不同年龄段儿童使用的攀爬设施,并结合组合式游戏设施,如平台、吊桥、滑梯等等,形成有目标的攀爬锻炼。

The first choice of challenge game is climbing. Reasonable scales of climbing are very effective training programs for children with intellectual disabilities, training their judgment of scale and willpower. Climbing with a goal can stimulate children’s interest and give them a sense of achievement. Considering the broad age range of the students in Damin School, the Challenge Ground provides two sets of climbing facilities suitable for children of different ages. Combined play facilities, such as platforms, suspension bridges, slides, etc., are used to establish a purposeful climbing training program.


▽为孩子们提供了极具包容性的室外游戏空间及康复训练场地 It provides a very inclusive outdoor play space and rehabilitation training venue for children



康复训练可依据特殊儿童的年龄和智能水平来进行划分。一般说来,低年纪的智障儿童在康复训练中以学步类、攀爬类、协调类、视觉类为多。[3]场地内布置了锻炼身体协调能力的跳跃跑道,由粗细不均、跨度不一的半圆柱铺设而成,这样的跳跃能力及平衡感训练设施,充满了趣味性;辅助认知的转珠墙、风向标、时钟认知环;刺激感官功能的触感墙、转盘玩具、拨片玩具、敲击乐器等等。地面也被充分地利用起来,迷宫、跳房子、数字认知小游戏、跑步环、平衡车跑道等,有机分布在场地之中。这些活动促进学生们的体能增长和运动能力发展,教会孩子们如何超越自己的身体和认知极限,并提供给他们相互之间协作的机会。 这些游戏的功能通过社交和户外学习得到增强,寓教于乐。

Rehabilitation trainings classified according to the age and intelligence level of the children with special needs. Generally speaking, the younger children focus more on the toddling, climbing, coordinating, and visual categories Damin Challenge Ground equipped with a jumping track for exercising body coordination, a whirly wall, a wind vane, a clock cognitive ring and a sensory wall for stimulating sensory functions. The ground is also fully utilized, with mazes, hopscotch, number cognition games, running tracks, etc., strategically distributed throughout the site. These activities promote physical growth and motor development, teaching children how to push themselves beyond their physical and cognitive limits and providing them with opportunities to collaborate with each other. The functionality of these games enhanced through socialization and outdoor learning that is fun and educational.


▽达敏风向标 Damin Vane

▽跳跃跑道 Jumping Track

▽触感墙 Sensory Wall


▽声音拨片玩具 Sound Play

▽地面游戏 Games


五感校园 A Sensory Campus

本次针对特殊教育学校校园景观的设计中,我们结合了对景观“补偿性”的特别考量。所谓补偿性,是指以行为主体特殊的生理和心理特征为依据,通过环境设计的支持,使其他各项正常的身体机能得到最大程度的发挥,从而弥补其本身的缺陷。[1] 我们希望孩子们在校园日常生活中,在不同区域内,获得有效而特定的感官刺激。

This project for the special education school incorporates a special consideration of the “compensatory” nature of the landscape. The compensatory environment can maximize the performance of normal bodily functions, thus compensating for the deficiencies of the individuals. We want children to have effective and specific sensory stimulation in different areas of their daily life on campus.




Taking visual, auditory and haptic compensation as the starting point, we considered rich details on materials, the overall color scheme, and the selection of play equipment. For example, each acrylic panel on the tactile wall has a different texture and color, presenting rich light and shadow effects. Children can exercise their fingers flexibility with the sound interactive installation, and the sound made of the falling metal rings can also stimulate their interest in the external environment and their imagination; in the Loving Garden, we selected natural balsam camphor wood and rough cobblestones, which are the ground textures that enrich the students’ outdoor experience.



后记 Postscript


Considering the compensation of smell and taste, the planting takes into account the characteristics of color, texture, and smell, applying sensory plants,such as ginkgo, osmanthus, citrus, hydrangea, fruit orchid, rosemary, and lavender, to maximize the healing function of the plants.


▽改造后的校园总平面图 Campus Plan



[1] 张燕. 特殊教育学校校园景观设计研究 [J]. 黑河学院学报,2018(03)175-176
[2] 王晓晗. 智障儿童教育学校环境艺术研究 [D]. 华中科技大学,2018
[3] 吴边. 关爱的尺度-智障类特殊教育学校景观设计导则 [D]. 中国美术学院,2008




项目名称:特殊教育学校景观探索: 达敏学校景观更新

Project name: Landscape Design for Special Educational Needs: Damin School Campus Landscape Renewal
Project type: Landscape Design
Design: REAL Architects
Website: www.re-al.cn
Contact e-mail: info@re-al.cn
Design year: 2023
Completion Year: 2023
Leader designer & Team: Xiru Chen, Naiji Jiao, Jing Wang, Ying Wang, Yibin Sun
Project location: No.8, Lane 138, North Huancheng West Rd., Haishu District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
Gross built area: 1500㎡
Photo credit: XIRU
Clients: Ningbo Damin School
Materials: Pervious concrete, EPDM floor




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