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Thank Lê House for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Lê House.
Lê House:“你可曾想过如何让设计给人留下深刻印象?只要给建筑师提供基本的材料,他就能创造出奇迹。”该项目便印证了这一说法。
Lê House:“Have you ever wondered how to make an design impressive? Just give a architecture the basic material, he will create the micracles”. This project does light up those said.

▽爆炸分析图 Explosion diagram

1986号咖啡厅&餐厅虽然在设计上没有跳出传统特定的方向,但仍然有它自己的故事。设计师从一种北方女孩流行的穿着”Mo Qua”围巾(越南的一种围巾,具有乌鸦嘴般的形状)中汲取灵感,并融入了新的审美感受,创造了这个奇妙的大厅。
This project, which is not outstanded the featured orientation in design, still have its own story. Take idea from the “Mo Qua” scarf (Vietnamese Kerchief – what has the shape of the crow’s mouth), which popular known as Northern girl’s wearing, mixed with new taste which created our wonderful lobby.
天然材质的建筑立面使我们产生幻觉,由于布局划分了楼层,两座长长的楼梯连接起宽敞的楼层空间,我们拾级而上的每一步都如同步入 “天堂”。
The front made from natural materials tricked us into illusions as the layout divides the floor with the large floor space connected by two blocks of special long stairs, leads us every step up to “Paradise”.

“Now” and “then” is appear in every dimensionals stimutaniously. If the old brick wall stay, the furnitures and decorations put in dont have the connection, but greenery give the common voice.

when we walk through the lobby door, what we want to show is not displaying dense furniture items and the large bar for barista. The things i want everyone to know are the world where they have a discover adventure as the soul of the North girls. These things are shine upon all the shade tree on the surface of the water and a school of fish swim gently together. We don’t want the coffee shop is standardized.

我想来到一座静谧的花园,从四周观看它,看看今日阳光的情绪,无论是短暂的还是漫长的,在燥热的夏天或是初秋,毕竟,坐下来喝点咖啡是十分有趣的爱好。如果您不相信,就请访问 “Mot Chin Tam Sau (No.1986) 咖啡,海防市最好的黑咖啡、冰牛奶咖啡”
I would like to come to a quiet garden and watch it from all sides, watch the sunshine’s emotions today which is short or long, grumpy summer or early fall. After all, sitting and having a little taste coffee will be very interesting hobbies . If you don’t believe, please visit “Mot Chin Tam Sau (No.1986) coffee, best black coffee, iced milk coffee in Hai Phong city”.

▽一层平面图 First Floor Plan

▽2层平面图 Section Floor Plan

▽3层平面图 Third Floor Plan

▽屋顶平面图 Roof Plan Plan

▽建筑立面图 Elevation

▽建筑结构剖面图 Section

项目地点:越南 海防市 33 Dinh Tien Hoang
设计公司:Le House design
主创设计师:Le Hung Trong
设计团队:Giang Quoc Phong-Tran Nhat Phi
客户:No.1986 coffee
照片来源:Hiroyuki Oki
Project name: No.1986 coffee & restaurant
Completion Year: 2017
Project location: 33 Dinh Tien Hoang, Hai Phong city, Viet Nam
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Le House Construction Design Consultant Co., Ltd( Le House design)
Website: www.le-house.vn
Contact e-mail: tronglee.com@gmail.com
Lead Architects: Le Hung Trong
Design Team: Giang Quoc Phong- Tran Nhat Phi
Clients: No.1986 coffee
Photo credits: Hiroyuki Oki
Photographer’s website: https://www.instagram.com/oki.hiroyuki.47/
“ 突破常规的诗意空间设计,让人可以在这方小小世界里实现一次心灵的探索之旅。”
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