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Thanks STANLEY SAITOWITZ | NATOMA ARCHITECTS for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by STANLEY SAITOWITZ | NATOMA ARCHITECTS.
STANLEY SAITOWITZ | NATOMA ARCHITECTS:太平洋燃气电力公司(PG&E)早期的变电站与城市结构肌理之间密不可分,如今这一具有纪念意义的传统设施正在复兴,位于Embaracdero和Potrero的两座新建筑也由此诞生。
STANLEY SAITOWITZ | NATOMA ARCHITECTS:PG&E’s earlier tradition of memorable urban substations which contribute to the fabric of the city is being revived. Two new buildings, one at Embaracdero and one at Potrero, have this goal. Both augment the existing substations they are adjacent to.
▼位于Potrero的变电站立面 Potrero substations facade

▼位于Embaracdero变电站的折叠广场(两个项目分别以横向和竖向条纹呼应、统一) Public plaza in Embaracdero

They are setback 30″ from the sidewalk to create public plazas. Their facades unfold onto the plazas and invite habitation.
▼Embarcadero项目平面 Embarcadero plan

▼由街道推进9米形成的公共空间,为人们创造了舒适的休闲场所 The public space setback 30″ from the sidewalk

The new substations are compact compared to earlier buildings, with 30 height. These 30’tall and 30″ wide public surfaces are elaborated with a series of 4′ wide concrete bands added to the facades.
▼竖向排列的混凝土条带,形成别样的光影韵律 Vertical concrete strips

These bands are composed of five different profiles which combine to form 20 derivations Which elaborate the vertical surfaces and continue onto the ground plane to become furniture. Interspersed among these linear habitable elements are trees for shade. Roof awnings mark the street edges.
▼折叠混凝土带延伸至地平面形成的休息座椅 The bands continue onto the ground plane to become furniture

▼内置的灯带在晚上创造出另一种氛围 Built-in LED lights create another atmosphere at night

▼内置灯带细节 Built-in LED lights details

At the Embarcadero, in the midst of tall vertical structures, the bands are arrayed vertically; at the Potrero site, close to the bay and more linear forms, the bands are arrayed horizontally.
▼位于Potrero的变电站整体立面 Potrero substations facade

▼同样与整体设计呼应的趣味座椅 Interesting seats echoing with the overall design

These bands continue onto the ground plane to become projecting surfaces on the: plazas, extruding as seating and on the plazas, extruding as seating and pedestals to encourage occupation. These plazas are free spaces for use by the public.
▼创意美感与功能兼具的休憩空间 Creative and functional free spaces

Recessed between the rippling concrete bands, led lights illuminate the walls and ground planes. The color of this lighting can vary with the seasons, and be used for events and celebrations. At the Embarcadero site,led lighting is added to the existing substation building to connect with the new plaza/façade.
▼到了夜晚,内置灯带点亮其特色,成为当地的一张特殊名片 LED lights illuminate the walls and ground planes

▼不同角度产生不同变化的灯光 Lights from different angles

▼整体灯光韵律 Overall lighting rhythm

Creating these urban plaza/facades is a way for PG&E’s substations which already provide vital services to the city, to also give back to the communities they are located in.
▼建筑屋顶设计 The roof design

▼Potrero项目平面 Potrero plan

▼Potrero项目屋顶、广场平面及立面 Potrero roof plan & Potrero plan & Potrero elevation

▼Embaracdero项目屋顶、广场平面及立面 Embaracdero roof plan & Embaracdero plan & Embaracdero elevation

▼五种混凝土条带的排列组合形式 Five different profiles

▼Potrero项目立面图 Potrero elevation

▼Embaracdero项目立面图 Embaracdero elevation

▼混凝土条带剖面图 Wall section
▼Potrero项目墙体细节 Potrero wall detail

▼Embaracdero项目墙体细节 Embaracdero wall detail

项目名称:PG&E Embarcadero & Potrero
面积:Embarcadero 13,400 平方英尺, Potrero 15,700平方英尺
项目地点:美国 加利福尼亚州 旧金山
联系邮箱:stanley@saitowitz.com. mchin@saitowitz.com
设计团队:Stanley Saitowitz, Neil Kaye, Michael Luke, Ulysses Lim
建筑记录:MWA Architects Inc.
合作方:WRK Engineers, Capital Engineering Inc., Cupertino Electrical Inc., Telamon Engineering
景观:Rana Creek Living Architecture
图片来源:Richard Barnes
Project name: PG&E Embarcadero & Potrero
Completion Year: 2020
Size: : Embarcadero 13,400 SF, Potrero 15,700 SF
Project location: San Francisco, California
Design Architecture Firm: Stanley Saitowitz | Natoma Architects
Website: http://www.saitowitz.com/
Contact e-mail: stanley@saitowitz.com. mchin@saitowitz.com
Design Architects: Stanley Saitowitz, Neil Kaye, Michael Luke, Ulysses Lim
Architects of Record: MWA Architects Inc.
Clients: PG&E
Collaborators: WRK Engineers, Capital Engineering Inc., Cupertino Electrical Inc., Telamon Engineering
Landscape: Rana Creek Living Architecture
Photo credits: Richard Barnes
Photographer’s website: http://www.richardbarnes.net/
“ 将街道向内推进9米,把1.2米宽的波纹混凝土条带从建筑立面延伸至水平面上,通过挤压和折叠形成了独特的休息座椅,引人驻足停留。”