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Thanks Ignacio Borrego for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Ignacio Borrego.


Ignacio Borrego:该项目位于 Entrepeñas 水库旁,临近可能发生洪水的最高水位。设计因地制宜,布置了一条木制栈桥向地平线延伸到水边。


Ignacio Borrego:We are at the Entrepeñas reservoir, right next to the upper limit of the possible floods. According to what this place suggests, a wooden pier stretches out towards the horizon to reach the water.

In this pine forest, a sandstone rock stands out, accentuating the irregularity of the terrain and suggesting to stand on it to enjoy the best views of the surroundings. A simple, monolithic and robust construction sits in balance perched on an elevation and shelters the residential program on a single level.



Pier house 单层住宅项目由房屋和栈桥两个部分组成,它们具有相同的宽度(6 米)和长度(27 米),交汇于房屋中心,根据气候的不同,这里既可以是室内空间,也可以是室外空间。木制露台从地面开始,沿着它的路径,我们穿过房屋,开始飞越倾斜的地形,直到另一端,出现在树梢之上这里光线充足,视野开阔,可以从高处俯瞰森林。

These two pieces, house and pier, with the same dimensions of width (6 m) and length (27 m), intersect in the heart of the house, which is both an interior space and an exterior space depending on the climate. The wooden terrace begins at ground level and along its path we cross the house and begin to fly over the terrain that goes down until at the opposite end we appear above the treetops. It is a light and exposed place where we can overview the forest at a great height.




Under the house there is an independent space with access from the outside, under the cantilever formed by the bedrooms balanced at the top. An alternative space to the house, a cave in which to escape the heat of the most extreme hours of the summer, also taking advantage of the great shade provided by the overhang of the house. In this case we enjoy the protection of the house and feel its weight on us.





The spaces of this house are organized in a conventional way, separating the rest area from the public area that is open to the outside spaces. There are two complementary rooms: one of them is completely exposed to the landscape crossed by the large deck and can be completely opened to become part of it; the other room, with a fireplace and a large window to the south, is more sheltered for the winter.

The materialization of the house, of mass-pigmented concrete in black and formwork with wooden slats of various sizes, aims to blend into the environment of the dark and fissured pine bark. These slats were later reused to build a tree house for children. The aspect of the wooden deck is similar to the reddish tone of the clay soil. The materials are used to ensure that the whole is perceived discreetly both from the surroundings and from the reservoir.





The simple intersection of the house and the pier, offers a great diversity of outdoor spaces thanks to the variations in the topography. Shade or sun, views or privacy, shelter or exposure, south or north can be chosen around the house depending on the time of year, the climate and the hours of the day.

The illusion of reaching the water is satisfied thanks to the pool that is located under the pier and is formed against the rock. In this way, it is possible to jump into the water from the pier or from the rock itself.




技术说明 Technical description

房屋的整体结构是根据商业工业化系统建造的连续轻质钢筋混凝土整体。​混凝土外墙的厚度仅为 4 厘米,墙体是由隔热板和两侧各一层薄薄的砂浆组成的轻质结构夹层。尽管窗户很大,但隔热层的厚度(外墙 14 厘米,屋顶 20 厘米)仍能提供非常稳定的隔热性能。内部砂浆层产生的热惯性也远远高于其他传统建筑。房屋变成了一个大型刚性梁,其悬臂由一个简单的天平支撑。最后,它成为了一根巨大、轻盈、有人居住的横梁,超过一半的长度都在地面之上。


The entire construction of the house is a continuous and light monolith of reinforced concrete according to a commercial industrialized system. The thickness of the concrete façade is only 4 cm and the walls are a light structural sandwich of an insulating panel and a thin layer of mortar on each side. The insulation thicknesses (14 cm on the façades and 20 cm on the roof) offer very stable thermal behavior despite the large windows. The layer of mortar inside also generates a thermal inertia far above any conventional construction. The house becomes a large rigid beam whose cantilever is supported by a simple balance. Finally, it is a large inhabited light beam that rests on the ground for more than half of its length.

The structure of the large deck is made up of laminated steel profiles on clusters of cylindrical steel pillars. The inclination of the pillars together with the anchorage provided by the pool stairs allows for light bracing and emphasizes the sensation of flying over the trees.


▽设计图纸 Design drawings



项目名称:Pier house
竣工日期:2024 年
地块面积:5000 平方米
建筑面积:253 平方米

建筑师:Ignacio Borrego
领英:Ignacio Borrego Gómez-Pallete
脸书:Ignacio Borrego Gómez-Pallete

合作者:Francesca Piva, Pauline de Vathaire, Federico Arca Sedda, Andrea Valentini, David Silva, Anna Elena Priarone
施工负责人:Ignacio Borrego
执行管理:Javier Mach and Javier González (Dirtec)
设施:Raúl Lirola (3D3)
照片:Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío R. Rivas)

Project Name: Pier house
Location: Peñalagos, Guadalajara (Spain)
Project: 2018
Completion date: 2024
Plot surface: 5,000 m2
Built area: 253 m2

Architect: Ignacio Borrego
LinkedIn: Ignacio Borrego Gómez-Pallete
Instagram: ignacio_borrego
Twitter: @IgnacioBorrego6
Facebook: Ignacio Borrego Gómez-Pallete

Collaborators: Francesca Piva, Pauline de Vathaire, Federico Arca Sedda, Andrea Valentini, David Silva, Anna Elena Priarone
Construction Director: Ignacio Borrego
Execution Direction: Javier Mach and Javier González (Dirtec)
Structure and construction: Baupanel
Facilities: Raúl Lirola (3D3)
Photographs: Imagen Subliminal (Miguel de Guzmán + Rocío R. Rivas)




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