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Thanks Studio 3LHD for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Studio 3LHD.
Studio 3LHD:Park Kneževa 住宅区提供了一条连接 Branimirova 街和 Bornina 街的人行通道,并可通往住宅区内部的公共基础设施。街区内的建筑被一个公园环绕,由于其高低错落的形态和丰富的平面布局形式,与绿地之间产生了互动。在功能方面,该街区包含了多种类型的空间:住宅、商场以及城市公园。
Studio 3LHD: Residential block Park Kneževa provides a pedestrian link between Branimirova and Bornina Streets and access to public facilities in the block interior. Buildings inside the block are surrounded by a park, in interaction with the greenery due to their variable heights and floor plans. In terms of content, it will unite several typologies: housing, business premises and an urban park.

该项目位于萨格勒布市中心一个靠近铁路的街区内,以 Branimirova、Bornina、Domagojeva 和 Erdödyeva 街为界。该地块的前身是 Nada Dimić 工厂和 Penkala 工厂配套的住宅区与工业区。自 20 世纪 90 年代这两家工厂关闭以来,两条街道之间的建筑逐渐破败直至被拆除。这就在市中心形成了一片较大的空地,为本次高质量的城市建筑介入创造了条件。
The project is located in a down town block in Zagreb, near the railway, bounded by Branimirova, Bornina, Domagojeva and Erdödyeva Streets. It is the area of the residential and industrial block of the former Nada Dimić factory and Penkala factory. Since the factories closure in the 1990s, the buildings in the zone between the two streets have deteriorated and have been removed. This created a large empty space in the very center of the city, which enabled high-quality urban-architectural intervention.

The analysis of Zagreb’s tradition of lower town blocks, public passages that are always present in them, tall buildings and parks within the blocks has resulted in the concept of a new green urban block. The quality of Zagreb’s downtown block structure, which inspired the project, enables quality urban life, unique lifestyle and cultural opportunities within a high urban density. It is an area where various typologies are present – housing, commercial premises and recreation areas.
▽设计概念 Concept

街区被 Branimirova 街和 Bornina 街从南北方向穿插环绕,通过这些穿插的道路实现两条街道之间的人行连接。
The block is surrounded from the south and north by classic interpolations on Branimirova and Bornina streets, through which the pedestrian connection between the two streets is realized.
The basic idea of the new block is the pedestrian connection of two streets, clear visibility and access to the city and the block, the creation of a new large green area – an urban park inside the block. The introduction of the park into the interior raises the quality of housing not only for the residents within the block, but also for the surrounding buildings.

The project includes several different housing typologies. Two-story houses in a row with a front garden (the so-called townhouse) in the quiet interior of the block allow a very high-quality life in contact with the terrain. There are also apartments with larger terraces that increase the quality of life outdoors, apartments with large loggias, overlooking the city, and the largest apartments on the top floor, with terraces and a view of the whole of Zagreb.

绿化 Greenery
The exceptional quantity of greenery present in the surroundings and on the façade in the form of a vertical park, provides a unique experience of living and is the main feature of this project.
▽住宅街区轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽住宅街区剖面图 Section

建筑周围、屋顶花园和各楼层的众多花园里种植了丰富的植物,并配有浇灌和排水系统,为人们带来了独特的视觉效果和感官体验,营造了一个独一无二的绿色生活绿洲。所有花园(超过 500 个)都是为该项目设计和制作的独一无二的产品。
The many plants in the surroundings, on green roofs and numerous jardinières on all levels of the building, with a watering and drainage system, offer a special sight and experience and create a unique green oasis for living in. All the jardinières (over 500 pieces) were designed and made as unique products for this project.

据统计,该项目共种植了约 5.7 万株不同种类的植物幼苗。
The sustainability of the greenery is ensured by a horticultural project and the application of innovative technical solutions. The plants, that are considered a part of the environment and the façade, are cared for by the investor’s facility management company, in order to keep them in their best condition throughout the lifetime of the building.
There was a total of 57,000 seedlings of various plants planted within the project.

项目名称:Residential Block Park Kneževa
竣工年份:2022 年
项目地点:克罗地亚 萨格勒布
景观/建筑公司:Nataša Tiška Vrsalović (DIONAEA-VRTOVI)
3LHD项目团队:Saša Begović, Marko Dabrović, Tatjana Grozdanić Begović, Silvije Novak, Paula Kukuljica, Zoran Šuša, Goran Mraović, Ana Mikelić, Jure Živković, Filip Tomaško, Ivona Šimunović, Nicky Vojvodić, Zrinka Vrkić, Vesna Jelušić, Sofija Vrtarić, Luka Cindrić, Ana Bjelić, Sanja Jasika Lovrić, Mia Andrašević, Vibor Granić, Dominik Žuvela, Dalia Colić, Marijana Pivac, Daša Manojlović, Nives Krsnik Rister, Josip Babec Šuša, Lorena Jelinek
VMD Model项目团队:Majda Vidović, Nina Sarić Zubović, Iva Đaković Margan, Vedran Roljić
客户:VMD Model
项目团队合作者:Marko Zeko, Matija Kokot, Tomislav Šolto (Arhimetrik)
插图(比赛阶段):Ida Ister
艺术壁画(大厅):Jelena Bando, Tomislav Buntak, Fedor Fischer, Danko Frišćić, Matko Vekić, Zlatan Vrkljan
标志和环境图形设计:Lana Cavar, Narcisa Vukojević, Hrvoje Živčić
结构工程:Juraj Pojatina, David Anđić (Studio Arhing)
电气工程:Branko Knežević (ATP projektiranje)
暖通空调:Ana Islamović (ATP arhitekti inženjeri)
管道和排水:Ana Islamović(ATP arhitekti inženjeri)
消防:Maksim Carević, Josip Radeljić (Inspekting d.o.o.)
交通规划:Boris Leović (C5 KONCEPT)
景观设计:Nataša Tiška Vrsalović (DIONAEA-VRTOVI)
灌溉:Damir Čizmek (IN-AQUA d.o.o.)
建筑物理学 :Mateo Biluš (AKFZ studio d.o.o.)
洒水喷头安装:Mladen Vujnović (Aling d.o.o.)
工程量清单:Lucija Ivas (FOREL projekt)
基坑保护:Živko Mihovilović (Grasa)
场地测量:Ante Knez (KNEZ INVEST)
主承包商:Team Građenje
铁匠(街区入口门):Franjo Vinković
现场监督:VMD Grupa (Bruno Cividini)
图片来源:Jure Živković
Project name: Residential Block Park Kneževa
Completion Year: 2022
Size: 29828m2
Project location: Zagreb, Croatia
Landscape/Architecture Firm: Nataša Tiška Vrsalović (DIONAEA-VRTOVI)
Website: http://www.3lhd.com/en/
Contact e-mail: mladena@3lhd.com
Lead Architects: 3LHD
Design Team
Author: 3LHD
Project team 3LHD: Saša Begović, Marko Dabrović, Tatjana Grozdanić Begović, Silvije Novak, Paula Kukuljica, Zoran Šuša, Goran Mraović, Ana Mikelić, Jure Živković, Filip Tomaško, Ivona Šimunović, Nicky Vojvodić, Zrinka Vrkić, Vesna Jelušić, Sofija Vrtarić, Luka Cindrić, Ana Bjelić, Sanja Jasika Lovrić, Mia Andrašević, Vibor Granić, Dominik Žuvela, Dalia Colić, Marijana Pivac, Daša Manojlović, Nives Krsnik Rister, Josip Babec Šuša, Lorena Jelinek
Project team VMD Model: Majda Vidović, Nina Sarić Zubović, Iva Đaković Margan, Vedran Roljić
Clients: VMD Model
Project team collaborators: Marko Zeko, Matija Kokot, Tomislav Šolto (Arhimetrik)
Illustration (competition stage): Ida Ister
Artistic murals (lobby): Jelena Bando, Tomislav Buntak, Fedor Fischer, Danko Frišćić, Matko Vekić, Zlatan Vrkljan
Signage and environmental graphics design: Lana Cavar, Narcisa Vukojević, Hrvoje Živčić
Structural Engineering: Juraj Pojatina, David Anđić (Studio Arhing)
Electrical Engineering: Branko Knežević (ATP projektiranje)
HVAC: Ana Islamović (ATP arhitekti inženjeri)
Plumbing and drainage: Ana Islamović (ATP arhitekti inženjeri)
Fire protection project: Maksim Carević, Josip Radeljić (Inspekting d.o.o.)
Traffic Planning Project: Boris Leović (C5 KONCEPT)
Landscape Design: Nataša Tiška Vrsalović (DIONAEA-VRTOVI)
Irrigation project: Damir Čizmek (IN-AQUA d.o.o.)
Building Physics, Details: Mateo Biluš (AKFZ studio d.o.o.)
Sprinkler installation: Mladen Vujnović (Aling d.o.o.)
Bill of Quantities: Lucija Ivas (FOREL projekt)
Foundation Pit Protection: Živko Mihovilović (Grasa)
Geodetic survey: Ante Knez (KNEZ INVEST)
Main contractor: Team Građenje
Blacksmith (block entrance doors): Franjo Vinković
Site supervision: VMD Grupa (Bruno Cividini)
Photo credits: Jure Živković
Photographer’s website: https://cargocollective.com/jurezivkovic
“ 将公园引入街区内部,不仅提高了街区内居民的居住质量,还提升了周边建筑的居住环境质量。”
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