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Thanks DL Atelier for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by DL Atelier .
大料建筑:还记得你上一次荡秋千是什么时候吗? 当我第一次荡这个秋千时,瞬间不自知地笑出了声,是开心还是害怕,可能都有。
DL Atelier:Still remember the last time yourself on a swing? When I swung on this swing for the first time, I couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Not sure if it was joy or fear, perhaps both.
▽项目视频 ©朱雨蒙;大料建筑 BGM:《一生所爱》卢冠廷/莫文蔚
▽秋千一瞥 Swing a glance

▽秋千全景 Swing Panorama

▽远眺秋千 Overlook swing

进山 Entering the Mountains
A whole piece of steel plate divided into two, one round and harmonious, the other sharp and edgy. They support each other to stand up, like a giant stone stage, sometimes sturdy, sometimes fragile, turning the children’s game—swinging on a swing—into a spectacle. The surrounding hard ground hints at risks, with only the river view being friendly, creating a sense of tension.
▽分板示意图 Subboard schematic

▽秋千顶视 Swing top View

▽圆融与锋利 Round and sharp

▽秋千座椅 Swing seat

▽秋千与周边环境 Swings and surroundings

The pusher and the swinger, both experiencing it in front of everyone, from peaceful to romantic, from relaxed to unrestrained. The demonstration goes carefree.
▽推秋千的人 The guy pushing the swing

It is precisely this dangerous tension that entices us closer, but the restraint that comes from danger balances the danger itself. The more dangerous, the more attractive, and the more attractive, the more dangerous.
▽危险的张力 Dangerous tension

▽吸引 attract

孩子 Children
Let us swing on the swing, immersed between tenderness and roughness! At that moment, we all become children, laughing and shouting loudly. The tension pulls us away from the annoying reality, and freedom stimulates the return of our innocent lightness. I’m fond of this lightness, like the moon, like the wind.
You may love and hate it at the same time; if love can broaden the breadth of life, perhaps hate can excavate the depth of life.You need them both, and you’ll be addicted to them both.
▽温柔与粗粝 Gentle and coarse
▽重得天真的轻盈 The weight is naive and light

▽周边居民与秋千的互动 The interaction between the surrounding residents and the swing

▽自在轻盈 Free and light

出山 Leaving the Mountains
I always say I’m lucky, relying on luck to achieve certain things.
Encounter is fate, missing is opportune. I always realize such things later, but looking back, there was a certain intuition at the time, and everything had its own arrangement—perhaps that’s fate. When every encounter feels like déjà vu, it might be a sign of aging.
The two people on the swing are the same. The direction, the timing, and the force, if any above is wrong, they cannot meet. It seems unknown but actually destined. Sometimes it’s us who decide the intersection, sometimes we are just pushed by others. Once the swing starts, it is destined to meet or miss. Effort cannot change anything, neither the direction, nor the fate.
▽同频带来相遇(GIF) In-band Encounter (GIF)

▽交叉触发错位(GIF) Cross trigger misalignment (GIF)

I’m grateful that we met. Talking to each other, achieving each other.
So how long will it last? Time and the earth keep pulling us on the swing, gradually calming down, becoming unromantic. Even if unwilling, it will eventually stop, disappear, leaving only the traces of memories.
▽消失 vanish

▽逐渐平静 Calm down

▽回归平稳 Return to equilibrium

Fortunately, we once met, like autumn moon, like winter snow.
Blessedly, we always meet, like crisp flowers, like scattered raindrops.
I had hoped that once the two people on the swing met, a cloud would rise in the middle of the mountain. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the luck on me this time. But I can wait.
▽一朵云 A Cloud

不进山 Away from the Mountains
For me, love is not companionship, not passion, but oil in sorrow, flower in joy, smoke falling from the sky and laughter echoing in deep valleys. But you don’t belong to me, and I don’t belong to you.
Life will be fulfilled only when sorrow and joy are intertwined.
▽回到人海里 Back to the human Sea©朱雨蒙

▽江边夜色中的秋千 A swing in the night by the river

设计:大料建筑 / 刘阳,胡祎伟,孙欣晔
Project: Shanghai Urban Space Art Season “Play with Nature”
Date: 2023
Location: Shanghai, West Bank
Design: DL Atelier / Liu Yang, Hu Yiwei, Sun Xinye
Production: Baoding Fangzhouyuan Sculpture Arts and Crafts Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Photography: Zhu Yumeng, Tian Fangfang, Luo Yujie, Liu Yang
“ 被奇观化了的秋千互动艺术装置,给场地带了别样的记忆点。”
审稿编辑: Maggie
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