Thanks BLUES for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by BLUES.
对于场地,我们选择尊重自然,在自然中,找回其最朴实的关系。建筑是由地形生长出来的,景观是延伸向土地的情感触角,也是生活方式的场景底盘。我们用现代的手法及材料去唤醒黎族文化村落的文化感、艺术感、空间感,进行新的生活方式的演绎,打破原有的、固态的设计手法, 构建一种新式的、叙事的手法来营造热带雨林中栖居的生活意境,同时也是构建出一种情感的链接,强调是适合现代人审美和生活的空间意境,通过不断的创造、深化,才有了今天的神玉岛 ……
—— 张 勇蓝调国际总经理 首席设计
BLUES: With nature as the backdrop and culture as the essence,
We first encounter the mystical and serene Shenyu Island,Nestled amidst mountains and forests, it preserves a pristine natural ecosystem and a unique ancient village culture,Here, the villagers of the Li ethnic group have lived for generations on the island.
Therefore, in our perspective, the goal is not to create a new resort destination, but rather to understand, organize, and interpret the culture, ecology, and site of Shenyu Island,In order to respect nature and inherit and promote the ancient village culture.
Regarding the site, we choose to respect nature,In nature, we rediscover its most genuine relationship.Architecture grows from the terrain, landscapes extend their emotional tendrils towards the land, and become the backdrop of a way of life.Using modern techniques and materials, we awaken the cultural, artistic, and spatial senses of the Li ethnic village,And reinterpret a new way of life, breaking away from conventional and rigid design approaches,
Constructing a novel narrative technique to create a living atmosphere in the tropical rainforest,Simultaneously building an emotional connection, emphasizing a spatial ambiance that suits the aesthetics and lifestyle of modern people.
Through continuous creation and deepening, today’s Shenyu Island has come to be…
——Zhang Yong, CEO and Chief Designer of BLUES
回归 | 场地寻迹 Return | Tracing the Site
Preserving the native ecosystem, establishing a unique connection with nature
▽场地背景 Site background
The current ecological status of the site is good, with predominantly artificial vegetation (including betel nut and rubber tree plantations), and the betel nut trees along the valley are thriving, while the other trees are relatively small. The peripheral areas of the site are dense with native rainforest.
The design adopts a low-impact development approach, making concessions to the natural ecological landscape while maximizing the reduction of environmental damage, preserving the original rainforest ecosystem and village culture.
▽场地原始现状 Original status of the site
村落文化 Village culture
The boat-shaped house is the embodiment of Li ethnic culture, representing profound ethnic values, cultural perspectives, historical views, ecological outlook, as well as the soul and spirit of the ethnic group. The simple aesthetics of the architecture seamlessly blend with nature, showcasing creativity while respecting the environment, reflecting the aesthetic view of Li culture that combines naturalism and utilitarianism.
▽村落文化 Village culture
设计空间推演 Design space deduction
Under the stroke of the brush, the natural scenery of Shenyu Island vividly unfolds on paper.
▽与自然共生,近距离的与大自然进行接触 Symbiosis with nature, close contact with nature
▽场地退台高差关系演绎 Deduce the relationship between the height difference of the stage retreat
▽黎族村落文化 在设计语言中的表达 The expression of Li village culture in design language
▽保留村庄的集聚形态以及历史记忆 Preserve the village’s cluster form and historical memory
▽尊重自然,创建人与自然的有机联系 Respect nature and create an organic connection between man and nature
▽场地空间的臆想—— 冥想与禅修 The imagination of space — meditation and meditation

逃离城市的 | 海岛度假圣地 Escape to an island paradise away from the city
Time slows down in this moment, experiencing the power of nature and the tranquility of the soul.
▽项目区位 Project location
以柔软的姿态 | 与自然灵魂共处 With a gentle approach | Coexisting with the soul of nature
黎族文化深耕于此,随着村落文化的不断演化,具有独属于黎族的文化印记。 因此, 保护与传承原生的文化符号也成为了我们的设计初衷,从景观的角度,赋予其另一种形式的文化重塑。
Through low-impact methods, the original ecological traces of nature are preserved, fostering renewal.
The Li ethnic culture is deeply rooted here, evolving continuously with the village culture, bearing the unique cultural imprint of the Li people. Therefore, protecting and inheriting the original cultural symbols has become our design intention, providing a different form of cultural reshaping from a landscape perspective.
▽项目与周边环境鸟瞰 Aerial view of the project and its surroundings
设计以古村落风貌为形式,营造质朴的、纯净的景观环境。 最大程度的将外在原始村庄的建筑构造和自然简约主义的完美结合;回归生命纯净态,与自然、环境和周围生灵融为一体,享受纯美自然生活。
The design takes the form of an ancient village, creating a simple and pure landscape environment. It maximally integrates the external original village architecture and the simplicity of natural minimalism; returning to the pure state of life, merging with nature, the environment, and the surrounding beings as one, and enjoying a life of pure natural beauty.
以初保村落和黎族文化为亮点, 在整体的规划布局、建筑、景观上追寻与自然和和谐共处,创造一处隐秘山林、野趣、自然度假的自然之境。
Taking the preservation of the village and the Li ethnic culture as highlights, we seek harmonious coexistence with nature in the overall planning, architecture, and landscape design, creating a secluded mountain forest, filled with wilderness and a natural retreat atmosphere.
▽村落式度假酒店 Village style resort hotel
从海边走进 | 热带雨林秘境 From the seaside into the tropical rainforest sanctuary
古色古香的船型屋,自然高低错落的排布着,山风中微微浮动,洋溢着奇妙的灵气。 在这自然之境,感受大自然的力量与内心的宁静。
From the seaside into the tropical rainforest sanctuary.
Leaves drifting, branches accompanying, another realization of rustic mountain living, The ancient-style boat-shaped houses, naturally and unevenly arranged, gently sway in the mountain breeze, exuding a wonderful charm. In this natural haven, one can feel the power of nature and the tranquility of the heart.
夜幕降临,脚下的溪流围绕在村落的周边,在灯光的照射下闪动着金光。 古朴宁静的村庄宛若天然生长于此,伴随着朝夕更替,在历史的长河中静静的生长。
As night falls, the stream at the foot of the village winds around, shimmering with golden light under the illumination of the lamps. The quaint and tranquil village appears as if it has naturally grown here, quietly thriving amidst the passage of days and nights, and growing peacefully in the long river of history.
隐秘山野的 | 古朴巨型船屋 Hidden in the mountains and wilderness, the rustic giant boat-shaped houses
Through a subtle and understated approach, the architecture is imbued with the natural and life forces.
流水、天空、山野、船屋的自然结合,构成一张张自然的山水画卷,行走在其中, 宁静而悠远。
The rustic boat houses, naturally and gently strolling through the mountains and wilderness.
The combination of flowing water, sky, mountains, and boat houses forms natural landscape paintings, walking among them, serene and profound.
Amidst the mountains and wilderness, one can experience the ever-changing flow of nature.
山野秘境中 | 禅意生活场景 In the wilderness sanctuary | Scenes of Zen living
Using nature as a brush to paint scenes of Zen, creating rustic landscape scrolls.
Design to awe nature, respect the land, and integrate tradition with modernity, as well as natural and man-made elements.
Away from the bustle of urban life, create a tranquil, rustic, and Zen-like retreat space in the wilderness, allowing guests to experience the changes of nature in a serene environment.
以自然为墨 | 村落之景的续写 Continuing the scenery of the village with nature as ink
Unfolding the details of the village scenery in the context of culture, every aspect brims with charm.
村庄内道路以斜切等高线,“之”字形迂回联通场所空间,或“Y”形分流导向,非常合理的解决了垂直向坡度行走空间,同时也很好的减缓地表径流在垂直面流速破坏。 景随路转,漫步其中宛若来到一处丛林秘境。
The roads within the village follow contour lines with a zigzag or “Y” shaped layout, which ingeniously resolves the issue of walking on steep slopes and effectively mitigates surface runoff erosion. As the scenery changes with every turn, strolling through it feels like entering a hidden jungle realm.
The design cleverly utilizes the interplay of mountainous terrain to create vertical spaces. By combining light and shadow, landscapes, covered walkways, and vegetation, a rich ecosystem of plant spaces is created. This creates natural rainforest sanctuaries within the mountain forest, each with its unique charm.
依山而建的房屋间,修建明渠。 充分利用台地优势缓解地表径流的同时,且将山体径流引入每家每户的生活区,巧妙的将生活上水饮用水和下水灰水分离,在强降雨其间还可充当径流分流缓解水患。
The houses built along the mountains are accompanied by constructed channels. By fully utilizing the advantages of the terraced land, surface runoff is effectively mitigated. Furthermore, the mountain runoff is directed into the residential areas, cleverly separating drinking water and wastewater. During heavy rainfall, these channels also serve as drainage systems to alleviate flooding.
Here, in perfect harmony with the valleys, residents can gaze at distant scenery, listen to the nearby heartbeats, contemplate their life’s journey, and find contentment. Temporarily bidding farewell to the hustle and bustle of the world, they reside here, experiencing a unique flavor of life.
设计随笔 Design essay
藏进山谷,寻着朦胧雾气,或安静伫立,水映山色树影,与自然万物交换语言, 在这里开启黎族传统村落的故事…
Design is a creative process that aims to achieve balance and harmony between humans and nature.
Nestled within the valleys, following the misty haze or standing silently, the water reflecting the colors of the mountains and the shadows of trees, exchanging languages with the myriad of natural elements. Here, the story of the Li ethnic traditional village unfolds…
设计师语 Designer language
以自然为笔,用湖泊、繁茂树木以及山丘作画。 在景观设计中,人们越来越注重与自然的和谐共存,以及与在地文化的结合。 设计以古朴、野趣为基底,融汇自然风光和人工景观,赋予场景生态感、艺术感。
Using nature as a pen, painting with lakes, lush trees, and hills. In landscape design, there is an increasing emphasis on the harmonious coexistence with nature and the integration with local culture. Designing with simplicity and a touch of wildness, merging natural scenery with artificial landscapes, imbuing the scene with a sense of ecology and artistry.
细节呈现 | 光影 文化等 The details show | light and shadow culture
光影 Light
The synergy between nature and culture bestows scenes with greater surprises and possibilities.
Light, air, and sound are sens of natural growth; Touching light creates shadows, intervening in space is shaping light and shadow.
By bringing people closer to light, air, and nature, interpreting the aesthetics of nature in a zen-like language, experiencing the power of nature in the tropical rainforest, and exploring the changes and development of ancient village culture.
剖面呈现 Designer language
Respecting the rhythm of nature, listening to the voice of the land, and living in harmony with nature. The landscape forms a layered and undulating view of rice terraces, with buildings and betel nut trees rising on elevated ground, and banyan trees intertwining with mountains. The natural scenery is rich and diverse in layers.
▽剖面图 Section
施工单位:一期施工单位 – 湖南金凯园林工程有限公司
别墅区域施工 – 广东潮通建筑总承包工程有限公司
竣工时间:2022 年
Project Name: Shenyu Island Zen Resort Hotel, Baoting, Hainan
Project Address: Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County, Hainan Province, China
Developer: Shenyu Island Cultural Tourism Holdings Co., Ltd.
Design Firm: Chongqing Blue Tone Urban Landscape Planning & Design Co., Ltd.
Construction Firm:
Phase 1 Construction: Hunan Jinkai Landscaping Engineering Co., Ltd.
Villa Area Construction: Guangdong Chaotong Construction Contracting Engineering Co., Ltd.
Architectural Design: Chongqing Haimai Architectural Engineering Design Co., Ltd.
Landscape Area: 40,937 square meters
Completion Year: 2022
Landscape Photography: Xufu Photography
“ 保留原生生态,创建与自然的独特联系,并延续文化传统,打造一个生长于自然间的村落式度假酒店。”
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