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翰博设计:东部海堤重建工程(三期)- 东山段位于南澳街道东山社区,背靠东山村、东渔村、沙浦村,面朝大亚湾,东山段从虎头山延伸至排洪渠一侧,总长 1.1 公里。海陆相依、渔歌相伴的东山最早可追溯到明代,有天后古庙、东山码头以及东山珍珠场旧址等历史地标,也有风格独特的东山渔歌、敬拜妈祖和百工的民间信仰仪式等文化遗存。
HOPE DESIGN:Situated within the Nan’ao community, East Sea Dike Renovation Project (Phase III) – Dongshan Section faces Daya Bay and is bordered by local villages of Dongshan, Dongyu and Shapu. The section extends from Hutou Mountain to one side of the flood discharge channel, spanning a total length of 1.1 kilometers. In the gentle union of sea and shore, with fishermen’s melodies ever echoing in the breeze, Dongshan’s history dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The area celebrates historical landmarks such as the ancient Tianhou Temple, Dongshan Pier, and the former site of the Dongshan Pearl Farm, along with cultural legacies including the distinctive Dongshan fishermen’s songs, Mazu worship, and various folk rituals honoring the craftsmanship of various trades from the bygone eras.
▽东山段鸟瞰图 Aerial view of Dongshan Section

▽渔业为基的东山码头 Dongshan Pier based on fishing

The initial sea wall of the Dongshan Section was constructed with an upright masonry sea wall structure, which has long been troubled by its current low top elevation, fragile build and partial collapses as well as voids. Except for the segment around Dongshan Pier, there was no safety barriers at the top along the rest of the seawall, which was only backed by unpaved dirt roads. The previous sea wall lacked a comprehensive planning during its construction, resulting in poor overall landscape aesthetics. As the fishing industry developed, the pristine streams and wild riverbanks have gradually diminished, despite the area’s vast coastline and rich maritime heritage that still remained largely untapped and in need of systematic development.
The residential areas of the villages are located within the ecological conservation redlines, posing significant challenges for development and construction. The project aims to strengthen the ecological value and buffering function of the sea wall while improving the quality of life for the residents in parallel. The site has been divided into four main zones based on the terrain and the living areas: the Forested Tidal Flat, Fisherman’s Terrace, Tiered Walkway and Tianhou Square.
▽紧邻插望旗山的密林浅滩 Dense Forest shoal near Mount Chuwang Banner

密林浅滩:释放——硬质驳岸与荒地的弹性提升实验 Forested Tidal Flat: To Release – An Experiment in Resilience Enhancement for Hard Revetments and Neglected Lands
The abandoned green spaces on the north side, adjacent to Chawangqi Mountain, naturally foster untouched streams thanks to the abundant rainfall on the Dapeng Peninsula, with sediment accumulation nurturing greenery. However, the establishment of fishing boat dams disrupted the original ecological environment and water cycle. To reinforce the site’s ecological resilience and improve its flood control capacity while attracting public engagement, the project transforms the neglected green areas into a flexible sloping sandy beach, and along the former stream site, a wetland park are also created.
▽密林浅滩 Mi Lin Shoal

▽密林浅滩-沙滩区 Mi Lin Shoal – Beach Area

▽景观装置 Landscape Installation

▽打卡标识 punch card identification

▽儿童互动装置 Interactive installation for children

原有的平坦广阔空间“重生”为景观公共空间,“无形之堤”呈现完整的三重防线系统——外重设置 1.5m 高的含礁石岸线的破浪矮堤,围合、保护内部的小海滩;中间沙滩泳池衰减波浪、增强沉积,沿岸景观步道栽植热带植物,进一步恢复自然岸线形成的排水蓄水下渗功能;地形起伏的草坪缓坡与密林曲径探幽,水渠细流连接山坡排水沟直排入海。
The once flat and extensive space is being “reborn” as a landscaped public space, with an “invisible seawall” presenting a complete triple defense system — an outer wave-breaking embankment rising 1.5 meters high with rocky reefs, enclosing and protecting the small beaches on the inner side; the middle sandy pools dampen waves and encourage sedimentation, with tropical plants along the shoreline further restoring the drainage, storage and infiltration functions of the natural coastline; undulating grassy slopes and lush forests, along with winding paths and trickling channels, link the hillside drainage ditches directly to the sea.
▽湿地溪流与沙滩 Wetland Streams and Beaches

▽密林浅滩-漫步小径 Wetland Streams and Beaches

▽密林浅滩-海浪草坪 Forest Shoal – Wave Lawn

▽密林浅滩-湿地溪流与儿童器材 Dense Forest shoals – Wetland streams and children’s equipment

▽密林浅滩-湿地溪流 Dense Forest Shoals – Wetland Streams

▽生态修复后的清澈溪流 Clear stream after ecological restoration

▽在溪流间横跨的石阶小路 Stone steps across the stream

▽景观标识 Landscape Signs

▽入海河口 Into the sea Estuary

渔夫台:提升——渔夫文化与传统信仰的转译 Fisherman’s Terrace: To Upgrade – The Translation of Fishermen’s Culture and Traditional Beliefs
South of the Forested Tidal Flat formerly laid a community square in the past. Drawing inspiration from the fishermen’s culture, the project devises a multi-layered walkway and rain garden to compose a terraced public space with expansive views. The rain garden, combined with direct discharge pipes, functions as the primary flood and wave control system. Water-themed culture elements are incorporated into the rain garden and high retaining walls as embellishments; moreover, the steps serve as a revetment for boat mooring, retaining its previous function as the fishing boat dock.
▽渔夫台 Fisherman’s Table

▽渔夫台·无障碍通道 Fisherman’s Terrace · Barrier-free Access

▽渔夫台与村落 Fisherman’s Terrace and Village

▽在渔夫台休息的人 People resting at the Fisherman’s platform

▽在渔夫台准备出海的村民 Villagers preparing for sea at Fisherman’s Terrace

▽在渔夫台海钓的人 People fishing at the Fisherman’s Platform

▽印刻历史的海堤 Seawall engraved with history

▽傍晚的渔夫台 Fisherman’s Terrace in the evening

多层步道:保留——向原著社区的内里探索 Tiered Walkway: To Preserve – The Exploration to the Heart of the Indigenous Community
The project preserves the boat-locking function of the fishermen’s terrace. A low-level walkway combined with tidal pools and rocky beaches is embedded in front of the retaining wall, forming a wave-breaking platform that serves both mooring and pedestrian functions. To address the negative visual impact caused by the old fish market square’s aging seawall and overwhelming fences, the project reconstructs the high retaining wall, and a living square, pedestrian pathways, ecological parking lots and recreational facilities behind the sea wall are added to improve the community’s quality of life. Organically integrated with the original pier, the new walkways retain the spontaneous fish market activities initiated by the villagers, becoming part of their everyday life day by day.
▽多层步道 Multi-storey walkway

▽停靠在步道旁边的渔船 Fishing boat parked next to the footpath

▽村民自发形成的鱼市码头 Villagers spontaneously formed a fish market pier

▽在步道上正在钓鱼的人 People fishing on the trail

▽潮汐池 Tidal Pool

▽多层步道与行人 multi-storey walkways and pedestrians

▽儿童娱乐装置 Children’s entertainment equipment

▽生态停车场 Eco Parking

▽用贝壳组成的标识系统 Sign system made of shells

天后广场:存续——传统文化的认同与发展 Tianhou Square: To Sustain – The Recognition and Development of Traditional Culture
Located beside the Dongyu Pier, the ancient Tianhou Temple (temple of the sea goddess Mazu), sits nestled beneath the flourishing foliage of an old banyan tree. The temple, tree and stones intertwine in a timeless bond, standing as guardians of Dongyu Village since the Ming Dynasty. The project involves the restoration of the forecourt of the ancient temple, the renovation of the surrounding sea wall, and the refinement of recreational facilities and ecological signage, infusing new life into this site of rich historical and cultural legacies.
▽天后宫·鸟瞰 Days Harem · Bird ‘s-eye View

▽原址保留下来的榕树 Banyan Tree preserved at the original site

▽人行步道 Pedestrian Walkway

▽通行的村民 Passing villagers

The ancient temple, cradled by the giant banyan’s leafy crown, exists in serene unity with the sea wall and pier, where history and modernity quietly reflect one another.
▽天后宫介绍 Days Harem Introduction

▽天后宫 Days Harem

结语 Conclusion
The East Sea Dike Renovation Project (Phase III) – Dongshan Section demonstrates not only an infrastructure upgrade but also a profound exploration and inheritance of the region’s longstanding maritime culture. The ecological restoration of the Forested Tidal Flat, the cultural expression at the Fisherman’s Terrace, the community integration along the Tiered Walkway, and the historical continuity at Tianhou Square together weave a picturesque tapestry of harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature. Looking ahead, the Dongshan Section of the sea wall will become a vibrant emblem of the Nan’ao community, drawing more to the cadence of tides and height, discover the veiled beaches and woods, and experience the unique coastal charm that it offers.
项目名称:深圳市东部海堤重建工程(三期)- 东山段
图片来源:HOPE- 刘维佳、HOPE- 杨洋、HOPE- 吴梦荻
Project Name: Shenzhen East Sea Dike Renovation Project (Phase III) – Guanhu East Section
Project Location: Dapeng New District, Shenzhen
Client: Shenzhen Water Affairs Bureau
Client of Construction: Shenzhen Public Works Bureau Cultural Sports Water Affairs Engineering Construction Management Center
Contractor: CR Land Urban Operation Management (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
General Design Contractors: Shenzhen Hope Design Co., Ltd., CCCC Water Transportation Consultants Co., Ltd.
Design Consultants: KCAP, FELIXX
Signage Consultants: Shenzhen Updesign Co., Ltd.
Lighting Consultants: Shenzhen MATT Lighting Design & Consulting Co., Ltd.
Image Credit: HOPE-Weijia Liu、HOPE-Yang Yang、HOPE-Mengdi Wu
“ 通过海堤重建,编织出一幅人与自然和谐共生的美好画卷。”
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