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Nomaji:The yard and local sports area of Sipoonlahti Integrated School is a popular place for outdoor activities and meetings. There is plenty of bustle in the yard of the Sipoonlahti school. Even outside school hours. Done in connection with the school’s expansion project the renewed yard area and the new local sports ground now has the capacity to serve 1,200 students as well as residents of the surrounding area.
▽总平面图 Master Plan

Nomaji Landscape Architects were responsible for the design of the school yard area. The target for the design was to create outdoor space, which forms a diverse learning environment, supports the objectives of the curriculum, encourages mobility and offers opportunities for nature observation and contact with nature. The participatory design process made it possible to take into account the wishes and needs of different users. The end result is a yard area that serves both school and nearby residents.
以鼓励探索、娱乐和创新为主题 Yard themes encourage to explore, relax and create new things
The starting point for the design was to bring the learning environment outdoors in the form of different thematic activities and learning paths for different age groups. The yard area is divided into thematic areas located on different sides of the building.
The art yard is transformative, inclusive and inspires to create new thinks. Creativity is encouraged by shapes and variety of colors in the yard. In this part of the yard you can play music, paint, play in the sand and hang works of art on display. The gabions in the yard contain recycled material and spontaneous vegetation. There is also a construction yard nearby, where children can build and play.
In the science yard children are encouraged to explore and observe. In the center of the yard they can follow the stream in the sand, which has been created due to the flow of water. At the end of the stream, water is absorbed for use by the vegetation. The different measurement systems are illustrated with dice stone stripes in the yard, and the natural materials can be explored with the help of structures that enable studying outside. In the yard you can also try swinging, balancing and spinning.

In the story yard you can relax and throw yourself into the world of imagination. In hammocks and climbing nets, you can hang out together or alone and whisper to the horns or listen to stories and secrets. The games and adventures of the imaginary world also continue in the adjacent forest.
More fast-paced activities can be tried out at a local sports area located on the school grounds. There are, among other things, concrete sculptures for skating, small playing fields and a unique parkour rack designed specially for the site. In front of the main entrance is a cast-in-place concrete outdoor auditorium that opens towards the sports area.

材料和植被促进整体统一性 Stimulus and unity with material and vegetation choices
The variety of different materials and colors have been used in the school yard. They bring stimuli and create different moods to different parts of the yard. The set of materials and colors was carefully examined during the design process to ensure that they also matched the color scheme of the building’s facades. Certain themes, such as ecologically treated wood and natural stones, are repeated in different areas of the yard. They create unity in the yard.
Dozens of different tree species have been planted in the yard, including a small tree species park. In addition, extensive meadows have been sown. Greenery increases comfort and meadows in particular support biodiversity. A stormwater wetland is located in the southeast corner of the plot, to which, in addition to the plot’s stormwater, the waters of a wider area are directed. The wetland was integrated into the learning environment by designing a pier that can be used for observing the life in the wetland. The water level is regulated for safety reasons.
The natural materials used in the yard, such as wood and sand, as well as diverse vegetation, allow children to come into contact with nature. It develops children’s immune systems and promotes their well-being. In addition, the environment and its vegetation are important from the point of view of environmental education and illustrating the natural processes.

包容性设计流程,实现最佳结果 Inclusive design process enabling the best result
学校的学生和教职员工参与了校园空间的构思和设计。在设计过程中,通过研讨会和各种任务促进了彼此的包容性。学生们提出想法、讨论校园空间的主题,并共同研究在户外教学的可能性。学生们的这些参与体现在校园里所选择的设施、攀爬架的设计,以及为当地流行的 “stick horse “游戏设计的圆形游戏场。
The school’s students and staff were involved in the yard ideation and design. Inclusion was promoted during the design process through workshops and various tasks. Ideas were drawn, yard themes were commented on, and together was figured out how teaching could be made possible also outdoors. The involvement of the students can be seen, for example, in the equipment choices in the yard, in the climbing frame set they designed, and as an idea of a round shaped play field for a locally popular “stick horse game”.
The school yard is an important everyday environment for children, but at its best it also serves as an important place for recreation and leisure for the residents of the surrounding area. The yard of the Sipoonlahti school is practically like a park. The schoolyard has not been fenced and the areas for different age groups have not been genuinely separated. The yard is shared and the learning environment continues naturally in the adjacent forest. Several yard structures are designed to be versatile, allowing for both learning and play, and both day and evening use. They are also suitable for users of different levels and ages. The use of the yard and the local sports area will continue after the school day, and the yard will be in active use by the residents of the surrounding area even on weekends.

项目地点:芬兰 锡博
状态:第一阶段于 2019年8月完成,第二阶段2020完成
客户:Municipality of Sipoo
设计:Nomaji公司、 Soile Heikkinen(Virearc景观公司),Janne Saario(滑板区)
图片来源:Kuviophoto/Martin Somerchield
Location: Sipoo
Type: Learning environments, schoolyard, sport area
Status: the first phase completed 8/2019, 2nd phase 2020
Client: Municipality of Sipoo
Year: 2016-2018
Design: Nomaji landscape architects Ltd and Soile Heikkinen from Virearc (landscape architecture), Janne Saario (skate area)
Collaborators: Rudanko+Kankkunan and AFKS (architecture)
Photos: c) Kuviophoto/Martin Somerchield
“ ‘无边界’的校园空间可以满足户外教学的需求,让学生亲近自然并在其中探索和学习。”
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